Star Trek: Mirrorverse "He Who Draws the Sword"


Red Shirt


Cali Ross Signs On With the Mirrorverse.

DAYTON, OH - July 16 - Actor Cali Ross has signed on to play the part of Pliades in the Star Trek: Mirrorverse pilot episode, "He Who Draws the Sword." This is not the first time that Cali has worked with Star Trek fan films. She will also be seen in the soon to be released Star Trek: New Voyages episode, "World Enough and Time" as Ensign Juvenia. This time she ranks higher as Commander.

"Pliades (is) a strong and deep character, much of the qualities I hold dear. The empathic abilities is a blessing and a curse. Much pleasure and pain one must endure as an empath," Cali says about her role.

"Her character is a Betazed, but not much more can I say without spoiling the plot," says co-executive producer Joe Wagner, "except that unlike Troi, 'cheerleader' will never be used to describe her."

Besides Star Trek fan films, Cali has appeared in films and television. She has appeared in the Jamie Kennedy Experiment, Untold Stories of the ER, and The Practice. Currently, she is a producer and actor in the comedy film Dream State.

"Jeff and I are looking forward to working with our entire cast," says Wagner, "Cali is a welcomed addition to a great cast. Now I have a busy week updating the website."

Star Trek: Mirrorverse is based on the original series episode, "Mirror, Mirror." Learn more about the project at

Star Trek Mirrorverse
This was posted to a web site called Mirrorverse Games. I was made aware of this by the site mod who asked if it was legit. I am posting this so that if it turns up on any other sites you know we are NOT behind this! In fact I am very annoyed that this was posted and someone is using my name. If anyone has any information on this person please let me know.



Dear "MirrorVerse Games":

It has come to my attention that you have made an unauthorized use of Jeff Collinsworth's copyrighted work entitled Star Trek: Mirrorverse, under the Mirroverse Games title in the preparation of a work derived therefrom. He has reserved all rights in the Work, first published in 2006, [and have registered copyright therein]. Your work entitled Mirrorverse Games is essentially identical to the Work and clearly used the Work as its basis. The name is derived from this Star Trek film, and the owners therein see a direct infringement upon the copyrighted name. You are claiming to be producers of the official Star Trek Mirrorverse game, and must desist immediately.

As you neither asked for nor received permission to use the Work as the basis for your independent software franchise, nor to make or distribute copies, including electronic copies, of same, my client Jeff Collinsworth believes you have willfully infringed his rights under 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq. and could be liable for statutory damages as high as $150,000 as set forth in Section 504(c)(2) therein.

My client, Jeff Collinsworth, demands that you immediately cease the use and distribution of all infringing works derived from the Work, and all copies, including electronic copies, of same, that you ultimately delete and remove, if applicable, all unused, undistributed copies of same, or destroy such copies immediately and that you desist from this or any other infringement of my rights in the future. Also, this web page must be fully shut down and the domain name be deleted. If I have not received an affirmative response from you by October 1, 2007 indicating that you have fully complied with these requirements, my clients shall take further action against you.

Very truly yours,

Joseph Bisai ELC
Attorney at Law

Any help would be appreciated!

Jeff Collinsworth
CLB Studios
Star Trek: Mirrorverse
"He Who Draws the Sword"
Star Trek Mirrorverse Homepage
That's bizarre!! Sounds like someone is creating a little mayhem for kicks. We had that happen to us once when someone sent us a fake cease and desist from Paramount.

I would just re-assure people over there and anywhere else it gets posted or sent that this Joseph Bisai fellow does not exist. He doesn't show up on any people finder search. Bogus stuff. Sorry this has happened to you guys too. Best of luck.

As someone who works in Intellectual Property law (in the U.S. ... I have no idea what "ELC" stands for, but I'm guessing it's the equivalent of "Esq." in some foreign country), I'm a bit confused as to what's going on here ... is Mirrorverse the fan movie claiming that Mirrorverse Games has based a game on their story? If so, how did they get the story if you haven't even started production yet? Or, are you just claiming that they stole the name "mirrorverse"? It seems like it's the latter case, and then this would be a trademark case, not a copyright case, but even then ... you haven't trademarked the name "mirrorverse", so what's the case?

Please, fill in some details.
Jeff didn't post it, someone else masquerading as him did. He's posting it here to let people know it's not him.
Re: Star Trek: Mirrorverse "He Who Draws the Sword"

It has been a long while since I posted here, so I wanted to give everyone an update. Mirrorverse is still a go! We have had a number of setbacks with key people in our production. Losing jobs, heart attacks, family loss etc. With hope we will be updating our website soon. What we are needing asap is crew! If there is anyone in the southern Ohio area that wishes to help with this project please contact me via our website. I thank everyone who have been supporters of this project who have held fast with us. I know it has been a long time coming, but it will be worth it!