A couple more aliens from behind the scenes

As per usual, the concept art shows that the VFX team really took Church's overall excellent version of the Enterprise in the wrong direction.

Besides the bussard color and the deflector dish, they aren't THAT different, certainly not enough for me to understand why someone would like one and not the other...
Besides the bussard color and the deflector dish, they aren't THAT different, certainly not enough for me to understand why someone would like one and not the other...

Well, it's the little things--the proportions of the engines relative to the rest of the ship, the spacing of said engines, the length and curvature of the nacelle pylons, the hull detailing, the rim of the saucer, the thickness of the saucer, the shape of the bridge dome, the "planetary sensor dome" (or whatever that is on the bottom of the saucer), the retention of the copper rings behind the deflector dish now seemingly encased behind a glass dome, and, yes, the bussards and the deflector dish.

The design needs more development that this, obviously, but I would like to have seen it evolve in a direction other than modifying the proportions and grafting movie refit details all over the hull. Church's decision to take what's clearly the original 1960s ship and reinterpret it through an organic "technology unchained" lens feels fresh, and I think the final version deserved more of that and less of what we got. (Which is not to say I hate what we saw in the film, I just don't love it either. It certainly doesn't have the same impact, IMO, that these concept paintings do.)
The sad thing for me about the new alien pics is that it is entirely likely that is ALL we will ever see or know about them. Old school Trek made a point to create names and planets and histories for it's aliens...
Besides the bussard color and the deflector dish, they aren't THAT different, certainly not enough for me to understand why someone would like one and not the other...

Well, it's the little things--the proportions of the engines relative to the rest of the ship, the spacing of said engines, the length and curvature of the nacelle pylons, the hull detailing, the rim of the saucer, the thickness of the saucer, the shape of the bridge dome, the "planetary sensor dome" (or whatever that is on the bottom of the saucer), the retention of the copper rings behind the deflector dish now seemingly encased behind a glass dome, and, yes, the bussards and the deflector dish.

The design needs more development that this, obviously, but I would like to have seen it evolve in a direction other than modifying the proportions and grafting movie refit details all over the hull. Church's decision to take what's clearly the original 1960s ship and reinterpret it through an organic "technology unchained" lens feels fresh, and I think the final version deserved more of that and less of what we got. (Which is not to say I hate what we saw in the film, I just don't love it either. It certainly doesn't have the same impact, IMO, that these concept paintings do.)

The sad thing for me about the new alien pics is that it is entirely likely that is ALL we will ever see or know about them. Old school Trek made a point to create names and planets and histories for it's aliens...

Sometimes it did, sometimes it didn't. Robert Fletcher did that for the background aliens in TMP, but we still know nothing about the various background ambassadors in "Journey to Babel," and the only information that's out there about the background aliens from The Voyage Home was invented by the creators of a tie-in RPG, not by the filmmakers themselves (though the production crew did have informal nicknames for one or two of the species, such as the Efrosians). There's a similar dearth of information about the background aliens from TFF, TUC, many TNG episodes, DS9, etc. If anything, Fletcher's thoroughness with the TMP aliens was the exception, not the rule.
The sad thing for me about the new alien pics is that it is entirely likely that is ALL we will ever see or know about them. Old school Trek made a point to create names and planets and histories for it's aliens...

No. If you're talking about ST:TMP, then the UFP alien race names and mini-biographies were made up by costume designer, Robert Fletcher, and although his notes made it into places like the souvenir movie program, and a few gum cards, and "The Making of TMP", they weren't necessary noticed or accepted by future productions. Many of the alien ambassadors' distinctive outfits were given to brand new UFP aliens in ST IV. For example, in ST IV, the Tellarites wear TMP Kazarite robes, and a human female wears a TMP Arcturian's leather uniform. Other humanoids wear TMP Zaranite suede with new turbans, and the ST IV Zaranites are presumed as such because they are wearing the old TMP breathing masks.

Similarly, the bar scene of ST III had lots of quirky aliens, none of whom were named, or ever seen again. Ditto most of the aliens of ST V.

The ST IV aliens were named by FASA RPG, with only the Efrosian named in production materials (a caption in an official still) - and the ST VI novelization ended up branding the same race (the new UFP President) a Deltan!
One more alien

^ Is he the same one whose back you see in the shuttleport / ship assignments scene? I think he may have turned up in the DVD preview vid, as well.
^ Is he the same one whose back you see in the shuttleport / ship assignments scene? I think he may have turned up in the DVD preview vid, as well.

Yes he's the one.
We can briefly see a side view of his face too and the beards seem to match.
Love the original Enterprise design, the engineering and the bridge concepts. Shame these didn't make it into the movie.
Agreed. It's amazing how much work they put into the Enterprise and how much worse that made it than the concept art.
The sad thing for me about the new alien pics is that it is entirely likely that is ALL we will ever see or know about them. Old school Trek made a point to create names and planets and histories for it's aliens...

No. If you're talking about ST:TMP, then the UFP alien race names and mini-biographies were made up by costume designer, Robert Fletcher, and although his notes made it into places like the souvenir movie program, and a few gum cards, and "The Making of TMP", they weren't necessary noticed or accepted by future productions. Many of the alien ambassadors' distinctive outfits were given to brand new UFP aliens in ST IV. For example, in ST IV, the Tellarites wear TMP Kazarite robes, and a human female wears a TMP Arcturian's leather uniform. Other humanoids wear TMP Zaranite suede with new turbans, and the ST IV Zaranites are presumed as such because they are wearing the old TMP breathing masks.

Similarly, the bar scene of ST III had lots of quirky aliens, none of whom were named, or ever seen again. Ditto most of the aliens of ST V.

The ST IV aliens were named by FASA RPG, with only the Efrosian named in production materials (a caption in an official still) - and the ST VI novelization ended up branding the same race (the new UFP President) a Deltan!

One of the things that annoys me the most about Trek is its tendency to make so many of its alien races anecdotal - either one dimensionl, one episode wonders or background aliens never to be seen again. I was so annoyed that Andorians, Deltans, and Tellarites are almost entirely absent from TNG in favour of carbon-copied but less interesting aliens like the Bolians, Betazoids, Zak-dorns etc. At least Babylon 5 had the good sense to have a bible of alien races from which it departed relatively rarely.

The new movie is showing that it has every intention of continuing the Trek legacy. It looks like an Edoan, barks like an Edoan but its a completely different species that we'll never see again. Yay.

I'm happy for them to make existing alien races look a bit cooler (salt monster = good; klingons = good) but I'm not really in favour of hundreds of new background species just to give the make-up desingers something to spend their budget on. :rolleyes: