Klingon Augments in Trials & Tribbilations


Shouldn't they have cleaned the floor w/the humans? Anyway, I appreciate DS9 for at least broaching the topic of how the Klingons changed. Wished we'd have seen something of how Kor and Koloth and those dudes changed back to Klingon "normal".

Does anyone like ST: ENT's explanation of the augment situation?

More: how about the Romulans, were they augmented in the TOS days? Gah!
Those Klingons weren't Augments in the same way the Human Augments were, they were descendents of those who were exposed to a modified flu virus that made them lose their ridges, but in curing them they didn't gain any increased strength or intelligence as the Human Augments are given. So the TOS Klingons would be the same strength as any Klingon despite lacking ridges.

I'm fine with ENT's answer to the question, but if DS9 didn't (unknowingly) put them in the situation of having to explain that the difference was something in-universe and not purely a makeup issue I'd have been fine if someone just said there was no in-universe reason, it was completely a production thing.

As for the Romulans. Given they are related to Vulcans maybe some just naturally look more Vulcan for whatever reason.
I liked the ds9 writers approach that any explanation would be ridiculous wgat Worf said was perfect. Didnt like the way ENT tried to explain it.
The only way that would of been better then Ds9 way of handling it would be when the time shift occurs, have worf makeup change to the 1960s makeup and not have a soul comment on the change.
Why? Because bats have forehead ridges? ;)

Perhaps it's time for someone to do a remastering of "Trials and Tribble-ations" where Worf does change to a 60's era Klingon!
Shouldn't they have cleaned the floor w/the humans? Anyway, I appreciate DS9 for at least broaching the topic of how the Klingons changed. Wished we'd have seen something of how Kor and Koloth and those dudes changed back to Klingon "normal".

Does anyone like ST: ENT's explanation of the augment situation?

More: how about the Romulans, were they augmented in the TOS days? Gah!
The humans in "Trouble With Tribbles" had no problem kicking Klingon ass. So why should the humans in "Trials and Tribbilation have a problem?
And we never see any regular Klingons in TOS, and after TMP we don't see any more TOS Klingons. And I suppose Kang, Koloth, and Kor spontaneously got better along with the other TOS Klingons.
Yeah the episode was supposed to be a nod and a wink to fanboy nitpicking, but I think it raised a bigger question. How is it possible Bashir and O'Brien were unaware that the Federations greatest enemy looked different in the past then they do now. I mean I know they didn't have television anymore, but did they get rid of all cameras too?:vulcan:
Yeah the episode was supposed to be a nod and a wink to fanboy nitpicking, but I think it raised a bigger question. How is it possible Bashir and O'Brien were unaware that the Federations greatest enemy looked different in the past then they do now. I mean I know they didn't have television anymore, but did they get rid of all cameras too?:vulcan:
Maybe they failed 23rd Century History because they didnt pay attention?
How is it possible Bashir and O'Brien were unaware that the Federations greatest enemy looked different in the past then they do now.

They probably just didn't bother to look in the history books. Why would they? I doubt it was something they liked to think about. The only Klingons they ever knew personally were allies (such as Worf), so they wouldn't have been motivated to go poking around.
And if smooth Klingons were the minority, then it could be that all the one pictured in the Federation history textbooks for the 23rd century (ambassadors, chancellors, and the like, probably) were ridged.
You're forgetting one thing: 23rd century humans themselves are descendants of augments. There's no way of telling how many augments managed to send their DNA forth before they were overthrown.
Or you never wondered why Kirk manages to beat the poo out of Khan in the engineering scene? ;)
Two things.

One, would a augment be capable of producing children with a normal Human being?

Two, according to the conversation between Spock and McCoy, Khan and the other "supermen" were not genetically augmented, but rather the result of selective breeding, not the same thing. Khan and the augments were two different creations.

Two things.

One, would a augment be capable of producing children with a normal Human being?

Two, according to the conversation between Spock and McCoy, Khan and the other "supermen" were not genetically augmented, but rather the result of selective breeding, not the same thing. Khan and the augments were two different creations.

Good pt. Khan ruled the Earth in the 80's 90's, I blv and was overthrown from the Eugenics War. Nice call
Assuming Joachim was the offspring of Khan and the non-superhuman McGivers, it would seem that the "augment genes" lost out for the most part: Joachim's ethnical phenotype is more like that of her mother than her father...

Joachim isn't quite as aggressive as his dad, either, nor quite so fundamentally stupid.

Timo Saloniemi
^ Lots of fans seem to think so. No line in the movie supports this openly, though Khan's actions as Joachim lays dying ("I shall avenge you!") do seem to imply it.

AFAIK, in the Eugenics Wars novels, Joachim is the son of Joaquin, one of the other Augments.