"Star Trek:Admiralty"

Now THAT is a good and interesting question...perhaps that, in part, could be the premise and plot of the Pilot. Showing the who/what/where/when and why of Star Fleet Admiralty. Seeing a plot-line of Star Ship Approval, from concept to assembly to launch, cutting back and forth between that and the Admiralty's role in the process...hmmm...maybe I should submit a Treatment to @Laura Cynthia Chambers for consideration, as Originator of this Thread?... :techman::hugegrin:
A bigger version of DS9.

But I'm curious, what is the admiral role in Starfleet actually?
- Are they politicians? Diplomats? Or are they the commander of an armada?
We’ve seen all of the above, really. And most of them were either corrupt, inept, or downright evil. Jury’s still out on the SNW admiralty at this time.
Well, I have an idea for the main character, if Star Trek Admiralty is ever happen.

Basically, the character is a masterful strategist. He loves the art of war, and even consider every war that happened in history as something very spectacular, and worth to be studied. But, at the same time, he's a coward. Or at least, very traumatic with a dangerous experience that happened when he was a captain. Because of that psychology problem, he should to be retired from Starfleet. But because of his brain capability, then Star Fleet raise his rank to be an admiral to work as their strategist in Starbase 01.

This character is a bit weird. Love to compare himself to the greatest generals in history, like Napoleon, Sun Tzu and the others. And when he managed to solve Starfleet problem, he call it as an art, and amazed with the beauty on how he solve the problem. But, he hates to face the danger / conflict with his very own person. He'll be protest if Star Fleet send him to the front line. And his psychological sickness will kick his brain when the ship is in danger, and must face a space battle against the enemy. So basically, this character hates to face a dangerous situation directly. But because of his way of thinking, it is himself who actually can bring troubles into his face.

This character lives in the worst time of Federation. After the Federation - Klingon war in 23rd Century, and looking at the conflicts that Federation must face at the time between Kirk era and Picard era. And his work, something that he call as the blueprint to build an Empire will make Federation one of the biggest powerhouse in the galaxy in the 24th century.
I would enjoy something like especially with the already doing Starfleet Academy. which will be concentrating on young characters.
Not interested.

What are they going to do, sit around and have meetings every episode? Bitch to their aide that their uniform isn't replicated properly?

I think a show like this would inevitably turn into a soap opera in order to give itself something to do. And we don't need any more of that in Trek. Just my .02, of course.
What would you think of my other idea, floated earlier upthread?

Maybe a Starfleet version of Blue Bloods - feature characters who know each other - instead of being members of one family, how about former members of one crew? - at various levels of Starfleet.

Former crew of the USS _________ have dispersed to new assignments. Some have family.

Captain is now an admiral and head of command (for a particular sector/quadrant perhaps)
First officer is now that ship's captain
Security officer is now leading the security team of a Starfleet enforcement cruiser
Science officer/engineer is part of a travelling science consultant/engineering team
Medical officer works on a small hospital ship

Go back and forth between the characters, showing their various cases/missions, and the challenges in each. They often chat over subspace looking for advice from each other.
Well, I have an idea for the main character, if Star Trek Admiralty is ever happen.

Basically, the character is a masterful strategist. He loves the art of war, and even consider every war that happened in history as something very spectacular, and worth to be studied. But, at the same time, he's a coward. Or at least, very traumatic with a dangerous experience that happened when he was a captain. Because of that psychology problem, he should to be retired from Starfleet. But because of his brain capability, then Star Fleet raise his rank to be an admiral to work as their strategist in Starbase 01.

This character is a bit weird. Love to compare himself to the greatest generals in history, like Napoleon, Sun Tzu and the others. And when he managed to solve Starfleet problem, he call it as an art, and amazed with the beauty on how he solve the problem. But, he hates to face the danger / conflict with his very own person. He'll be protest if Star Fleet send him to the front line. And his psychological sickness will kick his brain when the ship is in danger, and must face a space battle against the enemy. So basically, this character hates to face a dangerous situation directly. But because of his way of thinking, it is himself who actually can bring troubles into his face.

This character lives in the worst time of Federation. After the Federation - Klingon war in 23rd Century, and looking at the conflicts that Federation must face at the time between Kirk era and Picard era. And his work, something that he call as the blueprint to build an Empire will make Federation one of the biggest powerhouse in the galaxy in the 24th century.

He sounds like a repulsively unlikeable character for a "central character."
Do we really need a show about bureaucrats sitting in conference rooms and offices and experiencing fictional drama that is either
- so removed from modern sensibilities as to be unrelatable
- or so blatantly based on real world global politics as to be uncomfortable?

The only thing more boring than suits around an office table is a crime/legal show.

I came here to say basically this, except the last part. I'd love a JAG-type Trek show. It would be based out of a station on the frontier, but there would still be crimes to investigate and stop, as well as the occasional conspiracy to uncover. They'd be far away from Earth so that Command isn't dropping in every day, but not so far-flung that there aren't ships operating in the area... perhaps there's an organized push to "tame" a sector by exploring it and setting up colonies, with all of the attendant need for law and order that being on the leading edge of Federation expansion would come with.
Well, I have an idea for the main character, if Star Trek Admiralty is ever happen.

Basically, the character is a masterful strategist. He loves the art of war, and even consider every war that happened in history as something very spectacular, and worth to be studied. But, at the same time, he's a coward. Or at least, very traumatic with a dangerous experience that happened when he was a captain. Because of that psychology problem, he should to be retired from Starfleet. But because of his brain capability, then Star Fleet raise his rank to be an admiral to work as their strategist in Starbase 01.

This character is a bit weird. Love to compare himself to the greatest generals in history, like Napoleon, Sun Tzu and the others. And when he managed to solve Starfleet problem, he call it as an art, and amazed with the beauty on how he solve the problem. But, he hates to face the danger / conflict with his very own person. He'll be protest if Star Fleet send him to the front line. And his psychological sickness will kick his brain when the ship is in danger, and must face a space battle against the enemy. So basically, this character hates to face a dangerous situation directly. But because of his way of thinking, it is himself who actually can bring troubles into his face.

This character lives in the worst time of Federation. After the Federation - Klingon war in 23rd Century, and looking at the conflicts that Federation must face at the time between Kirk era and Picard era. And his work, something that he call as the blueprint to build an Empire will make Federation one of the biggest powerhouse in the galaxy in the 24th century.

Sounds like a cross between Liam Shaw and General Patton. :shifty:
He sounds like a repulsively unlikeable character for a "central character."

Well, maybe you're right. He's not a good type character for the main character of a story. Too many flaw. And he's not even the type of man of action, that many people like from the main character of a TV show like Star Trek. He's a kind of Sheldon type, but with different fatal flaw in his character.
I came here to say basically this, except the last part. I'd love a JAG-type Trek show. It would be based out of a station on the frontier, but there would still be crimes to investigate and stop, as well as the occasional conspiracy to uncover. They'd be far away from Earth so that Command isn't dropping in every day, but not so far-flung that there aren't ships operating in the area... perhaps there's an organized push to "tame" a sector by exploring it and setting up colonies, with all of the attendant need for law and order that being on the leading edge of Federation expansion would come with.
Sounds exactly like Star Trek: Vanguard. :bolian:
Well, maybe you're right. He's not a good type character for the main character of a story. Too many flaw. And he's not even the type of man of action, that many people like from the main character of a TV show like Star Trek. He's a kind of Sheldon type, but with different fatal flaw in his character.

Antiheroes are trendy now (Walter White, Vic Mackey, Tony Soprano, etc.).