a track I made with some samples from an ep of TOS


Hope this is alright to post here, won't be offended if it is removed. When making music I've always looked to inspiration from TV/Film. Odd moments in conversation can give you a sense of direction and areas of exploration. Watching through TOS episode "What are Little Girls Made of?" I found just such a moment when Ruk (played by Ted Cassidy) is talking with Capt. Kirk about what happened to his makers - The Old Ones. Sampling bits of that conversation I made this track.

It's all made on a desktop system, in this case a monophonic synthesizer is generating all sounds (including percussion). They are all sampled and later arranged in a sequence to make the track. I hope some here might enjoy it.

Ha, that's really quite cute. Thanks so much for sharing! And yes, this is absolutely right to post here. In fact, I'd love to see more people creating musical fan art.

I like how you incorporated the Ruk sample in this and I have to say, I wouldn't mind a whole album done in this style, with each track sampling some obscure piece of Star Trek dialog. Would be fun trying to spot where everything comes from.

Musically, I especially like the second half of the track with that melody that sounds totally oriental to me. Come to think of it, because of how this sounds this might have worked really well with a sample from The Cage as well, where we see Vina as an Orion slave.
Ha, that's really quite cute. Thanks so much for sharing! And yes, this is absolutely right to post here. In fact, I'd love to see more people creating musical fan art.

I like how you incorporated the Ruk sample in this and I have to say, I wouldn't mind a whole album done in this style, with each track sampling some obscure piece of Star Trek dialog. Would be fun trying to spot where everything comes from.

Musically, I especially like the second half of the track with that melody that sounds totally oriental to me. Come to think of it, because of how this sounds this might have worked really well with a sample from The Cage as well, where we see Vina as an Orion slave.

Hi Michael,

Glad to hear this didn't break any rules. Appreciate you giving it a listen and sharing your thoughts on this tune and words of encouragement on the concept.

I've made 4 of these over a few years which are based on Star Trek episodes. I don't want to spam the forum here, but one of them was based on The Cage, though not involving the scene you mentioned.
This is it here - https://on.soundcloud.com/gSzRd

It was actually the very first track I made that had this concept. Also the very beginning of getting my current work flow down, a bit rough around the edges and I feel the percussion could be more interesting; Might rework it at some point. But it did get me making music, and a lot of that was The Cage. Watching the scene where those samples are from and trying to communicate what was going on there.

Also happy to post the other two I've made if there is interest. Do want to make more, but it takes time and effort, and a bit of the planets aligned sort of thing..