Trying to Create a Wordpress Page and Failing Miserably

Discussion in 'Web Sites/Design' started by Cr0sis21, Oct 20, 2022.

  1. Cr0sis21

    Cr0sis21 Captain Captain

    Oct 20, 2022
    Hi All,
    So, I have a novel coming out in 2024, and a short story in an anthology slated (tentatively) for this December. My publisher would like me to get a website put together, and while I have started working on one in Wordpress, I'm pretty computer deficient and don't really know what I'm doing. I have some bids to make it, but they're all waaaay out of my price range. If anyone is willing to help me out, I can compensate them, but I do have a somewhat limited budget.
    Thanks to everyone in advance with any advice they might like to post as well.
  2. ED-209

    ED-209 Commodore Commodore

    Feb 14, 2019
    I can help you, what's your budget?