Making the Intepid Class Prototype (Sternbach)

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by calamity_si, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. Rick Sternbach

    Rick Sternbach Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Feb 11, 2002
    Can I make a little suggestion on the name? Sternbach works out to Starbrook or Starstream, so you might consider using one of those.

  2. Mark_Nguyen

    Mark_Nguyen Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Apr 24, 2006
    Calgary, Alberta
    Starstream gets my vote! AND it can be mistaken for everyone's favourite Decepticon!

  3. calamity_si

    calamity_si Commander Red Shirt

    Jan 13, 2009
    I don't know guys...both names kinda give me the visual impression of a star taking a leak! Lol!
  4. Rick Sternbach

    Rick Sternbach Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Feb 11, 2002
    In Japanese, it sort kinda works out to the word for Milky Way or galaxy. I don't have a good romanji spelling, but Google Translate has some variations in Japanese characters.

    I know we have a Galaxy class, but this would be different. :)

  5. bryce

    bryce Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    I really like this ship. I can see when it might not have been "sleek" enough for TV, but it's a nice background design.

    I wish I had *any* skill for art or design...when I first saw the Intrepid concept, long ago, it gave me an idea fro a similar ship, but built using Excellsior components.

    Lower the saucer (by getting rid of the neck - well, shortening it significantly) and flip the nacelle arm thingy upside down. Always wondered how that would look. (Maybe add some elements from the Centaur design from DS9...)

    Just an idea I had.

    ETA: I guess something similar-ish exists...but mine wouldn't be *so* different. And really, I'm not sure what would be all that different about a ship based on my idea would be from a regular Excellsior Class...but the Intrepid prototype made me think of it...
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2013
  6. Psion

    Psion Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 19, 2001
    Lat: 40.1630936 Lon: -75.1183777
    Just as long as no translation works out to "Melody Pond", we're all good.
  7. Sarvek

    Sarvek Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jun 8, 2001
    Oregon, USA
    Amazing work. I am looking foreward to more updates.
  8. calamity_si

    calamity_si Commander Red Shirt

    Jan 13, 2009
    I'm afraid there's not much of an update to show here. I've scaled the ship in accordance with the USS Voyager. Added some escape pods and ventral phaser array.

  9. calamity_si

    calamity_si Commander Red Shirt

    Jan 13, 2009
    Thanks! Your idea sounds like a concept I did for a ship called the USS Colarado.
  10. Albertese

    Albertese Commodore Commodore

    May 3, 2003
    Portland, OR
    Nice! That's a pretty B.A. Excelsior variant. Most tweaks to this particular ship strike me as weak, but for some reason this one is pretty cool.

  11. sojourner

    sojourner Admiral In Memoriam

    Sep 4, 2008
    Just around the bend.

    Forbin beat you to it.
  12. Avon

    Avon Commodore Commodore

    May 7, 2010
    from looking at the side-by-side pictures, i like this prototype design, but i think the voyager we got looks classier
  13. cardinal biggles

    cardinal biggles I AM A GODDAMN DELIGHT Moderator

    Sep 7, 2001
    Side-by-side it's easy to see why the show's producers asked Mr. Sternbach to take the ship design in that direction.
  14. Bry_Sinclair

    Bry_Sinclair Vice Admiral Admiral

    Sep 28, 2009
    The prototype looks more like a workhorse, doing plenty of hard work without much interest in its appearance. I do like the show Voyager, but I'd have been happy with this variant as well.
  15. HarryM

    HarryM Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jul 20, 2007
    Old Earth
    Yes, sort of like a giant runabout, the pylons esp are very similar to the runabout.
  16. Mysterion

    Mysterion Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jun 28, 2001
    Suburban Mos Eisley
    I get the opposite reaction: this design looks much better to my eye than the Voyager we got. A lot less spoon-like, and just more functional looking to me.
  17. Rick Sternbach

    Rick Sternbach Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Feb 11, 2002
    And neither can be turned into a pizza-cutting wheel. :lol:

  18. Mark_Nguyen

    Mark_Nguyen Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Apr 24, 2006
    Calgary, Alberta
    Though both would be great in the garden. Star Trek shovels - licensing department, hashin!

  19. calamity_si

    calamity_si Commander Red Shirt

    Jan 13, 2009
    I've actually got one of those lol!

    I'm dying to show you all my progress but I'm so close to finishing now I may as well hold back a little while longer. More to come real soon!
  20. bryce

    bryce Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    AWESOME! THANKS!! (I really just wanted to see what it would look like! Cool addition of the AWACS-style sensor, because it provides a justification for the flipped nacells and maybe even the lower primary hull...)

    Again, THANKS!! :)

    ETA: Forbin, have you ever considered a Enterprise-B Excelsior refit/variant/whatever version of this? The repositioned impulse engines would move the impulse exaust away from the AWACS "jammer" thingy -- which could also house sensors for long-term/long-range pure science missions...(though I've always wondered what the housing for the original impluse engines are used for now in that design...unless you go with the hanger/cargo bay idea. And I suppose that you could, since it's a different ship...hummm...)
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2013