CBS/Paramount sues to stop Axanar 2 - Electric Boogaloo-Fanboys gone WILD-too many hyphens

Discussion in 'Fan Productions' started by jespah, May 10, 2018.


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  1. Professor Zoom

    Professor Zoom Admiral Admiral

    Sep 16, 2004
    Says the person who always complains when politics is brought up...
  2. firehawk12

    firehawk12 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Aug 4, 2002
    I don't know why I felt a need to check up on Axanar, but there's something comforting in the fact that it's still a hot mess a year or so later.
    RedForman and Admiral2 like this.
  3. Sgt_G

    Sgt_G Commodore Commodore

    Jul 5, 2013
    Hey, I'm blaming both sides on that one.
    dmac likes this.
  4. BeatleJWOL

    BeatleJWOL Commodore Commodore

    Feb 21, 2012
    Winston-Salem, NC

    SITZKRIEG! Commander Red Shirt

    Jul 22, 2016
    I have a question for the posters/readers here in this thread that are virulently anti-Axanar (or more specifically anti-Alec Peters). I'm curious if that feeling would extend to any potential fan films that use the Axanar set/props. I don't know if any are confirmed but supposedly he is open to other fan films filming there (likely for a fee to help pay the rent). Would you guys boycott a completely unrelated fan film/creator who had nothing to do with Axanar otherwise who used that resource?
  6. Admiral2

    Admiral2 Admiral Admiral

    Sep 14, 2004
    Yes I would, for two reasons:

    1. As you suggested, AP would likely not allow the use of his Axanar sets without money changing hands, and the last thing I want is more fan money going into his pockets . The motherfucker needs to get a non fan job and support his family like a man instead of promising rainbows to trek fans for cash.

    2. As for Axanar itself, as far as I'm concerned it has as much business calling itself trek as Discovery, and any fan film that would use its trappings would be diminished in my eyes and not worthy of my support.

    I am both anti-Axanar and anti-Alec Peters. I want to see them and all related material erased from fan creation. I want Axanar dead. I want the Ares sets struck. I want Alec Peters managing the local Krispy Kreme. I want fan creation to roll on without them.
    wtriker1701 and 137th Gebirg like this.
  7. Noname Given

    Noname Given Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 22, 2001
    Noname Given
    Alec peters spreads A LOT of BS - and the biggest piece is that he's let anyone else use his sets (never happen, even if he were to actually find a place WHERE an actual production could be filmed. You can't do it in his current small warehouse)...

    So bottom line - You bring up a situation that will never come to pass - Much like Alec never actually completing Axanar in ANY real 'filmed' form.
    jespah, BeatleJWOL and RedForman like this.
  8. 137th Gebirg

    137th Gebirg Admiral Premium Member

    Aug 31, 2000
    Eaten by Cannibals
    Don't mince words, Bones, tell me what you really think. :lol:

    Seriously, I had a flashback to Robert DeNiro's Al Capone character from Untouchables when reading that.
    wtriker1701 and DrCorby like this.
  9. Admiral2

    Admiral2 Admiral Admiral

    Sep 14, 2004
    Totally my intention, man! Totally my intention! :D
    wtriker1701 and 137th Gebirg like this.

    SITZKRIEG! Commander Red Shirt

    Jul 22, 2016
    Thanks for the answer and the detailed explanation.

    SITZKRIEG! Commander Red Shirt

    Jul 22, 2016
    I'll take that as a yes.
  12. FormerLurker

    FormerLurker Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    May 17, 2009
    If only someone could give AP Hobson's Choice; either he sells off his sets/props etc. to some other production company and commits to some job that keeps him out of any kind of acting/producing/anything to do with Star Trek, or CBS brings the hammer down in a way he can never come back from. A smart man, even a crazy one, will act to protect what's important to him, be it family, home, or anything else.
    Admiral2 likes this.
  13. dmac

    dmac Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Feb 7, 2016
    Good thing you didn't type "Make Axanar Garth Again"
  14. Woulfe

    Woulfe Commodore Commodore

    Feb 18, 2005
    3rd Rock From The Sun
    Part 2 - It's not dead - It's pinin - Pinin' ? - It's passed on - It is no more... ( You know the drill, right )

    It is singing with the chior invisible... It's metibloic function are only of intrest to vitorians... It has kicked the bucket... It is pushing up the daisy's... It has cesed to be... It is on it way to meet it's maker... It is on it way to join Doctor Chapman...

    still 30 days out... right ?
    jespah, wtriker1701 and Admiral2 like this.
  15. carlosp

    carlosp Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Dec 28, 2003
    In today's AxaMonitor Daily: In a letter to me, Alec Peters takes aim at more legal targets, expecting he'll win his suit against Robert Meyer Burnett. Meanwhile, two of his new targets — Shawn O'Halloran and Sandy Greenberg — have something to say about it. Learn more »
    jespah, wtriker1701 and RedForman like this.
  16. Sgt_G

    Sgt_G Commodore Commodore

    Jul 5, 2013
    But apparently not hundreds of thousands to make the dang movie.
    Rincewiend, jespah, Admiral2 and 2 others like this.
  17. RedForman

    RedForman Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Feb 19, 2016
    Up your ass with my foot

    Wow. If Diana 1.0 of all people is starting to get pissy, it's only a matter of time before this downward spiral escalates then.
    wtriker1701 and KennyB like this.
  18. Noname Given

    Noname Given Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 22, 2001
    Noname Given
    So...let me understand this...Mr. Peters is willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars on lawyers to get what $30,000 dollars back from RMB??II (IIDK sounds like a zero sum situation here, unless you're one of Mr. Peters lawyers. :rommie:)

    With Business Acumen like this, it's no Mr. Peter's Backers after 5 years and $2.1 Million pissed away on nthiong but Mr. Peters personal expense, friends, Sushi, SAG fees for himself, tires, etc.) there's still no 'Axanar' feature in any filmed form.

    Yep, here's the portrait of a new media 'genius' and entrepreneur <--- In Mr. Peters own addled brain. Seems he's really gone 'full retard' at this point - which - considering his past actions is really saying something.
  19. feek61

    feek61 Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Nov 25, 2011
    In the Sunshine!
    One thing I will say for AP; he certainly is entertaining!!!

    Where is the movie, Alec?
    Admiral2 likes this.
  20. trynda1701

    trynda1701 Commodore Commodore

    Mar 21, 2012
    Somewhere in the darkest reaches of the Universe!
    Who made these posters shown in the article?
    RedForman likes this.