Reading last chapter first

Miss Chicken

Little three legged cat with attitude
I was looking at a couple of book sites, such as this site and this one both of which asks the question "Do You Read the End First?"

Some of the comments include

“I almost always read the last chapter of a book first. It may be because I like a character and want to make sure they end well. Or I think I have it figured out and can’t wait to find out that I’m right.”

Annie also notes that perhaps one reason she always reads the end first is because “my life is so full of unknowns that to truly escape I have to know exactly where I’m headed.”

This is not something I have ever done but I was wondering what you folks think about such a practice.
If you read Revelation first you will be like.. wha...? And then you won't bother with the rest of it.
I never do that with books, but I often wikipedia a movie before seeing it. Usually if I'm trying to decide if I want to see it.
I have never read the end first. In fact, the thought never even occurred to me until the OP's post. I have picked a few random paragraphs from the middle of books to get an idea of the tone and writing style, but never enough to give the plot away.

Mr Awe
I only do it with books I don't intend to read but am curious to see what the "twist" or whatever was.
I've never read the whole last chapter, but before I buy a book, I'll read the last couple of paragraphs and a few random pages in the middle.
I always start at the beginning, and then read until I reach the end. Reading the end first never occurred to me, though I have bailed out in the middle once or twice, because the book just wasn't delivering.

Though there have been times I've had a peek at the very last word.

The end word?

Not if the end word is end.

I had forgotten that I used to do this...I think I did it most in my early teens, but I've just had a peek at the last word of the novel I am currently reading: alone.

Not surprising. It's a fucking gloomy book. Fascinating, but gloomy.

I just looked at the last word of the next paperbook I plan to read - the word is out which isn't very exciting at all. The first word is Hines i.e. the surname.
That would be a Malcom Reed attitude and that's beneath me.

I might look on reviews though. Even if they have spoiler warnings.
Obviously in When Harry Met Sally Harry used to read the end of a book just in case he died while he was reading it.

I've never read the end of a book, the closest I ever come is catching a glimpse of the last few sentences if I'm seeing how many pages it has, that's it though. Seems a very odd thing to do.
From time to time I have gone to the end and read the last few paragraphs - and immediately regretted it. I can't say why I've done it, just that I have.
I primarily read murder mystery novels, so reading the last chapter would defeat the whole purpose of the book to me. I want to figure out the mystery on my own as much as possible, and then be treated to a big exciting reveal.

However, like thestrangequark, in my younger days I used to read the very last word of a book, I don't know why! I also don't know why I stopped doing it as I grew older.
I have a relative who likes to read the end first. Her rationale is that if she's wondering how a book ends, she'll read too quickly and miss a lot of detail. By getting any suspense out of the way first, she can savour the details as she goes along.

I read the whole book in order. Then, if the book was good and I feel like I've missed things, I go back and reread either parts or the whole book.