A couple more aliens from behind the scenes

RE: Engineering Concept

That's exactly what I was expecting to see in the movie - an updated TMP Engineering set-up but with bigger engineering components. Whoever designed that concept art deserves a bonus.

Maybe though, the concept art depicts what the ejected dilithium chamber sections actually do look like in their on-board set-up, we never actually got to see that part of engineering did we ?

All we got was the fuel pods and some deuterium feed pipes.

Hopefully, we will see something like that concept art in the next film.
I hadn't picked up on this when watching the movie, but those look like shortwave-radio antennas sticking up in several places -- just about the size you'd use for 11-meter-band voice communication while driving around in an automobile. Heh.

Enterprise engineering concepts
Liking these, but one thing which occurs to me is how much squawking there was right after the movie's release about how big the "brewery" engineering set was. These look like they might be even greater in volume.

Nice hippie shades, dude. :cool:

And that's just a great shot. :D
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Could you reup the bridge concept shots? I can't seem to view them. Everything else is great though, especially the engineering shots.
I fucking LOVE LOVE LOVE that second Phase 2 concept.

I really hope they tweak the bridge a little for the second film. I liked it, but I really hope it has more color next time like these concepts.
Can anyone tell me where I can see the original design of the Abramsprise by Church you're speaking of?

Here, here, here and here. A good number of these are right in this thread. They're all variations on a theme, but many of us like them better than what the effects team turned it into.

Thanks for finding those for me. I'm not much of a design-oriented kind of guy, so from the thumbnails it was hard for me to see the difference, but those do look a tad better than the ship on screen, well, better in regards to the neck and front of the secondary hull.
You know looking at the first engineering concept, It looks like the end of that room is the front of the bussard collector on the nacelles. That looks to be INSIDE the nacelle itself. Thats pretty awesome.
To be fair, I've met or known more than a few kids and teens into TREK. But almost all of them had parents and/or siblings who are or were also into the franchise so that is a big influence and help. I don't think too many kids would get into TREK independent of family influences and tastes.
One of the things that annoys me the most about Trek is its tendency to make so many of its alien races anecdotal - either one dimensionl, one episode wonders or background aliens never to be seen again. I was so annoyed that Andorians, Deltans, and Tellarites are almost entirely absent from TNG in favour of carbon-copied but less interesting aliens like the Bolians, Betazoids, Zak-dorns etc. At least Babylon 5 had the good sense to have a bible of alien races from which it departed relatively rarely.

I agree completely. There's too much potential that's either not used, or is only explored in non-canon media and can be effectively ignored by the studio. Whereas a series like B5 or Star Wars can take a random background alien who might appear for all of five minutes and create a full description of the race and culture and how they relate to the rest of the universe.
One of the things that annoys me the most about Trek is its tendency to make so many of its alien races anecdotal - either one dimensionl, one episode wonders or background aliens never to be seen again. I was so annoyed that Andorians, Deltans, and Tellarites are almost entirely absent from TNG in favour of carbon-copied but less interesting aliens like the Bolians, Betazoids, Zak-dorns etc.
I go back and forth on that sort of thing. Redundant alien species seem silly to me, but too much repetition of less-major species can make the universe seem small, which is often a problem with Trek in general. At the end of the day, though, I'd rather see one species developed in two appearances than replaced with a redundant species in a second appearance.
What no green girls? There was a whole featurette for them on the blu-ray. Let's get on this lucky international folks who got the pic early! :)
Enterprise engineering concepts
Liking these, but one thing which occurs to me is how much squawking there was right after the movie's release about how big the "brewery" engineering set was. These look like they might be even greater in volume.

I don't think it's the size/volume people were really "squawking" about - It was more of that it looked like a brewery. (You could see the concrete floors & a cinder-block wall!)

These concepts would have made a far superior engineering set. I know that there were major cost considerations, but a good dose of CGI may of helped that factor.

Wishful thinking here - Maybe they'll get enough of a budget to finally get a varation this on screen in the next movie. Build only the parts of the sets the actors interact with, and CGI/Matte the rest.

*Remember, Starfleet seems to always do upgrades to their ships between missions(movies). :lol:
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Those engineering concepts are so fucking superior over that brewery set. And in addition they even look like people spent some thought on designing it similar to the TMP engine room.
Those engineering concepts are so fucking superior over that brewery set. And in addition they even look like people spent some thought on designing it similar to the TMP engine room.

Yeah, agreed completely. You would think that with all the TMP homages/winks in the film, engineering would be a shoo-in for some TMP-style touch-ups.