Which Doctor would you want to travel with?

This one:

Troughton seemed like the most fun, but good luck ever getting back home again.

How d'ya figure, Cutter? Ben and Polly got home, Victoria, due to her father's demise, chose a surrogate family to settle with, and Jamie and Zoe were returned home by the Time Lords at the end of The War Games. Sounds like a damn good ratio to me.
Personality-wise, I think I'd have the easiest time getting along with either the 2nd or 11th Doctor.

But then, I find Jon Pertwee endlessly charming. (I don't know about in-character, but of all the actors IRL, Pertwee would definately be the one I'd be most interested in meeting. :( )

The 8th Doctor would be fairly high on my list. He seemed like an easy-going guy.

The 4th, 6th, & 7th Doctors are fun to watch but I don't think I'd ever want to be in the same room with any of them. The 1st Doctor was too cranky. The 9th Doctor was too moody. The 10th Doctor was an obnoxious ham and I'd probably end up trying to punch him.

I find the 5th Doctor boring. Plus, I'd be saddled with the unpleasant prospect of spending time with Adric, Tegan, Turlough, or Peri. Maybe I'd be willing to jump in the TARDIS during that brief sliver of time between "Time-Flight" & "Arc of Infinity" when the 5th Doctor & Nyssa were travelling on their own. But even then, I'd really just be there to try to put the moves on Nyssa.
Two: I'd easily be able to overpower his cheesy cardboard and rubber adversaries and make myself useful.

Four: I'm out of Jelly-babies, and I suspect he'd be able to hook me up. Plus, he and I are quite similar in temperment.

Eleven: Alright, this guy's just plain fun. Although his Jelly-babies are now so stale, they're more like rock candy.
Nine. We share a similarly misanthropic view of humanity. He was also the Doctor who seemed the most relatable. I half expect him to grab a pint after a long day fighting off the Slitheen.