A new take on the TVH NCC-1701-A


Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
Over a year ago I created a design that was a bit of a merger between TOS and TNG design sensibilities. I also opined that it could serve as an alternate 1701-A design, had the production decided to create a new model for that ship in Star Trek IV rather than use the existing TMP one. So here is a new take on the latter idea.

As usual the top and bottom views will probably follow soon.





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Hmmm. I am not sure wich one I like more, the preveous version, or this one.

On one hand every component, except the impulse engines, on this version is better. I like the bigger secondary hull, the less tall neck, the saucer (with the top half being curved like the constitution-class) and the nacelles. All the details are just great.

On the other hand: Seeing the two ships side by side reminds me of the lamborghini countach from 1974 and the later ones with all the spoilers and panels and stuff. The simplicity of the first one has a certain elegance (just look at the bottom view, its beautiful) that the later one is missing.
Nice design.

A lot of Observation Deck space from what I see. Are the sections of the Observation Deck able to be converted into storage areas or emergency quarters during such times of need?
Slight updates today. I improved some of the stuff in the cutaway view (bridge, shuttlebay and engineering, plus a few details), and made a few adjustments to the outside views (cleaning up the pylon connection to the eng. section and the color of the lower saucer dome). See above.
The secondary hull is artwork all by itself.

Secondary hulls have been lacking detail in recent years, and you are one of the few who have made something worthy for elaborate saucers to rest upon.

The bridge makes me think of Giger’s Harkonen tower in the Jodo DUNE...on screen only In PROMETHIUS
Over a year ago I created a design that was a bit of a merger between TOS and TNG design sensibilities. I also opined that it could serve as an alternate 1701-A design, had the production decided to create a new model for that ship in Star Trek IV rather than use the existing TMP one. So here is a new take on the latter idea.

As usual the top and bottom views will probably follow soon.





Between this and NuTrek's version, yours is MUCH BETTER. Engineering is set correctly, is larger, and the engines are ridiculously large, and neither is the saucer. It's a good blend of the nuTrek but slightly more classic in feeling. Keep up the great work man!