Spoilers Invincible (Prime Video)


Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
Mark Grayson is a normal teenager, except for the fact that his father Nolan is the most powerful superhero on the planet. Shortly after his seventeenth birthday, Mark begins to develop powers of his own and enters into his father's tutelage

I loved the comic and I have to say that this is an excellent adaptation. Your thoughts people? :)

I watched the first episode. I saw that twist coming TBH. I wonder if he’s like Hawk Girl from the JL cartoon and is just a scout and his planet are the invaders.
Until the final scene i was ready to put it away, halfway through the episode i started to do something on my phone and you don't do that if a show or a movie really grips you.

Then the final scene happened and i think i'll continue.
The first episode covered the first six issues of the comic. The ending scene was as powerful as it was in the comic books. Invincible is one of my favorite comic series and this series seems to be doing it justice.
The first episode covered the first six issues of the comic. The ending scene was as powerful as it was in the comic books. Invincible is one of my favorite comic series and this series seems to be doing it justice.

If i had read the comics and that twist came in only in the 6th edition i may have not made it that far. Most of the episode was setup and nothing that unique, in fact the team seemed like a complete rip off of the Justice League with minor changes ( i really guess it is intentional). It hits many genre tropes which we have all seen a thousand times so until the twist it was nothing special.

I'm not familiar with the release of the comics but i guess Kirkman's name kept it afloat while he set up the pieces but i've seen new Marvel comics cancelled way before six issues, so i believe either Kirkman's name and/or the publisher knowing where the story is headed gave them enough clout not to get prematurely cancelled.

Either way i will find some time to catch up with the episodes just to see where this is leading.
It wasn't Kirkman's name that kept it afloat, Invincible launched before The Walking Dead. It was more that Image didn't have a lot of superhero books going at the time. That, and new books in general were given more time to establish themselves back then.
The cliffhanger was meant to line up with the collected release. The Invincible series is written around six issues collected editions with each six issues forming a chapter in the story.

The series first issues seemed like the focus of the series would be life as a teenager who is also a super hero. Then we had the twist we see in episode one.

From there the series did a pretty great job of developing its universe into a rich and multayered narrative.

I am curious how many episodes have been released? Ithought I saw multiple episodes when I watched this last Friday.
The cliffhanger was meant to line up with the collected release. The Invincible series is written around six issues collected editions with each six issues forming a chapter in the story.

The series first issues seemed like the focus of the series would be life as a teenager who is also a super hero. Then we had the twist we see in episode one.

From there the series did a pretty great job of developing its universe into a rich and multayered narrative.

I am curious how many episodes have been released? Ithought I saw multiple episodes when I watched this last Friday.

They released three episodes to start, then once a week after (so four episodes so far).
Watched the first three episodes and so far it’s just okay. It seems really cheezy to me. There’s tons of super powered people all over the place and they all have superhero names and garish looking costumes.

I get that it is a comic book world, but it’s a TV show, albeit an animated one, with some very real world Because of this, I think the show could use some grounding.

I do like the acting, and there are some heavyweights. JK Simmons and Sandra Oh., among others, are great. I also like the racial diversity.

I plan on seeing it through. Hope it gets a bit more grounded.
I plan on seeing it through. Hope it gets a bit more grounded.

Certainly can't speak for the series, who knows what will be the case there. But there is nothing grounded about Invincible, as a comic. It's pretty much off the wall and comic book for comic books' sake across the board. And honestly, I'm not sure I'd put grounded and Kirkman in the same sentence in any case.
I dont think the show is for you then. The storytelling and plots are full on over the comics stories told with a lot of stylized graphic violence.
Watched the first three episodes and so far it’s just okay. It seems really cheezy to me. There’s tons of super powered people all over the place and they all have superhero names and garish looking costumes.

I get that it is a comic book world, but it’s a TV show, albeit an animated one, with some very real world Because of this, I think the show could use some grounding.

I do like the acting, and there are some heavyweights. JK Simmons and Sandra Oh., among others, are great. I also like the racial diversity.

I plan on seeing it through. Hope it gets a bit more grounded.

“The problem with most genre fantasy is that it's not nearly fantastic enough. It's escapist, but it can't escape.”
― China Mieville

“Part of the appeal of the fantastic is taking ridiculous ideas very seriously and pretending they're not absurd.”
― China Miéville
Watched the first three episodes and so far it’s just okay. It seems really cheezy to me. There’s tons of super powered people all over the place and they all have superhero names and garish looking costumes.

I get that it is a comic book world, but it’s a TV show, albeit an animated one, with some very real world Because of this, I think the show could use some grounding.

I do like the acting, and there are some heavyweights. JK Simmons and Sandra Oh., among others, are great. I also like the racial diversity.

I plan on seeing it through. Hope it gets a bit more grounded.
Well, perhaps it isn't for you. I mean, you are searching "grounding" in a superhero show where dragons attack Rome and they call it "Tuesday"?
I don't know, I think the mundanity of repeated alien invasions, wizard battles, and a mad scientist turning half the population into giraffes for an afternoon is it's own kind of "grounding." This is just how things are, so the real drama and conflict is mostly interpersonal and still relatable.

Also, yes there's people flying around with goofy colourful outfits with silly codenames, but it's not shrinking from the horror and carnage that would ensue from these people getting into fights in populated areas. And if it seems messed up that a world would just accept this as reality and go on about their lives, that to me is probably the most grounded aspect of the premise: "Fifty bystanders were killed today when a deeply misguided lone wolf assailant turned into an actual wolf in a local shopping centre. The mayor released a statement saying his thoughts and prayers go out to the families and victims of this unavoidable tragedy."
If that kind of thing doesn't sound chillingly familiar, then I envy your ignorance.
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How awesome is it the high school is called Reginald VelJohnson High and the Principal *IS* Reginald VelJohnson voicing a character named Principal Winslow (Carl Winslow being his Family Matters character) lol
Seen all four eps so far. Loving it. I like that it doesn't "bury the cape" but leans into it in a "we're a superhero show, so what?:" manner.
I don't know, I think the mundanity of repeated alien invasions, wizard battles, and a mad scientist turning half the population into giraffes for an afternoon is it's own kind of "grounding." This is just how things are, so the real drama and conflict is mostly interpersonal and still relatable.

Also, yes there's people flying around with goofy colourful outfits with silly codenames, but it's not shrinking from the horror and carnage that would ensue from these people getting into fights in populated areas. And if it seems messed up that a world would just accept this as reality and go on about their lives, that to me is probably the most grounded aspect of the premise: "Fifty bystanders were killed today when a deeply misguided lone wolf assailant turned into an actual wolf in a local shopping centre. The mayor released a statement saying his thoughts and prayers go out to the families and victims of this unavoidable tragedy."
If that kind of thing doesn't sound chillingly familiar, then I envy your ignorance.

Well, this episode shows clearly why all the concept of "secret identity" is idiotic.
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