Pike's "TV" in "The Cage"


Vice Admiral
Many props from TOS have been identified as "found items." Has anyone figured out the exact type of TV that was in Pike's quarters in "The Cage?"
I can't answer that, but he was probably catching Mission: Impossible and Bewitched on the Galaxy 1 Network.
For what it's worth, the "TV" appears in Pazo Guzman's concept sketch of Pike's cabin.

Though, that doesn't necessarily mean it wasn't an item that Desilu already had sitting around, I suppose. Has the set ever been spotted in a previous Desilu production?
The "TV" was almost certainly a dummy, a stock piece of set dressing and not meant to represent any specific make of television set.
A little known thing about Capt Pike was that he collected early 1960s electronics.
^^ :lol:

But seriously, what about the chances we are looking at a last minute change on behalf of the gooseneck viewers?

As an intercom device the TV set in Pike's cabin must have looked lame ("So they have TV aboard their starship, great") compared to these 007-type miniature viewers.

And somehow that idea must have stuck with them (miniature screens are more futuristic). The briefing room in "The Corbomite Maneuver" had a wall mounted flat screen, but instead they looked at the triangular viewscreen on the room's table.

To me the TV console looks too finely made to be a TV prop, more like a found piece. I tried googling "60's TV Console" but didn't find it. Did see this one which is kind of interesting...

<< ^^ The direction your avatar is looking strongly suggests otherwise. ;)

@ HarryM

This German "Kuba Music & TV Box" apparently inspired the German science fiction miniseries Space Patrol, which aired around the same time as the first TOS episodes (and had a similar and serious approach to the genre). Great find!

Also note his hat sitting on top of the TV.

A bit more about Pike's utility cover is here:


I remember reading an early treatment of The Cage years ago and IIRC the opening scene was Pike dressing down a crew member after they returned from that mission that got many of the crew injured. Pike was described as wearing that cover (its the reason they made one, but it only ended up as set dressing).
I've read that scene, but I can't for the life of me remember any costume description.
A little known thing about Capt Pike was that he collected early 1960s electronics.

Just like Kirk 'collecting' Commodore VIC-20s in TWOK.

Get back your command, Jim. Get it back before you turn into part of this collection. Get it back before you really do wind up working off of solid-state components and microchips ...
Also note his hat sitting on top of the TV.
The old Federation Reference Series paired Pike's hat with the gold-trimmed Starfleet uniform seen in the Orion fantasy to make a Pike-era dress uniform:

It was great to see the similar hats in the new movies' AU Starfleet.