A couple more aliens from behind the scenes

Enterprise engineering concepts
Liking these, but one thing which occurs to me is how much squawking there was right after the movie's release about how big the "brewery" engineering set was. These look like they might be even greater in volume.

I don't think it's the size/volume people were really "squawking" about - It was more of that it looked like a brewery. (You could see the concrete floors & a cinder-block wall!)
Oh, there were plenty of comments about it looking like a brewery and about the concrete floors and cinder-block walls, too, but there were complaints specifically that it was just too big - that there was no way that could possibly be made to fit inside the engineering hull.

Of course, we didn't know then what we know now: that they made the engineering hull bigger, along with everything else.

These concepts would have made a far superior engineering set. I know that there were major cost considerations, but a good dose of CGI may of helped that factor.

Wishful thinking here - Maybe they'll get enough of a budget to finally get a varation this on screen in the next movie. Build only the parts of the sets the actors interact with, and CGI/Matte the rest.

*Remember, Starfleet seems to always do upgrades to their ships between missions(movies). :lol:
I wouldn't be at all opposed to there being such an upgrade made by the time the next movie comes around. These would look really nice on a big screen.
These concepts would have made a far superior engineering set. I know that there were major cost considerations, but a good dose of CGI may of helped that factor.

Before the movie came out, when I read interviews with production staffers saying "We won't use virtual sets, it will all be real," I was all in favor of that. But I think this is one case where, in the absence of sufficient budget to built an engineering set practically, I would've been happy with a virtual set if it had looked like these concept paintings.

captain's chair controls

What in the hell are those buttons on top supposed to do?!?!?

From left to right:

1) Stir coffee
2) Jiggle the TV antenna
3) Hit the TV antenna with a basketball
4) Summon a sergeant (or maybe light the Christmas tree)
5) Order a donut
Liking these, but one thing which occurs to me is how much squawking there was right after the movie's release about how big the "brewery" engineering set was. These look like they might be even greater in volume.

I don't think it's the size/volume people were really "squawking" about - It was more of that it looked like a brewery. (You could see the concrete floors & a cinder-block wall!)
Oh, there were plenty of comments about it looking like a brewery and about the concrete floors and cinder-block walls, too, but there were complaints specifically that it was just too big - that there was no way that could possibly be made to fit inside the engineering hull.

Of course, we didn't know then what we know now: that they made the engineering hull bigger, along with everything else.

These concepts would have made a far superior engineering set. I know that there were major cost considerations, but a good dose of CGI may of helped that factor.

Wishful thinking here - Maybe they'll get enough of a budget to finally get a varation this on screen in the next movie. Build only the parts of the sets the actors interact with, and CGI/Matte the rest.

*Remember, Starfleet seems to always do upgrades to their ships between missions(movies). :lol:
I wouldn't be at all opposed to there being such an upgrade made by the time the next movie comes around. These would look really nice on a big screen.

I think if this Engineering set design was used, then there may not have been such brouhaha about the size of the ship (myself included).

Hopefully the production team is still keeping this concept in their back pocket for possible future use.

Now I'm kind of wondering which engineering we'll see in the Haynes Enterprise Manual. What we saw on screen; the original intention - or a combination of the two?
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I suspect the Haynes Manual will try to fit what we saw on screen, and hopefully elaborate on some in-universe design history.

When I think about the way Engineering looked in TOS, I find that the multiple-warp-chamber idea was a good one, and fit in with TOS in a subtle way.

In TOS, we never saw the ertical/horizontal columns one would expect from a central Warp Core, pointing to a potential alternate arrangement and configuration.

The Engineering section seen in the movie makes sense in general, but I would love to see something akin to these designs.

I love the idea of looking through to the Navigational Deflector, and having a crewman looking out at an unknown phenomenon would be absolutely epic.
These concepts would have made a far superior engineering set. I know that there were major cost considerations, but a good dose of CGI may of helped that factor.

Wishful thinking here - Maybe they'll get enough of a budget to finally get a varation this on screen in the next movie. Build only the parts of the sets the actors interact with, and CGI/Matte the rest.

*Remember, Starfleet seems to always do upgrades to their ships between missions(movies). :lol:
I wouldn't be at all opposed to there being such an upgrade made by the time the next movie comes around. These would look really nice on a big screen.

According to The Art of the Film, Scott Chambliss wanted to build an engineering set but ran out of money, so I think they'll put their sequel resources towards a refit engineering hull. It reminds me of what Chris Nolan told Empire Online about Batman: on the first one they put their R&D into his vision of the Batmobile, and on the second they made the Batsuit the way he wanted it originally.
I suspect the Haynes Manual will try to fit what we saw on screen, and hopefully elaborate on some in-universe design history.

With new/official "super-size" of the the Enterprise, it's looks to me that they could easily merger the two together. As to say - What we saw on screen was only a few sections of Engineering, and the main/other section we've yet to see.
These concepts would have made a far superior engineering set. I know that there were major cost considerations, but a good dose of CGI may of helped that factor.

Before the movie came out, when I read interviews with production staffers saying "We won't use virtual sets, it will all be real," I was all in favor of that. But I think this is one case where, in the absence of sufficient budget to built an engineering set practically, I would've been happy with a virtual set if it had looked like these concept paintings.

captain's chair controls

What in the hell are those buttons on top supposed to do?!?!?

From left to right:

1) Stir coffee
2) Jiggle the TV antenna
3) Hit the TV antenna with a basketball
4) Summon a sergeant (or maybe light the Christmas tree)
5) Order a donut

6) Adjusts the thermostat to 72 degrees F

Honestly, I don't really care for either design. Not in the context of the TREK universe and continuity anyways. Maybe in some other film.