What do you enjoy about the series

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Discovery' started by marsh8472, Oct 15, 2017.

  1. alex08060

    alex08060 Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Oct 11, 2017
    Star Trek is back and if discovery is successful there will Star Trek shows/movies for the next 10 to 20 years.

    ITDUDE Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    May 15, 2001
    I liked the back to back "Fucking Cool". Rest of it...
  3. Jayson1

    Jayson1 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 21, 2017
    Never apologize for humor. The world needs more of it!:)

    Anyways the things I like is that I think all the actors and their characters' range from great to very good. We don't have a Sirtis or Wang or Mayweather in the cast. SMG might be the weakest which is kind of problem since she is the lead but Brooks on "DS9" was took time to become a better character and the show didn't hurt that he wasn't the best actor on the show. What I like though is everyone seems to have a decent range of flaws in which to build drama out of and maybe comedy. Still need to work on getting some humor in the show.

    I enjoy the sets and modern CGI and look. I've gotten use to the uniforms even though they still look like a "Enterprise" uniform had sex with a 50's tv dinner and had a bunch of new baby uniforms. I even like how the ship turns into a fidget spinner whenever it uses the spore drive which is a concept I also love because it's a new kind of tech that is unique to this show. KInd of how the Holodeck was something new fro the 24th century shows.

    I like how is a arc and they are trying to create some mystery. Even "DS9" I don't ever really went with a mystery angle to any of it's ongoing storylines. It was very straight forward. It even was able ot surprise me a few times, first with Landry being killed and Stamments replacing the creature and the reveal at the end with the mirror and how I think we all know will have something to do with the mirror universe. My theory is that he has switched bodies with the Stamments over there.

    The diversity is nice and the allegory to issue's is been done well for the most part. The Klingons being Alt RIght doesn't feel heavy handed and they only suck for the right reasons tv characters should suck when they tend to suck. They are boring because they didn't find away to make them interesting and then put them in Halloween masks making sure your already suspect actors can't give a performance. Better reason than just being one note and preachy.


    I wanted to add something I forgot to mention. The action stuff really works when it comes to characters fighting other characters or monster in one case. The space battles need some work but I like how the show has a "Stargate" ability to make for fun action scenes with people in them. Compare that to "TNG" were it was beyond bad and it's just nice to see.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2017
    GeekUSACarl and Agony_Boothb like this.
  4. CRM-114

    CRM-114 Captain Captain

    Feb 8, 2014
    North Hills, CA
    What do I enjoy about Discovery?

    While I like the modern look (whoda thunk it, concession to the realities of technological development and modern storytelling), the characters (Burnham at least holds up the Trek tradition of "our lead is the least interesting character"), and the story (What, the events of an episode actually have real consequences beyond the ending credits? Wow!), I think what I enjoy most about Discovery is that it's not more of the same old, same old Star Trek. Discovery is taking everything we think Star Trek is about and is putting those themes to the test. It refuses to simply repeat the same old platitudes but is actually forcing the audience to really think about what Star Trek stands for, and it does so by challenging them directly.

    Discovery is (hopefully) the refiner's fire that will make the themes of Star Trek that much purer and stronger, but it's going to turn up the heat first.
    Vger23, Feron and Agony_Boothb like this.

    SPCTRE Badass Admiral

    Nov 26, 2008
    I love the opening credits, great blend of contemporary design sensibilities and the history of the franchise.
  6. Agony_Boothb

    Agony_Boothb Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Nov 3, 2009
    Melbourne, Australia
    Jason Issacs in his uniform, it looks like it was painted on. I get why Landry wanted a piece of dat ass.
    GeekUSACarl likes this.
  7. DarKush

    DarKush Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Nov 18, 2005
    • I like that Trek is back period.
    • I like Sonequa Martin-Green. I'm not sure what to make of Burnham as a character yet but Martin-Green comes across as a very good ambassador for the show.
    • I like Jason Isaacs. He's very skilled at playing sinister characters and he's bringing that to this show.
    • I like the concerted, thought out effort to include diverse characters on the show.
    • I like the Starfleet uniforms and the ships. I do have some gripes about the time line appropriateness of them but they still look nice.
    • I like the production values. The best of any Trek show and arguably better than most of the Trek films.
    • I like Saru and the Kelpiens. That first trailer I saw had me skeptical but Saru and the idea of the Kelpiens as a prey species won me over in the first episode.
    • I like that the show is showing new aliens in general.
    • I like that Robert April was finally canonized in live-action.
    • I like the many Easter Eggs from previous Trek that the writers/creators put in the episodes.
    • This one is a bit of a cheat. I like the look of the Klingons, from armor to ships. That being said, I don't really feel they are Klingons. I wish they had just named them something else: Hur'q, Sheliak, or something else.
  8. James T Kirk

    James T Kirk Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Sep 7, 2013
    Cant stand Michael Burnham

    But Lorca is fantastic
  9. Nightdiamond

    Nightdiamond Commodore Commodore

    Feb 18, 2009
    I like the way the characters express themselves, like normal people with their own quirky personalities. That includes Tilly, I like her. A lot of things I don't get yet, but it is different.

    One thing I have noticed--Burnham's body language-- It's a dead ringer for Seven Of Nine. Look at her--the way she tilts her head and looks at someone. She could be her twin.
    Feron and Agony_Boothb like this.
  10. SheliakBob

    SheliakBob Commander Red Shirt

    Apr 30, 2007
    Morgantown, Wv.
    I've only seen the first three episodes.
    When I'm not cussing about the "Klingons", I rather liked...
    Burnham is an interesting character. In "Context is for Kings" I greatly enjoyed the reactions of the Dis crew to her and vica versa.
    Lorca is just a damn lot of fun.
    Tilly is amusing and fun.
    Actually, I'm liking most of the characters and the character work.
    I LOVE Saru. That gaunt tall look really comes across as "alien" and I enjoy that his character is not just a one-note alien.
    The look of the ship is growing on me. The spinning ring thingie is kind of neat.
    Spore Drive? Transdimensional hyperspatial FUNGUS networks? I'll give them this, I haven't seen THAT before. It's so out of left field weird that I can't help but be a bit fascinated by it.
    I'm not loving the show. It ain't MY "Trek," but I've settled into being able to enjoy it for what it is.
    As long as there aren't any "Klingons" on the screen.
    Then I start cussing. Rather loudly.
  11. TrekNut87

    TrekNut87 Captain Captain

    Jan 23, 2007
    Agree with all of this and will add that, IMO, it took at least 3-4 seasons for each series to become a well-oiled machine.

    As for what I like about DIS:
    Lorca- Actually, I *love* Lorca. I've always been a fan of dark/twisted/mysterious characters and thus was instantaneously drawn to him.

    Stamets- I can see Stamets turning into the resident nerd on the ship (If not already) though the mushroom line really got me.

    Sporedrive: Intriguing concept. Will be even more interesting to see if it has some sort of adverse effect on Stamets, if he continues to use himself as a conduit.
    Feron likes this.
  12. Im rewatching the whole thing now and i ABSOLUTELY LOVE this new serie. I think i can say that i actually enjoy everything.... The world really needed a new star trek, im hoping for the longest running serie of all time.
    (also, when i win the lottery im going to rebuild an appartment based on the interior design from discovery)
  13. Jayson1

    Jayson1 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 21, 2017
    Don't do the interior design thing! I recall a guy from the movie "Trekkies" did something like that and he end up loosing tons of money when he felt he had to move. Do what I what I plan to do. What until society falls apart and go live on the sets.:)

    Captain pl1ngpl0ng likes this.
  14. Jax

    Jax Admiral Admiral

    Jun 21, 2003
    The Universe.
    Lorca interests me
    The Uniforms are cool
    When they look good, the Production values look REALLY good.

    The "potential" of DSC is biggest reason of why I am still watching and I hope it can realise that because so far I have mixed views on the show.
    TrekNut87 and Jadeb like this.
  15. Hehe.... Hehehe...:-D :beer:
  16. McDuff

    McDuff Commander Red Shirt

    Nov 26, 2010
    I'm enjoying all part of it. I'm enjoying every TV shows I like for what they are not what they are not. Not every TV shows have to be the best TV shows ever or even the best Trek series. I'm enjoying TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager to various degrees and I consider them all great sci-fi TV shows. Same for Doctor Who, Stargate, Spartacus, Rome, Game of Thrones, etc.

    Thus far Discovery is still fun to watch. Sometimes I get tired of TV shows where the plot is not moving along, nothing happens, gets too repetitive, or the plot or characters don't make sense anymore, etc but that's not case with Discovery yet. I like most the production value, that it's Star Trek and that it is a space sci-fi action adventure TV shows of high caliber. It doesn't provide me the same feeling as the other Star Trek. I'm watching the TNG remastered in parallel for the first time (I've forgotten about many episodes) and I'm floored about how good the writing and the quality of the picture is. It's almost as if it was produced yesterday. It's written by people who have something to say about our societies and the current state of humanity and are allowed to express it. I'm feeling Discovery is missing the spirit of exploration, mystery and adventure of other Trek series and series like Doctor Who, Stargate, Sliders and even The Orville. Just another war and the same story continuously doesn't provide the same feeling for me. But Discovery is still top quality entertainment at the moment. Very enjoyable. Not every shows have to compete to be my preferred TV shows of all times. For me to keep watching them, they must be enjoyable and DSV is fun, entertaining and enjoyable. As I said before, with The Orville and Discovery on the air (and for me the new TNG remastered), it's a great time to be Star Trek fans. I'm looking out and anticipating for new episodes every week.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2017
  17. Snarfies

    Snarfies Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Oct 4, 2017
    I enjoy to follow Trek again. Also the so brave federation is left behind it is more realistic. Al the disussion about trek history and what is wright or wrong in that respect is not spent on my. Knowing about altered time lines and temporal cold wars could change Kirk his starfleet job for any other job.
  18. EmoBorg

    EmoBorg Commodore Commodore

    Apr 2, 2012
    in the 10 dimensions of reality
    I notice current political undertones themes in this show. The Federation is the European Union, an Expansionist, Progressive power, confident about it's human rights record, technological might and economic prowess.

    The Klingons are a mix of Russia and Islamic Extremists. Russia resent and fear the expanding EU. Same thing with the Klingon Empire with the Federation.

    T'Kuvma was the religious nutjob who pushed both sides into war in order to unify the various houses of the Empire. The Islamic Extremists want to unify much of the Islamic world under the Caliphate and take on the West.