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I'm just endlessly amused that poor trod-upon Harry Kim is now the only core Voyager character who hasn't shown up in any capacity in any subsequent Star Trek media. (We got Janeway, Chakotay, and the EMH in Prodigy, obviously, Seven and Tuvok in Picard, Tuvok and Tom in Lower Decks, and B'Elanna in the canon Admirals' Logs for Prodigy as the person responsible for building the Dauntless.) As far as I'm concerned, this means he's still an ensign in the 25th century and I will go on believing that until proven otherwise. ;)
Well, your dream is closer than ever to coming true. With Picard committed to the archives, Prodigy's future questionable at best, and Lower Decks nearing its end with no mention of Harry, all TNG-era Trek will soon be over. And if it ends without giving us some sort of update on Harry's career, the "eternal ensign" crowd gets what they want.
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I'm just endlessly amused that poor trod-upon Harry Kim is now the only core Voyager character who hasn't shown up in any capacity in any subsequent Star Trek media. (We got Janeway, Chakotay, and the EMH in Prodigy, obviously, Seven and Tuvok in Picard, Tuvok and Tom in Lower Decks, and B'Elanna in the canon Admirals' Logs for Prodigy as the person responsible for building the Dauntless.) As far as I'm concerned, this means he's still an ensign in the 25th century and I will go on believing that until proven otherwise. ;)
Pedantry this may be, but: Kes? She's still out there in incorporeal form somewhere.

STO does have Kim as a captain, but I'd love a canon update on him.
Certainly not, Kes is a VOY character as well. And don't forget Neelix.

Mea culpa! I was thinking of just the characters who returned to Federation space (and, presumably, to Starfleet-adjacent careers) at the end of the series. But Neelix did pop up as a hologram in Very Short Treks.
Well, Harry was a mannequin and a (mentioned) plate in LD. And no, we never saw if heard him, but we didn't see/hear B'Elanna, either. :nyah:

More serious, they are decidedly ambiguous about S3. They have ideas, certainly, and I could see them pulling in more Voyager cast.
- No reason why Tom couldn't return. He might be up to lieutenant commander at this point. That's the rank that makes the most sense for Harry, too; he probably got a two-grade bump when Voyager returned home.
- With Voyager present, it could easily feature B'Elanna, either in person or as a holographic engine diagnostician.
- Tuvok's been in two series already. Make it an uneven three?
- With the Alpha and Delta Quadrants bridged, Neelix's asteroid colony is in easy reach.
- Kes seems unlikely at this point, but who would have thought Sito Jaxa would come back? Only real problem is explaining the contradictions of "The Gift" and (Oddish looks around to see if Lynx is present) "Fury".
- We could even see an older Naomi Wildman... she's presumably 10 or 11 here, but K'Tarians might be adolescent or even adult at that age.
We could even see an older Naomi Wildman... she's presumably 10 or 11 here, but K'Tarians might be adolescent or even adult at that age.
She was going to be featured in the third season of Picard as a badass Fenris Ranger fighting space pirates. But that was abandoned for time.

June 30!
Well, Harry was a mannequin and a (mentioned) plate in LD. And no, we never saw if heard him, but we didn't see/hear B'Elanna, either. :nyah:

More serious, they are decidedly ambiguous about S3. They have ideas, certainly, and I could see them pulling in more Voyager cast.
- No reason why Tom couldn't return. He might be up to lieutenant commander at this point. That's the rank that makes the most sense for Harry, too; he probably got a two-grade bump when Voyager returned home.
- With Voyager present, it could easily feature B'Elanna, either in person or as a holographic engine diagnostician.
- Tuvok's been in two series already. Make it an uneven three?
- With the Alpha and Delta Quadrants bridged, Neelix's asteroid colony is in easy reach.
- Kes seems unlikely at this point, but who would have thought Sito Jaxa would come back? Only real problem is explaining the contradictions of "The Gift" and (Oddish looks around to see if Lynx is present) "Fury".
- We could even see an older Naomi Wildman... she's presumably 10 or 11 here, but K'Tarians might be adolescent or even adult at that age.

Kim should be more likely to feature a return in S3.

With Torres... since Dawson isn't really interested in acting it seems, I think chances of seeing her might be slimmer than usual.
Then again, with PRO, its a matter of voice acting (so, no live action). As such it would be easier to feature her (unless of course they'd do mocap for animation :D).

Torres has been responsible for development of the SF made Dauntless and 'successful' integration of QS drive into it, so it would be a shame to NOT feature her and see what other engineering breakthroughs she achieved (if any).

As for Kes... yeah, reconciling 'The Gift' with 'Fury' is a tough one, but I suppose its possible that she reverted to her mortal form for whatever reason (a situation that arose on the higher plane perhaps that has yet to be addressed?) which may have messed up her memories a bit and ended up attacking VOY instead (which was thankfully fixed).

So, even if the Fury Kes is the 'original' Kes we know, then its possible she's still alive and just used her abilities to greatly extend her mortal life expectancy (I mean if she can manipulate matter on such a fundamental level like she showcased, reversing her ageing process would be a simple thing - and she DID in fact do that in Fury - but that could have been nothing more than an illusion - or, in order to maintain the younger form she needs her abilities - so she can still do that and just maintain her youthful form indefinitely)

Alternatively, if the Fury Kes was not the original one (like some of the books showed - admittedly those aren't canon), then its possible she's still out there on a higher plane.
With Torres... since Dawson isn't really interested in acting it seems, I think chances of seeing her might be slimmer than usual.
Then again, with PRO, its a matter of voice acting (so, no live action). As such it would be easier to feature her (unless of course they'd do mocap for animation :D).
Like Jonathan Frakes, Levar Burton, and Robert Duncan Macneil, she's transitioned into directing. But sometimes when she directs, she loans her voice. Maybe she could direct a PRO episode.
Like Jonathan Frakes, Levar Burton, and Robert Duncan Macneil, she's transitioned into directing. But sometimes when she directs, she loans her voice. Maybe she could direct a PRO episode.

Direct and give her voice would be both good - if its just about the voice - not getting her to do mocap.
Hmmm... I do think that it would be cool to have her be a holographic engine diagnostician. Kind of like the Leah Brahms that Geordi unintentionally created.

Maybe... but I think there might be too much of a clash between her personality and Jankom's perhaps.
The Doctor was featured in Season 2 not all the time, so perhaps Torres, Paris, Kim, Seven, Icheb and even Naomi could all make appearances in a similar manner (Neelix too since his colony is about 16,000 Ly's away from UFP and a short hop away via the QS drive (either version) or the Proto Warp - or 8 months away at Warp 9.9, half as much at Warp 9.91).

Dawson may be more inclined to do voice acting if she doesn't have to do it all the time.... so, we can see Torres all of several times throughout the season (when she's actually needed).

As a side note:
I wouldn't be surprised if Starfleet decided to send someone to Neelix's asteroid colony to establish formal relations and maybe turn it into a deep space outpost/starbase to extend the range of its ships - sort of like a self sufficient UFP oasis in deep space - perhaps even the Talaxians could become 'provisional members' of the Federation (though apparently, there is an interstellar treaty which prohibits any power from expanding into other quadrants of the Galaxy - that wouldn't prevent the Talaxians from still being 'close allies' with the Federation like the Bajorans were, and allow them to turn their asteroid into a massive UFP starbase - OOH!... what if Starfleet decides to upgrade the asteroid colony into a Yorktown style starbase (upgraded of course to be in line with 24th century tech standards) and a proper way to introduce DQ species to what life in the Federation could be? Aka, same principle as they did in the Kelvin timeline, but here it would be much further out for the purposes of fostering good relations with DQ species.
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