JJVerse Ship Designs

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Johnnymuffintop, Dec 2, 2009.

  1. Johnnymuffintop

    Johnnymuffintop Commander Red Shirt

    Oct 16, 2008
    Riverside, CA
    Alright, I just wanna start by saying that my designs are often changing, so I want any and all suggestions you may have. Always looking for a new way of looking at something.

    Now, to the designs themselves.
    First, here's something I've already put out there.

    An incomplete Enterprise, my DY-100 design, and a Daedalus based entirely on MadeinJapan1988's design.

    Here's some more fleshing out of the Romulan design.

    About the Romulan bird of prey:
    The dark gray part on the dorsal side is going to have long grooves in it that glow. The bird on the bottom was inspired from John Eaves sketches for the ENT era Romulan bird of prey. There are there segments in the paint that have gray outlines: those are the landing gear.

    She has one forward plasma cannon located in the "head" of the paint scheme. As well as two articulating disruptor cannons that pop out and fire in any direction when necessary, but are typically kept in it's forward facing direction where if fires from a groove in the wing.
  2. Technobuilder

    Technobuilder Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 5, 1999
    Nashville, TN
    Nice Work.

    Particularly the Daedalus Class (Profile).

    I've never been much of a fan of the TOS Romulan BoP, but I have to say I enjoy your take on it.

    I wish the engines from your "DY-Class" designs were the standard.
  3. Johnnymuffintop

    Johnnymuffintop Commander Red Shirt

    Oct 16, 2008
    Riverside, CA
    By the standard DY engines, do you mean you wish that my design had the canon version ones?

    I opted for the more "rocket engine" back end because I based the design on a couple ENT era John Eave designed ships. Also, they give me a slight 2001: A Space Odyssey feel.
  4. Kaiser

    Kaiser Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 19, 2007
    Boyertown, PA as of July 2011
    Cool stuff :) :techman:
  5. Technobuilder

    Technobuilder Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 5, 1999
    Nashville, TN

    Nope, sorry. I was unclear.

    I wish your designs were the actual canon standard for the DY-Class ships in Star Trek.
  6. BorgMan

    BorgMan Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    May 28, 2004
    A happy place
    Hmm, I'm digging the Daedalus. Something about Daedalusses always inspired me :)
  7. iguana_tonante

    iguana_tonante Admiral Admiral

    Sep 15, 2006
    Italy, EU
    Very nice stuff! Love it! :techman: