Interstellar trailer


Vice Admiral

It's been a long road

Get'n from there to here
It's been a long time
But my time is finally near

I will see my dreams come alive at last
I will touch the sky
And they're not gonna hold me down no more
No they're not gonna change my mind

'Cause I've got faith of the heart
I'm going where my heart will take me
I've got faith to believe
I can do anything
I've got strength of the soul
No one's going to bend nor break me
I can reach any star
I've got faith
I've got faith
Faith of the heart

I loved it.

What I love about this trailer is how it inspires hope, optimism, and a general sense of excitement. I feel like it's coming at a very timely fashion where we are pulling funding from NASA and moving away from exploration. It's almost like Matthew McConaughey is speaking directly to us.

Then again, it's the trailer for a Christopher Nolan movie. So of course I was bound to like it. :D
Thank God they didn't use that shitty song for that trailer.

Didn't excite me that much. It would have been cool if someone with a greater voice than McConaughey narrated it.
Being a teaser it didn't show us much from the actual movie, but it was a cool exploration of the theme.
I'm really looking forward to this movie.

However, the teaser is pretty "meh" and might as well be a commercial for Nike or a teaser for a new Braga series.

I look forward to something more substantial from the great Nolan.
Eh, the trailer didn't interest me. Matthew McConaughey narrating actually makes me less interested for some reason.
Also, blue and orange. *sigh*
I loved it.

What I love about this trailer is how it inspires hope, optimism, and a general sense of excitement. I feel like it's coming at a very timely fashion where we are pulling funding from NASA and moving away from exploration. It's almost like Matthew McConaughey is speaking directly to us.

Then again, it's the trailer for a Christopher Nolan movie. So of course I was bound to like it. :D

Speaking to us, or for us? This sounds like a condensed but well written expression of the frustration of every sic-fi/trekkie/futurist out there when they start lamenting about the failure of our space program, about the loss of vision by our nation and an adverse position that has looked down on smart, on education, on science by the majority.

I don't know if this was meant for us, the sic-fi fan, so much as it's targeted at the "average joe". Will be interesting to see the trailer and how it will build on this teaser.
Like a good teaser trailer should, this has my attention. But, a sf movie directed by Nolan with a cast like that already had my attention. Hopefully the movie lives up to all that promise.
Well Nolan's excited


With all the corn imagery we all know it's about corn

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that whole thing felt totally American-centric. I know yanks have a hard time grasping that they're not the centre of all creation so it may not have been intentional, but from an outside perspective, those images mixed with those words have a certain jingoistic ring to them.
The rest of the world is fine with it, well.. "unsurprised" and if Hollywood tried being honest, it would alienate the American audiences which is the film industry's sugar daddy.


Maybe this movie is about crop circles?
Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that whole thing felt totally American-centric.

Of course it is. It was only a matter of time before SF arrived that was about America's angst over its loss of leadership and primacy (or the deterioration of that position, anyway), just as Trek in its origins was about the celebration of that leadership and primacy.
Looks great. While I think Nolan is slightly overrated as a director, he usually puts out a pretty good product. Color me interested.
Here's the description from wikipedia:
wikipedia said:
When a wormhole (which hypothetically connects widely-separated regions of spacetime) is newly discovered, a team of explorers and scientists embark on a voyage through it to transcend previous limitations on human space travel. The Hollywood Reporter said in addition to the official synopsis, "The plot is believed to involve time travel and alternate dimensions, but other details are being kept under wraps."