Trek Designs: Coincidence, Copycat, or Convergence?

Discussion in 'General Trek Discussion' started by Maurice, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. Maurice

    Maurice Snagglepussed Admiral

    Oct 17, 2005
    Real Gone
    I ran into an image from the short-lived 1979 ABC series Supertrain, and it struck me how the general design of the locomotive end of the train resembled that if the San Francisco Air Tram from Star Trek The Motion Picture. The rough shape, latitudinally split windshield, side windows which wrap over the top, slightly raised spine, etc.


    They both were designed and built around the same time, so I don't think either is a copy, but it got me thinking about other objects on Star Trek which have visual similarities to other items, and how much of that is coincidence, copying, convergent evolution, or merely coming out of the dominant style of the time they were made.

    Anyone got some others?
  2. OpenMaw

    OpenMaw Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    May 26, 2013
    Everett, Washington
    The sky tram always reminded me of the bullet train for some reason. Maybe they both drew influence from that? (I'm not sure when the bullet train was first introduced. Something to look up!)
  3. Maurice

    Maurice Snagglepussed Admiral

    Oct 17, 2005
    Real Gone
    I did a quick look at bullet trains and nothing in particular looked too much like the above, but I hardly did an in-depth study.

    Some years ago I ran across some images of what was (apparently) the first transistorized and "portable" (battery powered) TV set, the Philco Safari Model H2010L. What struck me about it, especially when you see it with its "hood" closed and then open, was how much it reminded me of a TOS tricorder.


    I could see how this design aesthetic could have snuck into the prop design of TOS.

    Sure, the thing was a whopping 18 inches tall, but the similarity is interesting.
  4. Melakon

    Melakon Admiral In Memoriam

    Nov 22, 2012
    Melakon's grave
    I think I saw one of those when I was a kid.
  5. Green Shirt

    Green Shirt Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Feb 1, 2005
    I'm sure these fall under the category of ;)coincidence;)
  6. wulfio

    wulfio Captain Captain

    Jun 29, 2014
    Ontario, Canada
    I'd say it looks more like Spocks view screen than a tricorder.
  7. scotpens

    scotpens Professional Geek Premium Member

    Nov 29, 2009
    City of the Fallen Angels
    I think any design similarities were mostly the result of following contemporary trends -- or, in some cases, out-and-out copying. Compare the building on the right-hand side of the Delta Vega matte painting for "Where No Man Has Gone Before" with Oscar Niemeyer's Alvorada Palace in Brasilia.


    Supertrain was on NBC. And it was a colossal flop that ran only nine episodes and nearly bankrupted the network.
  8. publiusr

    publiusr Admiral Admiral

    Mar 22, 2010
    I'd still rather have that than a tablet. It just looks better than a slab. Tech should look...important.