Spoilers Combined Star Trek SDCC Coverage thread (potential Disco S2 spoilers)

People should start admitting that Disco is a failed project. They put S3 far away in the future so it can’t do any more harm to the franchises canon.

Also the Georgiou/S31show is could still get canceled in favor of the Pike show...
Will you please share with the rest of us whatever it is your smokin'...
Cause it seems to be quite a mind-bending substance for you to have such quantifiable insight from waaay off in left field of this universe.

(it's a well known fact that Trolls come from that part of the Universe as well)
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People should start admitting that Disco is a failed project. They put S3 far away in the future so it can’t do any more harm to the franchises canon.

Also the Georgiou/S31show is could still get canceled in favor of the Pike show...
Facts...? No? Then I can dismiss this just as easily as it was stated.
Because Seven is her slave name. Plenty of time has passed to go back to her real name.

I never saw Seven as a slave name. It's the name she grew up with. Who are you to say what she should have over what she prefers.
I never saw Seven as a slave name. It's the name she grew up with. Who are you to say what she should have over what she prefers.
Just feels like the natural way it will go. Also, didn’t the Doctor say he can get rid of her implants in the last episode?
Honestly though, I think that if PIcard is a runaway hit, it will hurt the longer-term future for Discovery - even if Season 3 ends up being good (in terms of both reception and ratings). The execs will feel they found their new flagship and start shifting resources around to Discovery's detriment, and CBS will feel if the show is "on the bubble" there is enough other Trek stuff coming out to retire it.
This is 100% spot on.
Because Seven is her slave name. Plenty of time has passed to go back to her real name.
But that's not who she is. Her choosing to keep her name and owning it defines her on an existential level. She is Seven of Nine. Annika Hansen is a little girl who died 40 some years ago because of negligent parenting.
But that's not who she is. Her choosing to keep her name and owning it defines her on an existential level. She is Seven of Nine. Annika Hansen is a little girl who died 40 some years ago because of negligent parenting.
LoL! They were pretty shitty parents. :)
I wonder what the Fed ships will look like? Hopefully they go more with the new STO aesthetic for the early 25th century ones. I like that bright white and black look.
People should start admitting that Disco is a failed project. They put S3 far away in the future so it can’t do any more harm to the franchises canon.

Also the Georgiou/S31show is could still get canceled in favor of the Pike show...

And you should admit that this post is not based on any facts or statistics whatsoever. The only fact that matters is a third season is getting made.
But yeah, I forgot: When they do this for TOS, it's a 'crutch' and 'fanwank' and 'needless fanservice'; but for a TNG based series ts 'logical' and very welcome.

Just answering this one:
"Picard" is a very specific sequel, to a very specific character, played by a very specific character. Recurring elements from this character's history there is not "fanwank" or "needless fanservice". It's following up on core part of this very character's story.

If OTOH there was a new Trek show in the post-TNG time, on a fresh new starship, with new characters, and a fresh young actor as lead - THEN it would be "fanwank" if all they ever did was to introduce TNG/VOY/DS9-characters or elements or follow up plot-threads from there.

Apples to oranges. If they do a Pike-show - no one is going to complain that it will carry over recurring characters from DIS, like Pike, SPock, No. 1, Sarek or Empress L'Rell. Because they would belong there. But it would be fan-service if they then continue to introduce completely unrelated TOS elements like Horta, the Doomsday machine or the Gorn. Should be easy to understand, right?
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How can people think Disco is in trouble because they are making another show to keep Trek consistently on the air? Disco likely has a loose 7 year plan as the anchor show with several shows like Picard ( 3 years tops) and S31, maybe a short Pike show, lower decks, all getting a chance to exist because of Disco. The trek to the future also sets up a chance for another show set in that time period.

I know there will be whiners when S3 airs claiming it ruined Trek for merely mentioning the Federation, then some who are pissed about how the Federation is not consistent with Gene's vision or those who will be pissed if it doesn't. Same as the Picard haters who are pissed that we got a cameo from Seven, a subplot involving Data/B4 ( that was basically promised in NEM) and cameos from Riker and Troi because that is not a new show with a new crew doing something new and is clearly Just TNG meets Voyager fanwank that means the end of the franchise is nearing.

Lots of info here

- They were B4's body parts in the drawer but Brent is playing Data

- Sir Patrick originally insisted he wouldn't wear a uniform, but he later insisted he had to for a flashback scene.
How can people think Disco is in trouble because they are making another show to keep Trek consistently on the air? Disco likely has a loose 7 year plan as the anchor show with several shows like Picard ( 3 years tops) and S31, maybe a short Pike show, lower decks, all getting a chance to exist because of Disco. The trek to the future also sets up a chance for another show set in that time period.

I don't know the raw numbers (CBS keeps them secret), but DIS is in a bit of a quagmire at least creatively. That's very visible by completely abandoning their entire original premise. Yes, "season arcs" had been planned from the beginning. But putting the entire show 1000 years into the future (and classifying EVERYTHING that has happened to the characters thus far!) is really an attempt at a reboot with a hammer.

If there were story reasons - say, they wanted to tell a 32rd century Trek story - it would have made much more sense to create an entirely new series for that. To attract people that haven't kept up with DIS. This really seems like they don't know what to actually do with the show, and throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks.
Just answering this one:
"Picard" is a very specific sequel, to a very specific character, played by a very specific character. Recurring elements from this character's history there is not "fanwank" or "needless fanservice". It's following up on core part of this very character's story.

If OTOH there was a new Trek show in the post-TNG time, on a fresh new starship, with new characters, and a fresh young actor as lead - THEN it would be "fanwank" if all they ever did was to introduce TNG/VOY/DS9-characters or elements or follow up plot-threads from there.

Apples to oranges. If they do a Pike-show - no one is going to complain that it will carry over recurring characters from DIS, like Pike, SPock, No. 1, Sarek or Empress L'Rell. Because they would belong there. But it would be fan-service if they then continue to introduce completely unrelated TOS elements like Horta, the Doomsday machine or the Gorn. Should be easy to understand, right?


Burnham is Spock's adopted sister. That's a core part of her character. So it's perfectly logical for Spock, Sarek, Amanda and some of Spock's crewmates to occasionally overlap with her life.
