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  1. S

    News Section 31 news thread

    That kinda tracks, but again would translate to it being part of the unnamed Federation intelligence agency rather a sub-department within Starfleet (because they wear civilian clothing and no commbadges). FWIW, in the Litverse, the agency is noted as reporting to the Federation Science...
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    News Section 31 news thread

    Not really, our PoV has been universally that of Starfleet personnel, so it makes sense that we haven't seen any civilian intelligence agency (though it's possible that Federation Security, like the FBI, has both security and intelligence functions for the Federation as a whole, whereas wholly...
  3. S

    News Section 31 news thread

    Starfleet Intelligence seems to combine elements of both External and Military Intelligence. Starfleet Security at least on occasion appears to cover Internal, with input from Internal Affairs (which may be the same department as the Starfleet Inspector General and is certainly focused...
  4. S

    News Section 31 news thread

    IDK that it's laughably absurd that the Federation only has two intelligence agencies that we've encountered, particularly given the level of integration between civilian and "military" functions present in the Federation compared to the highly fractured and often redundant IC and LE structure...
  5. S

    Selected Ships of the 23rd Century Star Fleet

    Mostly in the sense of potentially being better at (though both are capable of) non-combat and particularly science applications. Not during it's original era AFAIK, though licensed media and maybe even canon does describe it as either frigate or destroyer for the TNG+ era sans the Deep Space...
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    Selected Ships of the 23rd Century Star Fleet

    At least in displacement terms, yeah AFAIK, the Miranda-class was a cruiser not a frigate? There certainly are, however my point is that I prefer the terms "cutter" (lightly armed patrol vessel with some science capacity) and "escort" (medium to heavily armed vessel designed for combat and...
  7. S

    Selected Ships of the 23rd Century Star Fleet

    IMO more command ship or tender than super-carrier. Yup. A modern combat-optimized version might be a Battlecruiser. To the extent these are separate things, the Cruiser should be above both the Heavy and Standard Frigate, as it is likely to be a generalist workhorse, whereas they are...
  8. S

    Disaster - Peak TNG

    YMMV, but IMO 10 (+1 via retcon) years of implicit and explicit references to him being a Chief (Petty Officer/Specialist) in dialogue, including specific references to his transfer from the E-D being a promotion trump a long running but inconsistent wardrobe element. But then I'm probably...
  9. S

    A Next Gen Reboot?

    Agreed. Into Darkness was actually slightly more successful than '09 financially, at least according official figures, whereas Beyond only did about as well as '09, which accounting for inflation makes it a good bit less successful, though TBF all of them may at least a small profit. Absolutely.
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    A Next Gen Reboot?

    IMO the fact they haven't made one in seven to eight years and the main reason touted was that they couldn't afford to the budget needed to do so given the limited predicted return on investment is suggestive.
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    CBS/Paramount sues to stop Axanar 2 - Electric Boogaloo-Fanboys gone WILD-too many hyphens

    Which was kinda junk terminology-wise, it should have been the Federation-class Battleship instead. And the Dreadnought was itself a Battleship, so it's effectively doubling down on the stupidity. Though I agree with the broad thrust of the material absent of the use of the designation of...
  12. S

    Brainstorm - Starfleet Marines (alittle different)

    Proposal for the first level strategic level contingent, which was almost certainly moved to an entirely administrative formation under Starfleet Security as part of the post-Khitomer reorganisation: EF Force (~15,000 personnel): Force Commander (Major General) Logistics and Support Unit: led...
  13. S

    CBS/Paramount sues to stop Axanar 2 - Electric Boogaloo-Fanboys gone WILD-too many hyphens

    I mean they weren't exactly wrong about that, but Axanar was never going to be that alternative. OTOH, at least a couple of their more well known rivals actually did take a pretty good crack at that element.
  14. S

    CBS/Paramount sues to stop Axanar 2 - Electric Boogaloo-Fanboys gone WILD-too many hyphens

    Okay, so you're saying that in SFB dreadnoughts are inferior to battleships? That makes no sense.
  15. S

    CBS/Paramount sues to stop Axanar 2 - Electric Boogaloo-Fanboys gone WILD-too many hyphens

    Yeah, I mean could there be a "klingon dreadnought"? Maybe, certainly the idea that they (unlike Starfleet typically) have a bigger, nastier battleship type design that is wholly dedicated to combat is plausible, nor is it implausible that the "class name" of said vessel translate to "fearless...
  16. S

    Garak vs. Obrien, who is Bashirs best friend?

    For a while, yes. What doesn't Garak have a complicated attitude towards? Seems plausible. Again, I'd go with that. Definately. As he once imfamously said. "Everything is true... especially the lies."
  17. S

    Garak vs. Obrien, who is Bashirs best friend?

    Dr Kelas Parmak. Referenced in passing in The Die is Cast as Tain's personal physican who was interrogated by Garak, leading to some time in a labor camp. He and Garak encountered each while working with a volunteer medic unit after the Dominion War and they reconciled, with Parmak later...
  18. S

    Disaster - Peak TNG

    I'm by no means an expert, but that's sounds about right. Though it should be noted that navies are particularly strict on this, most other armed forces tend to grade all commissioned officers save medical/health services (and presumably most science officers). Unrestricted line officers are...
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    Brainstorm - Starfleet Marines (alittle different)

    Thoughts on the operational/tactical level units that might have transferred over to Starfleet Security to some extent post-Khitomer: Federation Expeditionary Forces Organization: Operations: EF Commando Squad (12-16 personnel): Squad Leader (LT or SWO) Commando Teams: Typically include a...