Star Wars: Episode VII: The Nerd Rage Awakens

Discussion in 'Star Wars' started by cooleddie74, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. Savage Dragon

    Savage Dragon Not really all that savage Moderator

    Apr 27, 2001
    Ottawa, ON
    Re: New Casting and Story Rumors re: EPISODE VII

    Considering we've had a movie in recent years with "Unobtanium" in it I think you can be forgiven.
  2. DarthTom

    DarthTom Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 19, 2005
    Atlanta, Georgia
    Re: New Casting and Story Rumors re: EPISODE VII

    And at least he was more creative than the lame ass writers in ST who pawned the word, 'tritanium' from titanium as if adding the word, 'tri,' makes it some kind of upgrade. :rolleyes:
  3. The Wormhole

    The Wormhole Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 23, 2001
    The Wormhole
    Re: New Casting and Story Rumors re: EPISODE VII

    Huh, now this is odd. My understanding was the spin-offs were for the in-between years of each the trilogy's main releases. For example, the pattern would go:

    2015: Episode VII
    2016: Spin-off
    2017: Episode VIII
    2018: Spin-off
    2019: Episode IX

    The spin-off directed by Gareth Edwards is confirmed for 2016, which that article even mentions. Is Disney already selecting a director for a 2018 film? Or are we actually going to end up with multiple Star Wars films in the same year? Not unheard of, Disney and Marvel do two movies a year set in their Avengers shared universe. That's going to oversaturate the market. Disney should learn the lesson of Rick Berman's mistakes.
  4. Flying Spaghetti Monster

    Flying Spaghetti Monster Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 18, 2006
    Flying Spaghetti Western
    Re: New Casting and Story Rumors re: EPISODE VII

    That's fantastic.
    It just reminds me of how Star Wars really channeled our imaginations as kids, and you never know what crop would spring such fertile soil!
  5. AgentCoop

    AgentCoop Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Re: New Casting and Story Rumors re: EPISODE VII

    But, as you say, Marvel's been doing two a year. Doesn't seem to have hurt them.
  6. The Wormhole

    The Wormhole Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 23, 2001
    The Wormhole
    Re: New Casting and Story Rumors re: EPISODE VII

    Not yet, anyway. Although, since Winter Soldier is so far the top opening weekend of the year, they do seem safe bets, I guess.
  7. davejames

    davejames Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 6, 2001
    Sac, Ca
    Re: New Casting and Story Rumors re: EPISODE VII

    Yeah it does seem a little early to announce a director for a 2018 film. But there's also been talk of there being three spinoffs and not two, which suggests that one of those would have to be released the same year as one of the Episodes.

    As for over-saturation, I agree it's a risk. But as long as the quality is good I don't think we'll have to worry too much. The problem with Trek towards the end was you had a couple of lackluster movies being released alongside a couple of tired and generic TV spinoffs. It would have been hard for people not to feel worn out by that point. Lol
  8. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Arguably Your Favorite Poster Named cooleddie Moderator

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    Re: New Casting and Story Rumors re: EPISODE VII

    True, it wasn't exactly the most original thing to name a substance - but it's still a hundred times better sounding and just one-millionth as stupid-sounding as "unobtainium." Tritanium....yeah, it sounds like an unimaginative play on a real substance but unobtainium sounds like a dumbass vitamin supplement for octogenarians who can't pass stool.
  9. JoeZhang

    JoeZhang Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 9, 2008
    Re: New Casting and Story Rumors re: EPISODE VII

    Funny thing is - This is what Lucas originally wanted to do - have lots of other people do Spin-offs while he was busying making "serious" films. The reference "there is another" was (according to some) was a line about one of the characters in a spin-off film rather than Leia.
  10. BillJ

    BillJ The King of Kings Premium Member

    Jan 30, 2001
    America, Fuck Yeah!!!
  11. davejames

    davejames Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 6, 2001
    Sac, Ca
    Re: New Casting and Story Rumors re: EPISODE VII

    If they could make each of these spinoffs feel truly unique let the directors bring a very different (and perhaps harder-edged) style to them, I think they could be really cool.

    But unfortunately it's doubtful Disney would ever give them that much freedom, since they'll still want these movies to be as family-friendly as possible.
  12. Flying Spaghetti Monster

    Flying Spaghetti Monster Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 18, 2006
    Flying Spaghetti Western
    Re: New Casting and Story Rumors re: EPISODE VII

    I'm actually more excited about the spin-off films. I'd ratehr watch a crime drama set in this galaxy's underworld than the story of the Skywalkers.
  13. AgentCoop

    AgentCoop Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Re: New Casting and Story Rumors re: EPISODE VII

    I still think that leaves a lot of room for directors to try some things we've never seen in a Star Wars movie before. I suspect Disney will be willing to take a few more risks with the spinoffs.
  14. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Arguably Your Favorite Poster Named cooleddie Moderator

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    Re: New Casting and Story Rumors re: EPISODE VII

    I'd love to see a Boba Fett movie be as dark as they can make it and still feel comfortable with a PG or PG-13 rating and carrying the Disney corporate name. I realize Boba's an antihero who only looks good because most of the people and creatures he faces off against are even worse than he, but there's room to make a very atmospheric and dark bounty hunting and crime film with a space twist if they write and film the thing just right and remember that - even though we know based on the Prequels who Boba really is and his origins - the character himself deliberately surrounds himself with an air of mystery and few words in order to spin his reputation and he squares off against a galaxy of fellow bounty hunters, criminals and smugglers who don't share his particular code of honor and ethics.
  15. AgentCoop

    AgentCoop Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Re: New Casting and Story Rumors re: EPISODE VII

    ^I think that's a great take on it. Fett is ruthless and even cold-blooded...but he's not evil. He's just doing business.
  16. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Arguably Your Favorite Poster Named cooleddie Moderator

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    Re: New Casting and Story Rumors re: EPISODE VII

    He has his own code and limitations he imposes upon himself. He's ruthless, but he's not the vile scum that so many other bounty hunters of that galaxy are. By most of our standards he'd be a bad guy, but when juxtaposed with many of the rogues, criminals and killers of that universe he's, like his father once described himself, just a simple man trying to make his way in the universe. He's good at what he does and he makes no apologies for it, staying true to himself and his own principles.
  17. Mr Light

    Mr Light Admiral Admiral

    Dec 7, 1999
    Re: New Casting and Story Rumors re: EPISODE VII

    BTW, when I donated to the Star Wars charity contest, I got an email that in addition to being entered into appearing in the movie, people who enter in the first two weeks are ALSO entered in a contest to win a free trip to the Star Wars Celebration convention!!! And it said that there will be other similar bonuses given out for donations in the future.
  18. Corran Horn

    Corran Horn Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jun 4, 2001
    Re: New Casting and Story Rumors re: EPISODE VII

    That's an EU interpretation. It might all go out the window.
  19. ATimson

    ATimson Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 3, 2003
    Andrew Timson
    Re: New Casting and Story Rumors re: EPISODE VII

    I thought they were for the in-between years too, but I was expecting the trilogy to follow the old "three years between" pattern:

    2015: Episode VII
    2016: Spin-off
    2017: Spin-off
    2018: Episode VIII
    2019: Spin-off
    2020: Spin-off
    2021: Episode IX
  20. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Arguably Your Favorite Poster Named cooleddie Moderator

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    Re: New Casting and Story Rumors re: EPISODE VII

    Maybe. Maybe not. They'd be smart to retain and build upon it because it makes Boba a more interesting and textured character than just a cloned, one-dimensional bad guy who hunts bounties or the cool guy in the background who wears neat body armor and rarely speaks.

    Those might be more than enough criteria to make ten or more action figures of a character, but a movie character that you want to watch for two hours or longer on the big screen and enjoy probably needs just a little bit more.