STO: Both Worlds: Battle of Wolf 359

The duplication of the Melbourne also wasn't intended to be lore.
This is not remotely the same thing.

If there is a glitch/bug to fall out of a level in the games Elite Force 1 or 2, does that mean it's lore that Munro can occasionally walk through walls?

Being able to use saucer separation in the TFO is an oversight in the game, it's not a feature, and not lore.

If the next release of these ships allow players to equip the saucer separation console on them, then it will be lore.
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It doesn’t behave like a bug, though. It’s not like experiencing rubber banding in STO, for instance.
It’s not so different from seeing Sisko’s misplaced combadge in “Rapture” and calling it a uniform variant.
Goofs happen and occasionally they can make sense, again like the two Melbournes.
STO is introducing a bundle to celebrate the game’s 14th anniversary.
Presumably, its contents will be based around the Battle of Wolf 359.
That includes bringing TNG-era ships and 25th century versions of them into the game!
Those on the image are based on the Cheyenne and Niagara class, respectively.
I presume they’re the “Ahwahnee class” and “Princeton class”. Visually, I get PIC s3 design vibes from these two.