Reasons to be happy / not happy about a 4th film.

Discussion in 'Star Trek Movies: Kelvin Universe' started by Dales, Jun 27, 2015.

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  1. Timewalker

    Timewalker Cat-lovin', Star Trekkin' Time Lady Premium Member

    May 26, 2007
    In many different universes, simultaneously.
    Re: Reason why I am not happy for a 4th film.

    :rolleyes: I am aware of that.

    It's just the first example I could think of where the lead actor was signed to play in an anticipated sequel that ended up not being made.

    Newsflash: Not everyone owns the DVDs. The last time I bought any Star Trek movies or episodes was when they were on VHS.
  2. M-Red

    M-Red Commander Red Shirt

    May 26, 2009
    Re: Reason why I am not happy for a 4th film.

    Then you should acknowledge that it's a poor example before you employ it as a counter-point.

  3. HIjol

    HIjol Vice Admiral Admiral

    Feb 13, 2014
    Midwest, USA
    Re: Reason why I am not happy for a 4th film.

    How I loved my VHS movies, and who knew what the future was gonna bring!

    I was at a house with a LaserDisc player, and the host popped in Return. It was cool seeing what the cutting edge of the VHS/Beta days were, and to hear a little of the history. According to him, it died because of the high cost of the player, and that you could not record TV shows. Hell, now we can almost produce TV shows with the tech we have available in the home! :techman:
  4. fireproof78

    fireproof78 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 11, 2014
    Journeying onwards
    Re: Reason why I am not happy for a 4th film.

    You mean you don't? ;)
  5. Timewalker

    Timewalker Cat-lovin', Star Trekkin' Time Lady Premium Member

    May 26, 2007
    In many different universes, simultaneously.
    Re: Reason why I am not happy for a 4th film.

    Lynch did get some things right. But he got too many of the fundamental things wrong, and ultimately he showed that he didn't really understand the novel. It's actually best that there weren't any sequels, since that rain at the end of the movie would have killed the sandworms... something that Lynch ignored, and which greatly displeased Frank Herbert. There's a "making of" book by Ed Naha that chronicles the ups and downs of making the movie - it's quite interesting to see what was intended and how they went wrong.

    :rolleyes: Oh, do excuse my exercising my right to post. :rolleyes:

    The fact remains that not every movie that actors sign up for ultimately get made. That's also true of TV series.

    I remember when LaserDisc was this new thing. A friend who was in charge of technical services at our public library had a chance to give one of those devices a test run. So he invited a bunch of friends over - people he worked with in his volunteer position with St. Johns Ambulance and a few people involved in local SF fandom - and we all crowded into his apartment for a potluck supper and the first Indiana Jones movie.
  6. HIjol

    HIjol Vice Admiral Admiral

    Feb 13, 2014
    Midwest, USA
    Re: Reason why I am not happy for a 4th film.

    Now that sounds like a great time! Wish people did that here!
  7. Hela

    Hela Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Feb 23, 2015
    Re: Reason why I am not happy for a 4th film.

    ...And that's CBS's fault, therefore they should do even more to make it available to you?
  8. HIjol

    HIjol Vice Admiral Admiral

    Feb 13, 2014
    Midwest, USA
    Re: Reason why I am not happy for a 4th film.

    :lol: ...too much censorship and scrutiny here! But, when I get home, look out!
  9. Timewalker

    Timewalker Cat-lovin', Star Trekkin' Time Lady Premium Member

    May 26, 2007
    In many different universes, simultaneously.
    Re: Reason why I am not happy for a 4th film.

    Best spaghetti supper I ever had! :techman:

    And it turns out to be the only time I ever saw that movie.

    I have no idea who you're addressing, or why your post seems so hostile. :confused:
  10. Hela

    Hela Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Feb 23, 2015
    Re: Reason why I am not happy for a 4th film.

    It's not hostile, it's confused. I just don't really understand what position you're coming from.

    The argument was that there's not much trivia-centric stuff they could do that Trekkies wouldn't already know, via DVD special features etc. So therefore, he'd rather more original content like a new film. You say, 'No DVD here.' So...what are you getting at? Just suggesting something you'd like to happen? Or are you suggesting it's something you think CBS should do, and you're holding you situation up as a reason why?

    Again, not hostile. I'm just not great at tone via writing. And I also wandered away after typing but before hitting 'post', so that original post got shoved down into a weird place in the conversation.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2015
  11. Timewalker

    Timewalker Cat-lovin', Star Trekkin' Time Lady Premium Member

    May 26, 2007
    In many different universes, simultaneously.
    Re: Reason why I am not happy for a 4th film.

    I'm saying I don't buy Star Trek DVDs (can't afford them), so it would be great if CBS did something for TV. Maybe the people who have bought all the previous DVDs have seen a lot of this stuff, but the rest of us haven't. And there would be new material anyway, since there's not a day that goes by without something new happening with some aspect of Star Trek.

    There are also new fans coming along every day (or so it seems). Just because something is a fact we've known for decades, that doesn't mean it's not brand new information to someone else. If the older fans had a "yawn" reaction to every new fan's "goshwowboyohboy!" enthusiastic reaction, the new people wouldn't feel very welcome, would they?
  12. eyeresist

    eyeresist Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 2, 2014
    Re: Reason why I am not happy for a 4th film.

    So do you still watch your old VHSs? Or do you not watch Star Trek anymore?
  13. M-Red

    M-Red Commander Red Shirt

    May 26, 2009
    Re: Reason why I am not happy for a 4th film.

    Timewalker, you're the one throwing around the rolling eyes emoticon and typing NEWSFLASH to other people's benignly stated posts.

    And then when people respond, you act like a victim.

    At least demonstrate some intellectual honesty. If you wanna be snarky, that's fine. But don't act Offended ZOMG You're HOSTILE ROLL MY EYES if someone actually says something
  14. Timewalker

    Timewalker Cat-lovin', Star Trekkin' Time Lady Premium Member

    May 26, 2007
    In many different universes, simultaneously.
    Re: Reason why I am not happy for a 4th film.

    For some reason you decided to get rude about my mentioning a case where an actor was paid to act in a sequel that ended up never getting made. And it does seem that most people here take it for granted that of course everybody owns the DVDs, everybody can watch whatever Star Trek series they want on the website of their choice (Netflix, CBS, Hulu, etc.), whenever they want.

    I'm pointing out that everyone doesn't own the DVDs, and if you're not American, you don't get access to all those websites. You know what Star Trek I have available on Canadian Netflix? STiD, and the entirety of TNG. I'm not interested in any of that.

    I don't have my VCR hooked up right now, due to lack of room. Whatever Star Trek I watch is what I can find on sites legally available to Canadians. Make TOS and Voyager available on Canadian Netflix and I'd be happy to watch it. I might even give Enterprise another try (haven't seen much of it and wasn't impressed by what I did see - the dog is cute).
  15. Locutus of Bored

    Locutus of Bored Yo, Dawg! I Heard You Like Avatars... In Memoriam

    Jul 5, 2004
    Hiding with the Water Tribe
    Re: Reason why I am not happy for a 4th film.

    OK, let's try and sort all of this out.

    Here's where the trouble started. Timewalker, it's a legitimate comparison you're making between Dune and Trek because of the signed actor in a film that was never made angle, but at the same time M-Red's point about Trek being different because it's from an existing proven movie franchise and Abrams already having two new profitable and critically acclaimed films under his belt is true too, and doesn't apply to Lynch's Dune. I don't see why that merited a roll-eyes or was considered a "rude" comment to make.

    That escalation led to this response, which was equally hostile:

    Which led to this:

    I don't see anywhere where he's claiming you don't have a right to post, he's just questioning the applicability of your Dune example to this situation, which is perfectly legitimate.

    Then we got to this exchange with Hela:

    She's addressing the fact that CBS obviously can't tailor its merchandising to fit the needs of every individual Star Trek fan, which again, is a perfectly legitimate comment and not "hostile" in the slightest.

    It's also unfair, as pointed out, to wonder why people might be taking a hostile tone —even though Hela didn't— in response to you using the roll-eyes emoticon and saying things like "Newsflash." Those words and emoticons have meanings and obviously are going to provoke a response, so you can't act surprised and play innocent when they do, like you did in your final post.

    That's why M-Red made the following (edited) commentary to you, which would be hostile but legitimate if it had been what he originally said instead of an edit which came too late. This would have just received a verbal warning like you're getting.

    M-Red, I appreciate you editing your comments, but unfortunately, what you originally wrote was visible both to the staff and to the person you were targeting your comment at, so you have received an infraction for flaming. Comments to PM, for everyone.
  16. Jedi_Master

    Jedi_Master Admiral Admiral

    May 25, 2011
    Hurricane Alley
    Re: Reason why I am not happy for a 4th film.

    I am curious: is there anyone who doesn't like the nuTrek films but is excited that there will be a fourth film starring the principal nuTrek actors?
  17. gazomg

    gazomg Commander Commodore

    Apr 13, 2010
    In your Head
    Re: Reason why I am not happy for a 4th film.

    why would anyone be excited to see more of something they dont like ?
  18. Greg Cox

    Greg Cox Admiral Admiral

    May 12, 2004
    Lancaster, PA
    Re: Reason why I am not happy for a 4th film.

    Maybe they like the cast and the idea of a new, rebooted TREK, but were unhappy with the execution of one or both films? And are hoping for the best now that there's a new director and screenwriter?

    I thought VAN HELSING sounded great on paper. Then I saw the movie. Ditto for the remake of THE WOLF MAN.

    But I still want to see the Universal Monsters make a comeback.
  19. Hela

    Hela Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Feb 23, 2015
    Re: Reason why I am not happy for a 4th film.

    See, I don't know if it's that simple. Most of the post-09-introduced Trekkies would have the DVD's, simply because VHS wouldn't have been available to them if they wanted to backtrack. If they were interested in watching that kind of featurette or documentary, they have access to that sort of thing already.

    Also working against it is that CBS doesn't know if there is a TV audience in that sort of thing. Judging by how documentaries like 'The Captains' were let go by Netflix, I'm guessing they at least weren't huge crowd draws. Sometimes it's not that that reason, but usually it is.

    I think people are putting a little too much faith on the precedent set by Doctor Who's anniversary. That really was a different situation in a lot of really important ways.

    It's like for eg. I really want Babylon 5 to get a DVD release here. I was too young when it initially came out, and it's been out of circulation for a decade. I think with Farscape, BSG and Trek getting the Bluray treatment, and a double whammy of a new Trek&Wars in the next 12 months, now would be a good time to cash in. Give it a bluray upgrade for good measure.

    But...I understand why that probably won't happen. It's out of print because it just didn't sell here, and it rarely airs for the same reason (and I think AUSTAR has it now). It would be unfair for me to blame whoever releases them for not wanting to lose a lot of money. They're not stupid or disloyal for making that decision, I'm just unlucky.
  20. danielcw

    danielcw Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Feb 13, 2015
    Re: Reason why I am not happy for a 4th film.

    May I ask: Where is "here"?
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