Game Name That Star Trek CHARACTER

Discussion in 'Star Trek - The Original & Animated Series' started by NovaStar, Apr 22, 2019.

  1. Henoch

    Henoch Glowing Globe Premium Member

    Dec 27, 2018
    Back On The Shelf
    1st Clue: Not only does he look fit, McCoy even does a comparable fitness evaluation.
  2. hbquikcomjamesl

    hbquikcomjamesl Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 6, 2006
    Orange County, CA
    Charlie Evans? Elias Sandoval? Kirk?
  3. Phaser Two

    Phaser Two Commodore Premium Member

    Jun 21, 2016
    Los Angeles
    Nice job, Henoch. Explanation:

    All clues were from Let That Be Your Last Battlefield.

    1. No, I was once, thanks, but that abated quickly.

    "Are you blind, Commander Spock?" - Bele grows frustrated during the dinner with Kirk and Spock about their inability to grasp the significance of the different coloring, and Spock was blind once, in OA, but that went away rapidly.

    2. But thanks for using my real rank, which gets mixed up or left out a lot.

    See above. People are always addressing Spock as "Mister," and then we have "Lieutenant Commander" from the early episodes when there was that disconnect between dialogue and wardrobe.

    3. I'm delighted you're delighted!

    During the same scene, Bele haugthily says "Commander Spock, I'm delighted Vulcan was saved . . . . " after Spock dives into a helpful (?) anecdote about Vulcan's cultural and societal renaissance.

    4. You guys in there really "crack" me up with this dialogue exchange!
    [subclue - It's pretty black and white]

    Black and white was my attempt to get people focused on the episode.

    Spock listens to the rec room exchange through that convenient crack in the door.

    5. Shoot, even I was worried by that stunt.

    In a nice piece of acting by Nimoy, even Spock looks unsettled - but only in a very Vulcan way - after Kirk's self-destruct gambit.

    6. I will now provide an excruciatingly detailed play-by-play until the captain informs me that no one cares.

    Spock following Bele and Lokai through the ship (but hey, at least the sensors are working with precision for a change) while Kirk mostly ignores him. :lol:

    7. I will now smugly hold forth on genetics until about two scenes from now. Should have waited?

    I mostly enjoy this episode, but Kirk, Spock and McCoy's bizarre reaction to Lokai really throws things off-kilter at the outset. Spock makes some stentorous proclamation about how Mendelian genetics somehow means that Lokai is one of a kind. There is no support for this conclusion whatsoever. (He then closes his participation by announcing he's off to do more research for some reason.)

    8. What am I drinking? (Or not drinking?)

    Several posters seemed to be on the right track, and while this was going on Henoch had a nicely detailed clue set in the "Name That STAR TREK Episode" thread where he talked about Spock's odd drink during the captain's dinner scene. So I thought I would try to clue him and others in. Also, I was running out of clues about Spock from the episode. :D
  4. Henoch

    Henoch Glowing Globe Premium Member

    Dec 27, 2018
    Back On The Shelf
    Rules of the Game: One guess at a time. You are allowed to guess again after your guess is rejected. Also, it is nice (but not a requirement) if you provide a reason for your guess as to how it meets the clues.

    In any event, it's not Charlie, Sandoval or Kirk. (Please guess again, but only one at a time.)
    Good Guesses, especially Sandoval: Although McCoy was surprised on the good health of the colonists, he reported that Sandoval's health improved as compared to his previous exams (no scar tissue in his lungs and his appendix had regrown).​

    Thanks for the breakdown, @Phaser Two. Clues 1 and 4 were clever.
    Phaser Two likes this.
  5. Henoch

    Henoch Glowing Globe Premium Member

    Dec 27, 2018
    Back On The Shelf
    2nd Clue: Spock gives illogical advice. :wtf:
  6. Henoch

    Henoch Glowing Globe Premium Member

    Dec 27, 2018
    Back On The Shelf
    No takers? Okay, new clue:
    1st Clue: Not only does he look fit, McCoy even does a comparable fitness evaluation.
    2nd Clue: Spock gives illogical advice. :wtf:
    3rd Clue: Kirk does not get the girl. :wtf:
  7. johnnybear

    johnnybear Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 7, 2014
    Gary Seven? McCoy does an unseen exam of their mysterious guest and Spock does comment on of other things the cat and Roberta Lincoln has no interest in the Shat at all it seemed!
  8. Henoch

    Henoch Glowing Globe Premium Member

    Dec 27, 2018
    Back On The Shelf
    Great pick, but alas, it's the wrong assignment.
  9. telerites

    telerites Commander Red Shirt

    Mar 9, 2014
    Norman from I, Mudd?
  10. Henoch

    Henoch Glowing Globe Premium Member

    Dec 27, 2018
    Back On The Shelf
    Illogical, please co-ordinate.

    4th Clue: His fitness is never tested.
  11. telerites

    telerites Commander Red Shirt

    Mar 9, 2014
    So not Norman. Don't think it is correct but how about Abraham Lincoln.
  12. Henoch

    Henoch Glowing Globe Premium Member

    Dec 27, 2018
    Back On The Shelf
    I am disappointed. Lincoln was tested to be human with McCoy's tricorder, and later in combat he bests both the Klingon Kahless and Genghis Khan in the same combat. Hail to the Chief!

    Summary with new insight on how the clues relate to the character:
    1st Clue: Not only does he look fit, McCoy even does a comparable fitness evaluation.
    - The character is fit looking and McCoy compares him to something/someone. The character is also male.​
    2nd Clue: Spock gives illogical advice.
    - The character receives advice from Spock that is not logical (unless it is Spock, himself).​
    3rd Clue: Kirk does not get the girl.
    - The character must get the girl instead of Kirk (unless it is Kirk or the girl, but we know it is male from clue 1).​
    4th Clue: His fitness is never tested.
    - The character is not tested via devices, exams, standards and/or against someone else.​
  13. Henoch

    Henoch Glowing Globe Premium Member

    Dec 27, 2018
    Back On The Shelf
    New Clue:

    5th Clue: He doth protest too much, methinks.
    - Someone thinks a protest from the character is objectionable.​
  14. Phaser Two

    Phaser Two Commodore Premium Member

    Jun 21, 2016
    Los Angeles
    GREAT clues.

    I believe it's Stonn.
    1. McCoy speculates whether Spock can take him.
    2. Spock gives Stonn the classic "having, wanting" speech.
    3. Kirk does not want T'Pring, as she guessed.
    4. Stonn's prowess never factors into the plot.
    5. T'Pau silences an objection from Stonn.
  15. Henoch

    Henoch Glowing Globe Premium Member

    Dec 27, 2018
    Back On The Shelf
    Kroykah! Stonn is the correct character. Thee may proceed.

    Almost perfect in your logic accept Clue 3 was off a little. Technically, Kirk didn't get to choose since he lost the fight. Spock won T'Pring by combat, but he turned her down. Stonn got the girl by default. :rommie:
    Phaser Two likes this.
  16. Phaser Two

    Phaser Two Commodore Premium Member

    Jun 21, 2016
    Los Angeles
    Ah, yes, of course. Kirk is never in a position to choose her or decline her kind companionship (cold fish much?). Again, great clues!
  17. Phaser Two

    Phaser Two Commodore Premium Member

    Jun 21, 2016
    Los Angeles
    New character.

    1. Was defeated in a prior engagement.
  18. johnnybear

    johnnybear Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 7, 2014
    Harry Mudd?
  19. Phaser Two

    Phaser Two Commodore Premium Member

    Jun 21, 2016
    Los Angeles
    Nay, laddiebuck!

    2. Has an unusual approach to starship maintenance.
  20. johnnybear

    johnnybear Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 7, 2014
    Lazarus? He liked to steal the Dilythium crystals from a lady who seemed to be in charge of engineering who was in a blue uniform which never made any sense to me at all!!! :wtf:
    Henoch likes this.