A couple more aliens from behind the scenes


Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
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It's the Beatles!!!

[Click on image for larger size. - M']
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^ What's Pine doing with Yelchin's hair in that one shot?

Space Therapist, that's a bit large. Could it be resized or put behind a thumbnail so that it doesn't stretch the page?
Looks like they designed some pretty cool new aliens. It's a shame they're barely visible in the movie.
^ What's Pine doing with Yelchin's hair in that one shot?

He's just messing around with it and they are laughing about something.

By the way, they had this chess tournament and Yelchin used to kick Greenwood's ass. So when in the documentary Greenwood is supposed to talk about Yelchin he just stares for a few seconds:

and goes : Next !:lol:
those pics are awesome Chris and the rest of the cast by the way I love the ones where Chris is wearing his yellow jumper cool.
By the way, they had this chess tournament and Yelchin used to kick Greenwood's ass. So when in the documentary Greenwood is supposed to talk about Yelchin he just stares for a few seconds:

and goes : Next !:lol:
That's funny. :D
2 Klingons.It is mentioned they are not in full make-up. Just the parts visible through the helmets

Sulu's console

captain's chair controls


Klingon prisoners

Another alien starfleet officer

Quinto's brother as a Romulan

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As per usual, the concept art shows that the VFX team really took Church's overall excellent version of the Enterprise in the wrong direction.
I love that they went to so much trouble for many details that appeared for only a second or two, in the background.

The casual audience probably didn't notice them but it gives the fans something to look for. :)
It bugs me that on the command chair's arm controls, "Hail" and "Fire" are right next to each other. One slip of the finger could start a war. :D

(Seriously, those look more like status lights than buttons.)

Is that a Gorn in the background in the first Klingon prisoners picture?
It bugs me that on the command chair's arm controls, "Hail" and "Fire" are right next to each other. One slip of the finger could start a war. :D

Well, the other reality had "Alert" and "Jettison Pod" right next to each other...
I thought there was a salt vampire see when I was listening to the Trek Cast the guy from trekmovie said there was a member of the salt vampire species maybe I was wrong anyway those pics are awesome.