Spoilers ALL of season 2 online NOW in French!!

I've read the episode plot descriptions, though between typos, misspellings and a lack of context as the later episodes presume the reader of the plot synopses has seen the preceding episodes, I'm not sure I've spoiled anything for myself.
Merely going by the thumbnails (not having read a synopsis, only the titles), I think we get the following:
-both Noum and Tysess returning (was hinted at but not really confirmed) and apparently with some prominence
-ep 16 seems to show the Prodigies on the bridge of a Protostar-class, quite possibly the prototype they recently blew up, due to timey-wimey wormholes or something
-one new prominent character (Romulan maybe?) among the other Prodigies, featured in some of the thumbnails. Maybe a bit of a replacement for Gwyn among the group, during her absence.
-Gwyn and/or Solum storyline are only visibly featured in the last 4 episodes, though Chakotay is featured in 14. I guess this means that they will switch to her POV from time and time during most or all of the episodes, but the main story per episode will probably be the other storyline for the first 13 or so episodes (rather than a full Gwyn/Solum episode once in a while, a la Stranger Things S2)
-we're getting a tribble and a/the mirror universe, apparently!
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The season references Picard Season 2. Wesley is there and conntected to Gary Seven's agency, we even see Gary's office. Wesley is wearing one of his TNG sweaters. Janeway contacts Beverly, she's wearing the same outfit she wore in Picard Season 3

A stardate early one places the season in 2384
All I want to know is if Janeway & Chakotay finally get together, Kate eluded to a very poignant moment between them which made her teary! So do they finally, after 30 IRL years and over a decade in Prime Timeline, become the couple they should be?!
I don’t speak French but my partner does. Could be a lovely opportunity for us to watch it together.

I wonder if it’s “legal” for Memory Alpha to create content about Le Season Deux now?
More French jokes:



I wonder if it’s “legal” for Memory Alpha to create content about Le Season Deux now?
Nah I'd rather not get the board in trouble.
I don’t speak French but my partner does. Could be a lovely opportunity for us to watch it together.

I wonder if it’s “legal” for Memory Alpha to create content about Le Season Deux now?
This is a stream from a legitimate licenseholder. The fact that it was released early is irrelevant. It is entirely legal for the public to watch (and even to record for personal use with DVR software such as yt-dlp, StreamFab, Audials, or OBS).

Memory Alpha may arbitrarily decide not to cover it, but this doesn't violate the rule against unofficial leaks, and I don't think they have a rule against covering accidental official early releases.
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This is a stream from a legitimate licenseholder. The fact that it was released early is irrelevant. It is entirely legal for the public to watch (and even to record for personal use with a DVR).
I don't think the legality of viewing it was in question.