All things RED Dwarf

Toril Toran

Red Shirt
I wanted to start a thread for all the smegheads out there. So, grab your thermos, sandwiches, corn plasters, telephone money, dandruff brush, animal footprint chart, and 1 triple thick condom.
You never know...
(To moderators: if this thread already exists, please delete this one)
I'd say a mod may come along and teleport this to the SciFi forum, but it would mean changing the bulb.

For me Series' 4 and 6 were the best. DNA (S4), White Hole (S4), Psirens (S6), Legion (S6) & Quarantine (S5) are probably my top 5 episodes.

It's all good though. S7 and S8 get a lot of vitriol, but they were OK, just different. Back To Earth aka" "Series 9" gets similar feedback.

Great British humor through and through, with just enough science to keep it sci-fi.

Red Dwarf 's an oddity. I like it but I've never really found it funny. I can't ever remember laughing at it.

Amusing yes, but not actually funny.