Spoilers Star Trek: Discovery 3x11 - "Su'Kal"

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Discovery' started by Commander Richard, Dec 23, 2020.


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  10. 1 - Terrible!

  1. GothicPudding

    GothicPudding Lieutenant Junior Grade Red Shirt

    Oct 30, 2020
    There were a couple of possibilities that I see that could explain how Discovery was located. There was caution raised last week about the Emerald Chain range extenders possibly being used to track Discovery. Another possibility is that someone told Osyraa about the location of Discovery, presumably either Vance or Booker.
    SolarisOne and KennyB like this.
  2. Jadeb

    Jadeb Commodore Commodore

    Jul 11, 2017
    J.D. and KennyB like this.
  3. Tim Thomason

    Tim Thomason Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    May 27, 2009
    USS Protostar
    My money's on Vance, but there is an outside possibility of it being Willa or some unseen (or hardly seen) side-character that they throw in as a last-minute traitor.
  4. Precious Tritium

    Precious Tritium Commander Red Shirt

    Nov 24, 2018
    Not sure if it’s considered blasphemy or not, but I think both Michael and Tilly have shown they’re more suited to the captain’s chair than Saru. Not that I don’t like Saru, but I think his talents lay elsewhere.
  5. Ryan Thomas Riddle

    Ryan Thomas Riddle Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 26, 2003
    Just finished this episode, and I didn't think I could be even more frustrated as I was with the recent two-parter. But I found this episode just frustrating as hell, especially during the endgame.

    I've come to the conclusion that this season is just not for me. This season has all the problems of the first season magnified... including an unnecessary side trip to the Mirror Universe. The only thing that could make this season better for me is if Michael becomes captain at the end.

    The things that I did enjoy about this episode:
    • Su'Kal. Great performance. Hands down. No argument there. And I loved Michael pretending to be a program so she could connect with Su'Kal.
    • Culber's character arc in this episode of wanting to help someone that is as lost in a scary place as he once was.
    • The character beats with Adira, Stamets, and Gray.
    • Michael being both objective about the mission and supportive of both Tilly and Saru.
    • Tilly taking the chair and her stand-off banter with Osyraa.
    • The mythic aspect of the story — facing your greatest fear or demons in order to move forward.
    Things that really bothered me:
    • The in-action of the crew during Osyraa's takeover. Look, I get that easily taking the ship is an old Trek troupe-cum-cliche. But the crew does NOTHING. Absolutely nothing to repel the borders. I get Tilly is inexperienced and this is going to be her big mistake to fix in the next episode, but the writers dumbed her way down to make this happen. Tilly knows the rule book, the regs, and would know to secure the Spore Drive, or lock out the ship's computer. Also the rest of the crew is pretty doe-eyed during the attack.
    • Side note: seems Saru's arc this season is that he might not be completely ready for the captaincy.
    • Speaking of Osyraa... could she be more of an RKO serial villain? Or a silver-aged mad super villain out to destroy the world... just cause? Beyond her desire to rule the galaxy's dilithium and profit from it, I don't get her beef with the Feds. Or Saru, for that matter. He bested her once and now he's her arch-nemesis. I mean it's step up from Silver-Age Superboy causing Lex to lose all his hair... I guess. She has no nuance. But then again, Discovery isn't very good at nuance.
    • Also Su'Kal caused the burn because he merged with the dilithium on the planet and sends out... some hand-wavey something I still don't grok. Like one person's temper tantrum destroyed all the dilithium and blew up a bunch of starships?
    • Which once again leads me to... I don't give two shits about the Burn or this entire arc.
    Like I said, this season isn't for me. I'll stick it out these last two episodes, but I hope Disco has the even season curse and the fourth season is better than the third. Cause the odd seasons just have too many issues.
    Michael, Firebird and DarKush like this.
  6. Fateor

    Fateor Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    May 18, 2017
    Saru... General Order 24...

    That "child" is the biggest mass murderer in history, and his continued existence is a threat for the Burn to repeat itself.

    Also Tilly is the worst Captain ever...

    Also it's great that Osyraa can apparently track Discovery anywhere in the universe now. And knows everything there is to know about the ship and it's spore drive, up to and including the super secret fact that Stamets is the only one capable of moving it.
    Deledrius, fatewemake and DarKush like this.
  7. Lakenheath 72

    Lakenheath 72 Commodore Commodore

    Sep 28, 2014
    I am reading comments where the posters think that this is an inside job. That makes sense to me, as they knew where to land personnel and how to control the spore drive operator. The quickness of the mind control device reminded me of Loki's staff in the first Avengers movie, where, if he touched the person with it, they became his slave.
    DarKush likes this.
  8. Fateor

    Fateor Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    May 18, 2017
    An inside job from who?

    There are only two 32nd century people on their ship, so unless you think it's the cat...
    Tim Thomason likes this.
  9. picardjean-luc

    picardjean-luc Captain Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
    I want to see an army of holographic Rommie :hugegrin:;)
  10. Tim Thomason

    Tim Thomason Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    May 27, 2009
    USS Protostar
    Osyraa's grand knowledge of everything (other than what to say when jumping... another lazy callback to the Lower Decks joke) could or at least should be indication that she has a source, either on the Discovery or in Federation HQ that is giving her information. It might be unwilling, perhaps some type of implant in Ryn or tracking device on Book's ship or something. Or... oh my God...

    It's Grudge. She's the traitor.
    ThreeEdgedSword likes this.
  11. Lakenheath 72

    Lakenheath 72 Commodore Commodore

    Sep 28, 2014
    Those two weren't the only 32nd century people who were familiar with the Discovery. She was retrofitted for three weeks at the Federation HQ and her spore drive technology was known to the Ni'Var government.
  12. Tim Thomason

    Tim Thomason Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    May 27, 2009
    USS Protostar
    Did they drop the Detmer storyline? Or is she going to use her super-PTSD powers to save the day?
  13. thribs

    thribs Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 23, 2017
    I knew putting Tilly in charge was a bad idea. :)
    That thing Stanmets had at the end reminded me of something else but I can’t place it.
  14. Lakenheath 72

    Lakenheath 72 Commodore Commodore

    Sep 28, 2014
    For me, it reminded me of Loki's scepter from the first Avengers. The immediate cessation of resistance, the changing of the eye color, the servile obedience to the holder of the mind control device.
  15. NCC-73515

    NCC-73515 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 18, 2019
    Grudge walked differently, that's why she's in sickbay - she has a bug in her paw? XD
    SJGardner, DaveyNY and Tim Thomason like this.
  16. starfleettanner

    starfleettanner Commander Red Shirt

    Mar 4, 2019
    Yeah I noticed that too. Really made an improvement from the last time we saw her. Less Wicked Witch look. Also even had her hair done better.
  17. Kzinti

    Kzinti Captain Captain

    Apr 5, 2019
    that episode was just okay not as great as the last 3 but not as bad as unification which in retrospect should have given it a 4 and not 6
  18. Markonian

    Markonian Fleet Admiral Moderator

    Jun 2, 2012
    Derbyshire, UK
    Waiting for the international release.

    Do we get to see any new ships in this ep?
    Like the KSF Kiev, maybe?
  19. guyute03

    guyute03 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Feb 27, 2003
    Just watched. Gave it a 6. Not happy. Feel like they have just fumbled this Burn story immensely.
    the Sisko likes this.
  20. KennyB

    KennyB I have spoken............ Moderator

    Jul 19, 2001
    Tokyo Japan
    To me this was the first 10 of the season...........I did figure out it was the child but otherwise I had no idea where they were going. Unlike other Treks that had the ship taken over MULTIPLE times, I did not expect them to actually lose control to the boarding party. It did not matter WHO was in the chair.........with the inside info, their fate was sealed already. I hope it's not a Badmiral again. Book would be really amazing as a double agent this whole time, but I don't think it's him. Looking forward to see what happens next.....I really have no clue at this point. Maybe in the end it IS the Admiral, Saru will become CIC and Burnham will get a shot at the chair............anything could happen.
    Deledrius, Nerys Myk, Gilora and 5 others like this.