Is James Cawley Really Dropping out of Phase II?

James himself said he stepped aside as Kirk. Seer was referring to the actor who's been playing Kirk. James may not be leaving Phase II, but he did step out of the Kirk role for the episodes listed,
Brian Gross' performance in the upcoming episodes will knock your socks off, if watching him on-set is any indication.

****I may be a little biased in my opinion*****

Last year I saw the trailer of 'Bread and Savagery' and 'The holiest thing' trailer after the episode Kitumba.

When I saw Brian Gross and Brandon Stacey together in one scene I thought, wow it's going to be even greater than before and absolutely a joy to watch.

Every time Phase II has an new episode you can see, at least I can see, them grow and maybe with Brian Gross, it's a (next) step in that continues growing process.

But I also enjoyed watching the series with James Crawley as Kirk and I can only have respect for him for what he has done and how he has done it. ;)
Having seen the existing cut of The Holiest Thing, I can honestly say I like Brian Gross as Kirk. He's not doing Shatner, he's doing his own thing, but it feels right to me.

Others may feel differently.
Having seen the existing cut of The Holiest Thing, I can honestly say I like Brian Gross as Kirk. He's not doing Shatner, he's doing his own thing, but it feels right to me.

Others may feel differently.

I never realised backers were getting the rough cut so early, if I'd have known I would have chosen a higher perk lol
I can't speak with any authority about all the stuff that's going on behind the scenes, I can only speak from the perspective of a fan who has enjoyed, to a greater or lesser degree, all of the various fan, er, enterprises that I've seen.

Those who are making or will make such films all owe a debt to Mr. Cawley for clearing the brush, laying the foundation, or whatever metaphor you wish to employ to show that this is something that even could be done.

His decision to relinquish the role of JTK made a great deal of sense given that the whole "Phase II" thing had gotten so big that he could not, in his own judgement, which is, after all, what counts most, adequately play the captain and "man the helm", so to speak, at the same time.

As for the criticism of those outside the actual world of film production, one should remember the words of Dr. McCoy from "Friday's Child", paraphrased here slightly: "What the critics say is not important and we do not hear their words."
As for the criticism of those outside the actual world of film production, one should remember the words of Dr. McCoy from "Friday's Child", paraphrased here slightly: "What the critics say is not important and we do not hear their words."
You just called the critics liars.
Having seen the existing cut of The Holiest Thing, I can honestly say I like Brian Gross as Kirk. He's not doing Shatner, he's doing his own thing, but it feels right to me.

Others may feel differently.

I never realised backers were getting the rough cut so early, if I'd have known I would have chosen a higher perk lol

I suspect you'll have another opportunity.

Yes hopefully Holiest Thing and Mind Sifter will be out before years end :)
if he did want to quit trek completely i wouldn't blame him with the amount of weird bitching that seems to go on.
I never realised backers were getting the rough cut so early, if I'd have known I would have chosen a higher perk lol

I suspect you'll have another opportunity.

Yes hopefully Holiest Thing and Mind Sifter will be out before years end :)

I was wondering about the episode Mind Sifter, is it something like TNG's Frame of Mind or Stargate Atlantis 'The Real World', because on the photo's that I have seen on the internet you can see Kirk in some kind of (mental) hospital?
Having seen the existing cut of The Holiest Thing, I can honestly say I like Brian Gross as Kirk. He's not doing Shatner, he's doing his own thing, but it feels right to me.

Others may feel differently.

After watching you for a few years now and being your Facebook buddy for a few years Cap'n, that's all I needed to hear. I feel that if there was ever one person to be an Ambassador to all fan films out there, to bring peace, it would be you. :bolian:

I'm bothered by this thread. First, why is it cool to copy and paste and paste stuff from anyone's Facebook wall without their permission. If memory serves, author David R Gerrold in the TrekLit forum has asked no one do that from his wall and that request has been honored. How about we treat everyone across the board the same way?

Second, why the big surprise? Phase II is Jame's baby. I know what that feels like, building a blog from 0 readers to over 74,000. Sometimes life happens and you have to let go of a little control. But look who he's given control to as show runner, David Gerrold. He literally was the man who put the Tiberius in James T. Kirk's name.

From Memory Alpha:

Star Trek affiliation Edit
Gerrold wrote the scripts for the original series' "The Trouble with Tribbles" and its sequel, the animated series' "More Tribbles, More Troubles", as well as The Animated Series episode "Bem". The first of these was nominated for a Hugo Award in the category "Best Dramatic Presentation", which he shared with Joseph Pevney. He provided the story, along with Oliver Crawford, for TOS: "The Cloud Minders". He also provided an uncredited rewrite of the final draft of the script for TOS: "I, Mudd".

Before his script outline that became "The Trouble With Tribbles" was bought by Star Trek producers, Gerrold (a recent college graduate), early in 1967, submitted a sixty-page outline for a two-part episode, "Tomorrow Was Yesterday". After that outline was responded to, positive for its quality, negative for its usefulness to the series, Gerrold was invited to submit some script outlines suitable for the program's budget. Gerrold submitted five outlines, including "A Fuzzy Thing Happened To Me..." (which became Tribbles), "The Protracted Man", "Bandi", and two others with titles Gerrold did not recall some years later. One of the others involved Kirk playing a chess game with his crew as chess pieces, the other involved a spaceship-destroying machine, an idea he noted as eerily similar to Norman Spinrad's story "The Doomsday Machine" that was produced for the same season. Gerrold also came up with both "More Tribbles, More Troubles" and "Bem" as story ideas for the third season, however producer Fred Freiberger refused to buy either of them. They were re-developed and produced for the The Animated Series five years later.

A caricature of Gerrold was included in "More Tribbles, More Troubles" as an in-joke. According to the novelization of the episode by Alan Dean Foster, this individual was named "Hacker," a name which Gerrold later found insulting.

In 1987, Gerrold was hired as a story editor on Star Trek: The Next Generation, in which capacity he wrote many elements in the Writers' Bible for the series. Having had an inside track he submitted a series of articles under the column heading "Generations" to Starlog, the first of which appeared in issue 118, May 1987 and which ran through issue 123 of October 1987, often illustrated with production art by Andrew Probert. The intent was, much as Susan Sackett had done in her "Star Trek Reports" columns on Star Trek: The Motion Picture for the same publications in the 1970s, to keep readership apprised about the progress of the production of The Next Generation".

He left the show near the end of the first season, mainly because of the dispute over his controversial script, "Blood and Fire". The story, which was basically an allegory of AIDS, and involved allegedly homosexual characters, was initially scrapped by the producers. It was re-written by Herb Wright as "Blood and Ice", removing the gay characters, but it still remained unproduced. Gerrold received credit as Program Consultant for the early part of the first season, from "The Naked Now" to "Lonely Among Us".

It's not like James has given his show runner status to an idiot.
I hope he devotes time to other projects as well, I'd love to see work continue on Wild Wild West for example.
I would like to say, James Cawley is such a well-mannered person, that I can just applaud him. He also seems to be best buddy to those around him. That there may have been people who abused his trust is largely known. That he chose not to do name calling speaks for him.
Yes, the audience (we) are a funny bunch of people. First we are amused, then we are enchanted by the outputs of NV/P2, then we are criticizing and bitching and add to this craving for more output/episodes. That's obviously the price you pay for doing something you always wanted to do and then present it to the internet (us).
But JC has always been fair, has never publicly moaned and has always shown, that he took the High Ground. Even in times when I would have spit out Lava if it happened to me he showed us how he managed to go trough hard times like those...

So even if I continue criticizing or praising the future episodes of P2 - no matter what, I will continue applauding the man at the helm of P2.

Let this year end faster, please! ;-)

Greetings from Platjenwerbe
I hope he devotes time to other projects as well, I'd love to see work continue on Wild Wild West for example.

I'd like to see work continue on Buck Rogers....I was overjoyed that they were using a retro-futurism look and was just as excited for it as any major motion picture from Hollywood. I'm guessing the project is dead, but I'm holding out some small glimmer of hope.
After watching you for a few years now and being your Facebook buddy for a few years Cap'n, that's all I needed to hear. I feel that if there was ever one person to be an Ambassador to all fan films out there, to bring peace, it would be you. :bolian:
That's very kind but I doubt I could bring peace to a gathering of fluffy bunnies, let alone the fanfilm community (or even my own backyard on occasion). :)

I think (I hope) you'll enjoy Brian Gross' take on Kirk. I certainly am. :)
I'm bothered by this thread. First, why is it cool to copy and paste and paste stuff from anyone's Facebook wall without their permission. If memory serves, author David R Gerrold in the TrekLit forum has asked no one do that from his wall and that request has been honored. How about we treat everyone across the board the same way?

We have a rule in the "privacy" section of the FAQ file:

"On the internet, a person's privacy is very valuable. Unless a poster has made it clear they don't mind, you can't post any details of their real-life identity on the board. You also cannot post material such as chat logs, emails, private messages or messages from other message boards - without the consent of all involved parties."

The rule seems to be related to PMs of various kinds--the kind of PMs you get on the TrekBBS system or on Facebook. It doesn't say you can't repost *posts* from other board systems; it only says you can't repost PMs. So it looks like "private" messages can't be reposted but "public" *posts* can be. (The rule seems to be couched in terms of "messages.")

So if I received a PM from someone on Facebook, I can't reproduce it without permission. But a ("public") post that someone posts from their Facebook "wall" or from any other public board would appear to be fair game. (In the case of David Gerrold, for example, he has 5000 followers; the notion that his wall is private is probably wide of the mark. Although he might not want his wall posts reproduced, there doesn't seem to be any board prohibition. I guess violation would result in some kind of David Gerrold sanction, not a TrekBBS sanction.)

That's how I read the rule, but it was written before Facebook was around so it's a little unclear maybe. Nevertheless, there appears to be no board prohibition on reporting stuff that people decided to post publically on their wall. Only private stuff can't be reproduced without consent.
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