Spoilers ALL of season 2 online NOW in French!!

Might I ask why you are insulting me? Have I insulted you? In my 22 years on this site have I ever insulted you?
No, but you insulted me in your 36th year on this site. I am not linear.
You're offended by the fact that I actually responded to your actual post.
Flabbergasted, not offended.
That I took the wording as literal, shouldn't be shocking. That is how I take all posts. As I have no rational means of determining any other meaning besides what they actually state.
Most people comprehend figurative and contextual speech.
I decided let's use VPN. Well, guess what I still couldn't access the subscriber base to gain access. As it required, not only a Canadian based linked financial account. But also needed a linked Canadian based residential act.
A rare occurrence which can sometimes be solved through a virtual credit card and fictitious address. I have an account with a British streaming site using the postcode of Buckingham Palace and another with an Australian site using an Australian postcode, but I am in America.
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And just to prove a point, I have been using VPN's since about 2008. So I do use them for both stuff I shouldn't and to access materials from outside of the US.

But there is a program in Canada, that has not been immediately available to the US (in fact for most of the last decade) hasn't been made available to the US legally in anyway (there finally was one way paying for a US service that had access for a brief time, that has no also ended). And illegal means weren't available for every episode. I decided let's use VPN. Well, guess what I still couldn't access the subscriber base to gain access. As it required, not only a Canadian based linked financial account. But also needed a linked Canadian based residential act.

It took me finding a Canadian through the internet who was willing to take my money (and use it in the manner we agreed) to set me up as a person on their account (one who could only watch, but had no access to change or see details on the account), so that I wouldn't ever have control over the account or the linked financial information. That took multiple attempts, over about a year before I finally got someone who was trustworthy and actually did it. Of course the specific season of that show had been removed from the service by that point. It was added again a year later (So I did get what I couldn't through other means).

But it took me over a year to get content from Canada even using a VPN. And statistically speaking it's highly unlikely that I would be the only person who has ever come across a similar situation.

Thats all in the free world and not having to travel to Eritrea.
Speaking as a Canadian..... what show was this?!
I've finished S2 in French. It's VERY good IMO, with a REALLY GOOD ENDING. The extra time they had between cancellation and go ahead to complete the animation perhaps allowed a slight rewrite, that dovetailed the end of this show PERFECTLY with the setup AND the conclusion of "Picard". A++

A good buddy asked for spoilers, so I made haikus. I posted the first five earlier, and for lack of a better place to post the rest, here's the full collection. :)

201: Into the Breach, Part 1

New ship, with old Doc
A Secret down in bay three
Four kids, fitting in

202: Into the Breach, Part 2

Gywn is betrayed fast
Kids take shuttle by "mistake"
Her hope is her past

203: Who Saves the Saviors?

Goal found! Jailbreak planned
But the plan imperils Gwyn
Chuckles lost again

204: Temporal Mechanics 101

Study saves the day
Gywn trapped between life and death
Not THAT Future Guy?!

205: The Mystery Spiral

Murph can talk when wet
A hole leads to a window
Gwyn says it's a map

206: Imposter Syndrome

Time to steal a ship
Holocrew don't know who's who
Maj'el didn't lie

207: The Race

The Kazon, like this?
Let's play Mario Kart-Trek!
And Zero takes one.

208 - Veritas?

Zero gets a bod
It's a trap, but not a trap
VoyAger clues in.

209 - The Time-Devouring Scavengers, Part 1

Janeway catches up
They did this on Doctor Who
Clue us in, Wesley!

210 - The Time-Devouring Scavengers, Part 2

Let's chill chez Gary
The body count gets quite high
Seven souls to find one

211 - The Last Flight of the Protostar, Part 1

Chakotay is sad
Kids help him find his mojo
Adreek's plan must work

212 - The Last Flight of the Protostar, Part 2

Protostar ahoy!
But there's still time for DRAH-ma
Fish are friends, not food

213 - A Tribble Named Bribble (sp)

Our ship needs a star
A Klingon science guy helps out
The menace, resolved?

214 - Mirror Universe

We did this back in
Parallels, Twisted, Shattered
But side quests are fun!

215 - Ascension, Part 1

Time to play Top Gun
The Vau'Nakat got bad, fast
Big boss has a Crush

216 - Ascension, Part 2

Two ships in peril
Flying and a sacrifice
Means three point Zero

217 - At the Edge of the Chasm

Two old guys to save
The mission goes wrong, of course
But two make it back

218 - Behind Enemy Lines

Two generations
Free a monster to escape
The old band plays well

219 - Ouroboros, Part 1

The Vau'Nakat launch!
Infiltration once again!
Time to science this crap!

220 - Ouroboros, Part 2

All together now
Put everything in its place
Farewell Prodigies
I'm watching the show in French. It's actually quite fun, seeing what I can understand by context and similar words to those in English or Spanish. I've gotten to Episode 5. Did they ever say
the Vulcan cadet's name?
I'm watching the show in French. It's actually quite fun, seeing what I can understand by context and similar words to those in English or Spanish. I've gotten to Episode 5. Did they ever say
the Vulcan cadet's name?

Someone please feel free to correct the punctuation on this because the closed captions parsed it a few different ways, but…
her name is Maj’el! One of the more fun Easter eggs, in my opinion.
Hi - I have a quick question, but I'll put it behind a spoiler tag just in case.

I see that someone posted a screenshot of Janeway and Jellico in the Picard flashback uniforms (huzzah!), but does anyone know if any other characters are shown wearing these (main characters or background characters) and is it only for one scene in the final episode that they are worn? Thanks
Sometimes "under-appreciated" trumps "good" in the battle for renewal.

I hope not in this case.

That's basically what I meant.
Under appreciated shows tend not to garner a lot of positive noise, which can limit their chances of renewal.
Then again, the show is out of Paramount's hands, S2 was made... and we have no news regarding season 3 or more.
I would like to say though its still early days since not even S2 hadn't been put out for everyone to stream.

I don't like the premise that Netflix is a deciding factor in Prodigy's future though... they have a knack for cancelling good shows.
What species is the character named Maj’El in Season Two?
She's the Vulcan I think?

That's basically what I meant.
Under appreciated shows tend not to garner a lot of positive noise, which can limit their chances of renewal.
Then again, the show is out of Paramount's hands, S2 was made... and we have no news regarding season 3 or more.
I would like to say though its still early days since not even S2 hadn't been put out for everyone to stream.

I don't like the premise that Netflix is a deciding factor in Prodigy's future though... they have a knack for cancelling good shows.
I think it's not likely. The thing with S2 is that they had a complete product to sell, since they presumably ordered production of all 40 episodes and just opted not to air 20 of them. Netflix was paying for a completed show that they knew CBS didn't want, so I assume it wasn't that expensive either. In my mind it's like when they purchase "foreign" shows that are already complete in their home countries.

I honestly would have no idea what would happen if it did extraordinarily well though, but I also assume it'd have to dominate the Netflix charts for it to be a factor.
The fact that a character who was never used by the show's first two seasons was "assigned" to it suggests that tenative plans were in place to do additional seasons. The show's initial cancellation by Paramount probably reduces the odds of this happening, but evidence suggests that the plan was initially there.
he fact that a character who was never used by the show's first two seasons was "assigned" to it suggests that tenative plans were in place to do additional seasons.
Or Garrett Wang was just wrong, or exaggerating the matter. Terry Matalas said it was his own decision to leave Harry Kim out of Picard and added in the same interview "maybe Prodigy will do something with him." Garrett Wang, I suspect is conflating that to mean "Prodigy will do something with him."
I'm just endlessly amused that poor trod-upon Harry Kim is now the only core Voyager character who hasn't shown up in any capacity in any subsequent Star Trek media. (We got Janeway, Chakotay, and the EMH in Prodigy, obviously, Seven and Tuvok in Picard, Tuvok and Tom in Lower Decks, and B'Elanna in the canon Admirals' Logs for Prodigy as the person responsible for building the Dauntless.) As far as I'm concerned, this means he's still an ensign in the 25th century and I will go on believing that until proven otherwise. ;)