Seth Macfarlane tapped to host this years Academy Awards!

my point was that the Oscars had become so political as it is, which was why the awards were so spread out (and of course, likely one of the reasons Lincoln wasn't going to win, and why films by particular filmmakers weren't considered - ahem Clod Atlas.) Sure, the First Lady holds no political office but she does represent politics of some sort by showing up anywhere. You have to appreciate that this is just my opinion. I thought it was tactless.
Why would you have a problem with the awards being spread out? Isn't that a sign of Academy actually awarding the deserving winners, rather than just the voters voting for their favorite movie in every possible category? Instead, they made the choices that actually made sense, like visual effects and cinematography for Life of Pi, sound mixing for Les Miserables, etc. (Although I wonder if it was an incredible stroke of luck , or rather good sense, that stopped Affleck from getting the director's Oscar, as actors-turned-directors so often do when their movies are popular, by fortunately keeping him away from the director's nomination...)
I don't think either Argo or Zero Dark Thirty are anything but average thrillers getting attention for their subject matter (and in the case of Argo, for making Hollywood feel good about itself). Zero Dark Thirty bored the hell out of me. It recreated the events, but why? I saw no depth, no emotional resonance, and I didn't get the impression that the movie was saying anything. I just kept thinking "Why should I care? Just shoot him already and finish the damn movie."

I will agree Zero Dark is a bit overrated, but I still thought it was fascinating to watch how all the pieces were put together to find Bin Laden, and all the resources and dedication such a thing required.

Much like with the excellent United 93 movie, just the fact it's chronicling such a huge and important event makes it more than riveting enough. At least for me.

It's not the awards themselves that cause the Oscars to run late. It's all the stuff in between. I'm looking at you Not Particularly Effect Bond Celebration Music thingy.

Yeah, it just baffles me why they insist on having so many endless "musical tributes" on this show. People are tuning in to see the stars and awards, and to laugh at a few jokes. We don't need all this other crap.
I think the producers chose the "music in film" theme just so they could focus on Chicago. One of them produced that movie.

I also hope they bring Seth back next year as I think he did a good job.
I can understand the musical tributes to the current Oscar contenders like Les Mis and Skyfall (the latter of which they botched with lousy sound), but to drag Chicago and Dreamgirls out again years after they were in theaters is just stupid and pointless filler, even if the producer of the Oscar telecast worked on them (in fact, that's a better reason to not use them).
Yeah, as much as I enjoyed Chicago, it was a bit much seeing it pop up again and again on a 2013 Academy Awards ceremony. The Bond performance by Shirley Bassey was just sublime, though. She's still got it!

As for Seth, I love the guy, and hope he comes back next year. Whether you (general you) like his humor or not, the man really appreciates all forms of the performance arts, and it shows.

Plus, once more, the scene that nearly made me piss myself with laughter:
I know Bigelow herself is opposed to torture, which is why I didn't criticize her in any way or let it take away from my appreciation of the film, which I think was a fantastic achievement and also Best Picture-worthy along with Argo. I don't begrudge your dislike of Argo, I just felt some of the criticisms were a little unfair, especially for doing things which are pretty standard practice in Hollywood films, including previous Best Picture nominees.

I misread your comment about Canadians being excluded, sorry about that. You're definitely right that Argo has done nothing that other best pictures have done; it's a much better film than many best picture picks, actually. I just wish the Academy would do better but that's a silly hope, I know.

I don't even know if I dislike Argo. I liked it when I saw it but I liked it less and less as time went on which is the exact opposite of what happened when I saw The Master which I liked but didn't love and now love. Many people hate The Master so it might just be that I have odd taste in films.
The Oscar's may have been meh but the backstage stuff and things we didn't see were more entertaining

Nicholson hit's on Jennifer Lawrence





Robert Downey Jr is the only person clapping LOL

FYI he's five rows behind Jack Nicholson
2013: The year Daredevil, Catwoman, and Mystique all got Oscars.

(Beating out Lois Lane and Aunt May.)
Ha! All their movies are belong to us geeks. :p

Zero Dark Thirty bored the hell out of me. It recreated the events, but why? I saw no depth, no emotional resonance, and I didn't get the impression that the movie was saying anything. I just kept thinking "Why should I care? Just shoot him already and finish the damn movie."

I will agree Zero Dark is a bit overrated, but I still thought it was fascinating to watch how all the pieces were put together to find Bin Laden, and all the resources and dedication such a thing required.

Much like with the excellent United 93 movie, just the fact it's chronicling such a huge and important event makes it more than riveting enough. At least for me.
I wish I could agree, but whereas United 93 gave us several valid and important perspectives - the hijackers, the air control staff, the passengers - ZDT only shows us a small corner of the hunt for bin Laden. There was a whole team of guys trying to track him for several years, which I believe Bush shut down at some point, and which never got a mention, I think. And the whole project was originally conceived as an account of how he got away during the initial invasion of Afghanistan, which wasn't mentioned either. It sort of wanted to be a kind of character study, a la Zodiac, but they couldn't really say anything about the protagonist, since so much about her is off-limits. The Abbotabad raid was great, and very United 93-like, but the rest just felt awkwardly and hastily patched together.
Plus, once more, the scene that nearly made me piss myself with laughter:

Poor Christopher Plummer! He's done great movies (and some not-so-great ones) and he'll be remembered for "The Sound of Music."

While I like the film--and he was the first movie crush I ever had--it's not necessarily what an actor would want to be remembered for.

I don't know, the film is pretty epic, and holds a big place in the hearts of fans and Hollywood alike. I could only hope to do so well.
Plus, once more, the scene that nearly made me piss myself with laughter:

Poor Christopher Plummer! He's done great movies (and some not-so-great ones) and he'll be remembered for "The Sound of Music."

While I like the film--and he was the first movie crush I ever had--it's not necessarily what an actor would want to be remembered for.
It's considered (and rightly so) to be one of the best films of all time. :confused:
Plus, once more, the scene that nearly made me piss myself with laughter:

Poor Christopher Plummer! He's done great movies (and some not-so-great ones) and he'll be remembered for "The Sound of Music."

While I like the film--and he was the first movie crush I ever had--it's not necessarily what an actor would want to be remembered for.
It's considered (and rightly so) to be one of the best films of all time. :confused:

Yeah, it's not as though he's being remembered for LEPRECHAUN 3-D: FOUR CLOVER MASSACRE or something.
Poor Christopher Plummer! He's done great movies (and some not-so-great ones) and he'll be remembered for "The Sound of Music."

For years he despised the movie. He drank on set(hes drunk during the stage performance scene) and called it "the sound of mucous"
Seth has said that while he had a great time hosting, he will not do it again. He has also said, on twitter, that hosting the Oscars is like the Kobayashi Maru test.