Heroes Reborn - Season 1 Discussion Thread (with Spoilers)

How excited am i to watch Heroes Reborn?

  • The previews don't look promising, but i'll try any way

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Anybody know when we'll start seeing more of the original series characters and actors. I was expecting them to pop up a lot more often than they have been.

Apparently a major one is showing up tomorrow.

I know Molly was technically an old character, but she was so much older, and had changed so much that she was pretty much a new character IMO.

And a new actress too, the only returning character to be recast. Apparently Adair Tishler has suspended her acting career to focus on college.
Its kinda too bad Molly died -- she would have made sense as a "next generation" lead.

And speaking of leads..Micah has grown up to the be exactly the type of lead, certainly the CW would have in mind.

Those guys, added with some new people, and Noah, would make Heroes fresh , yet familiar to fans.

It's a minor nit for me, but I can easily forgive if the show continues to be good (IMHO).
Wow -- I'm reeling from the flub that got into the next-week preview at the end. The announcer (Dorian Harewood, BTW) said that next week would feature the series' greatest "relevation." I can't believe nobody caught that.

So is Miko gone now? I knew she was a game character, but I hope this isn't the ending of her story. I'd still like an explanation of how she was brought to life -- and how exactly Hiro could be trapped inside a video game in the first place.

It looked like they actually went to Paris to shoot the scenes with Tommy and his girlfriend whose name I'm forgetting. That's impressive. But the writing there was a lot less impressive. "It's my destiny to save the world." Oy. And why did she talk about Claire's outing of Evos -- which happened only five years ago -- as if it were ancient history?
Yeah, I kind of figured that Miko's "father" was Hiro, I like it that Malina and Luke has found each other. This was a pretty exciting ep. and I'm looking forward to the next two weeks.
Best episode so far. The story is starting to be more coherent and cohesive now that the major players have interactions with one another.

It appears Miko was in fact a computer generated character with the sole purpose of freeing Hiro Nakamura from his virtual captivity. By going back in time, could Noah alter the course of history and save Claire?
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Lots of stuff happened this week, but for most of the episode, I found it difficult to care about any of it. Are Miko and her friend gone? ("You can find your own way out.")

Is beardy sidekick gone? I think he was everybody's favorite character. Killed by your own sister who you were trying to save. What a way to go.

Super Ororo saved suicide guy with her vague and undefined powerset. I guess that's nice. Teleporter kid won't be too happy to see him again though.

So Hiro and Noah are going back in time to stop whatever happened in Odessa on June 13. And then they'll come back to the present to join up with all our other characters? I'll be impressed if this show can pull off time travel and all the expected explanations of what's going on in a smart manner. We'll see.
Yeah, it looks like bearded guy is dead, sadly, but with Noah and Hiro going into the past to inevitably step on butterflies, he may be back.

More than that, I'm sad that Katana Girl is gone (as well as her charmingly devoted sidekick), so I'm hoping that the technician was wrong and that she can be made real.

It was great to see Hiro again, especially showing such presence and gravitas. I hope he plays a major role in the rest of the series and that this won't be just a glorified cameo.

I wonder if Claire will actually put in an appearance.....
I wonder if maybe there'll be a bit of Shakespearean tragedy involved...in going back to change the past, 2015 Noah inadvertently helps set in motion the events of June 13, 2014. This could explain why 2014 Noah wanted to be made to forget everything, even at the cost of his life...and Molly's reaction to Noah.
I wonder if maybe there'll be a bit of Shakespearean tragedy involved...in going back to change the past, 2015 Noah inadvertently helps set in motion the events of June 13, 2014. This could explain why 2014 Noah wanted to be made to forget everything, even at the cost of his life...and Molly's reaction to Noah.

Yep, that's exactly what I'm thinking.
I still can't see them turing Noah into a mass murderer even accidentally. But I do get the feeling that, they're going to go the route of Back To The Future Part II. Noah will have ot avoid his past self, try to prevent the tragedy and find Claire.
If he manages to stop the tragedy then that pretty much shitcans everything we've seen since the first episode. I would hope the writers wouldn't do that.
That was a great episode! I was surprised to see two major deaths... but since Hiro is involved I guess it might all be hand-wiped away. Very thrilling stuff though. I really enjoyed the video game stuff.

I was right in the middle of complaining how Zach Levi's character is pointless now when he bumped into Weather Girl :lol:
I think she has weather powers or "life powers" or something like that. Didn't they show her resurrecting a swarm of butterflies in the Arctic? And then she can influence the Aurora Borealis, and presumably the solar flare coming for Earth...
Well that explains Luke and Leia er Nathan and Malina and it was great seeing Mohinder and Angela again as well as Hiro in action. We also got to see how Hiro got trapped in the computer game world. And it looks like they spent alot of money on this ep.
So Claire somehow lost her powers because she passed them to her children, or something? Or maybe her pregnancy hormones cancelled out her super-healing so that her body wouldn't reject the fetuses? Or maybe it's just a convenient plot device to cover for their inability to get Hayden Panetierre back.

I couldn't figure out whose kids Tommy (Nathan) and Malina were because of their ages. I should've taken time travel into account.

So Otomo-san was working for Erica all along. So much for the victim in need of rescuing. Hopefully part 2 will establish what happened to him and how he turned Miko from a game character into flesh and blood.
Smart idea to transport Claire's twins to the past in order to hide them from Erica. They would grow up to become Tommy and Malina; I didn't see that coming.