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Spoilers Alien Romulus reviews and ratings

Alien Romulus - love or hate (or neither)?

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    Votes: 9 20.9%
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    Votes: 1 2.3%

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I don't think the ending was rushed, and I haven't read or heard of any behind the scenes issues.
I do know that a couple of scenes were cut towards the end of the movie due to pacing issues, and Stan Winston stepped in to do some uncredited VFX work in post production because Rob Bottin had finally collapsed from exhaustion.

Okay, the whole thing where Childs just runs off and disappears until the very end feels abrupt. In the original script instead of stupidly leaving him there ALONE while the rest go to check on Blair, they ALL go together and when they blow up Blair's ship they get attacked by him (it's dark so you can't see what he's turned into, just some monstrous form) and the line they're using gets cut and Childs gets tossed into the storm by the strong winds.

Then when they're in the Generator room they stupidly split up again instead of staying together and predictably this is why Gary is cornered and killed by Blair. Then Nauls just wanders off without telling MacReady (who is a few feet away from him) why he's doing so and this gets HIM killed. Then when the final Blair Monster emerges it...doesn't do anything. It just stands there and growls at MacReady instead of attacking him or knocking the dynamite stick Mac threw at him away. It just lets him throw it and leaves it there to set off the charges and gets blown up.

Considering the entire last act was different from the script when they get back from Blair's shack, they ran out of time/money and we got the rushed ending.
Considering the entire last act was different from the script when they get back from Blair's shack, they ran out of time/money and we got the rushed ending.
Much of the other deaths were different in the Foster-book. Bennings went out more dramatically while Childs and Mac watched in horror. Fuchs was literally axed. Palmer ate Copper's head, Garry was mercy-electrocuted by Mac, Nauls stabbed himself, and Windows (Sanders in the book) was Spanish and bit on a suicide pill. If only the budget hadn't dead-ended, and Foster's Chapter 14 had been adapted as written, 1982's THING would have been at least 33 percent better...and likely earned at least $19 more bucks in its original grosses.:borg:
If only the budget hadn't dead-ended, and Foster's Chapter 14 had been adapted as written
That makes it sound as if the movie was adapting the Foster book, whereas of course it's the other way around. Foster adapted an earlier draft of the script, and his manuscript was finished months before the film went into additional filming. (Carpenter did a pull-down at one stage, stripping the movie of scenes that 'didn't matter' and then shooting new material to both deliver what was needed and to bridge the gaps created by the removals.)
So that's why I was confused.... I've only ever seen the BluRay version of the movie and I thought "well yes this is a bit cringe from some angles but eh it's not as not super terrible as people said???".
What basic problem?
That it looks like a puppet with a Deepfake face and animation on the mouth seemingly done by someone too inexperienced to pull it off convincingly. Some shots work quite well, others not so much.
So that's why I was confused.... I've only ever seen the BluRay version of the movie and I thought "well yes this is a bit cringe from some angles but eh it's not as not super terrible as people said???".
That's pretty much how I feel about the streaming version, so I'm wondering if maybe the change was already implemented in that version.
That it looks like a puppet with a Deepfake face and animation on the mouth seemingly done by someone too inexperienced to pull it off convincingly. Some shots work quite well, others not so much.

Oh..... So not an actual problem. Didn't affect me enjoying the movie. But coolcoolcool.
The edit between prop and Holm in the original Alien is equally bad. Still love movie. Next 'problem'.
I’ve got to be honest, I love this movie. I’m a big fan of the franchise, so I generally like all the films (except AvP crap). But, this movie was really quite good. I love the new leads (Andy and Rain), it’s visually striking, it introduces some interesting new ideas, and it has some genuine scares and gore.

The hybrid thing at the end is nightmare fuel.

Question: was Rook lying about the purpose of the experiments with the compound? We can see clearly what the goo does to the rat…so I assume he was lying.
I’ve got to be honest, I love this movie. I’m a big fan of the franchise, so I generally like all the films (except AvP crap). But, this movie was really quite good. I love the new leads (Andy and Rain), it’s visually striking, it introduces some interesting new ideas, and it has some genuine scares and gore.

The hybrid thing at the end is nightmare fuel.

Question: was Rook lying about the purpose of the experiments with the compound? We can see clearly what the goo does to the rat…so I assume he was lying.

He may have assumed that with more experimentation those effects could be corrected.
Hey! This wasn't a crossover at all! I dint see no Romulans. Tricksey devils! Now I'm definitely not going to see the next installment of this series, Alien: Tatooine. I bet it won't even have any Jedi.
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