Post-JJverse / Nemesis Ship Inspired Ideas


Red Shirt

These are some ship ideas inspired from various ST ships and other ideas coming.

First is the USS Magellan

  • 8 Phaser Arrays
  • 1 Lance Weapon (In primary deflector. Example. Deflector being used against the Borg in TNG)
  • 2 Quad multi-phased pulse cannons ( Defiant like. )
  • 4 Quantum torpedoe bays. (Undiscovered country. Torpedoes can be altered-reconfigured Borg like in a Torpedoe bay)
  • Neutro and ablative armor, and nanite reinforcement surface hull (Borg tech. Surface layer).
  • Dampening system (Borg enhanced.)
Power systems

* 2 Galaxy class output level power warp cores
* Super coolant system

Section 31 or part of the Defiant/Soverign/Promethus project ships.

Admiral Aala
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I'm liking the Reliant looking one, but I've never been a fan of the fat necked Excelsior type of design. I'm glad we never saw the Enterprise B :P
Thanks for the replies. I do like the Luna class reference someone left me.

I added some more detail trying to figure out detail locations.

As I work on it more, I think next week I will have enougth details to add windows where needed and hopefully textured.