Fan Production Submissions

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In Memoriam
The purpose of this thread is to provide a place where people can submit the titles, descriptions and links for any fan production (filmed, animated or audio-only). This information will be added to the pinned Titles, Descriptions and Links thread will be added to the master list by the forum moderators.

When submitting a production for inclusion, please provide us with the production title, a short description and a link to the production's web site.

Should you want your production removed simply let us know here as well. And should anyone discover a non-working link, please post the information in this thread so we can update the master list appropriately.

Thanks for your help!
Ok I will start wih our little film:

Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Starring: Walter Koenig, Nichelle Nichols, Alan Ruck, Tim Russ, Gary Graham, J.G. Hertzler, Garrett Wang, Chase Masterson, Crystal Allan, Cirroc Lofton, Ethan Phillips, William Wellmen Jr., Grace Lee Whitney, Lawrence Montaigne & Herbert Jefferson Jr.

With: James Cawley, Daamen J. Krall, Jeff Quinn, Arlene Martel, Jack Donner, Tania Lemani, Celeste Yarnall and many more.

Takes place in 2306, 12 years after Captain Kirk died in Star Trek: Generations.

Plot: Captain Chekov, Captain Uhura and Captain Harriman gather for a celebration on board a 'special' ship only to be interupted by a distress call that, unknown to them, will alter everything they have ever known and embroil them in a galactic conflict of epic proportions!

Released in three, 30 minute parts.

Part 1 to be released on December 22nd, 2007

Parts 2 and 3 released dates to be announced soon.

For more information please visit our site at:

We can also be reached at
The description is a little bit longer than I'd prefer for list. What you've posted here is fine, but I leaning towards simply post this:
FleetLord said:
Captain Chekov, Captain Uhura and Captain Harriman gather for a celebration on board a 'special' ship only to be interupted by a distress call that, unknown to them, will alter everything they have ever known and embroil them in a galactic conflict of epic proportions!
in the master list. Folks can always visit your web site for more information or read about it in another thread in this forum. I trying to keep the other thread to a single readable post. With all the productions to be listed that's going to be a challenge.
The crew of the Starship Excelsior flits between the distant stars of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek universe, and, in learning of new life and new civilizations, she and her crew chart the winding paths of the human experience. And you, the listener, are going to join them. Welcome back to Star Trek, in a fan-made radio show that will comfort you with its familiarity and surprise you with its strangeness. Welcome aboard the Excelsior.
Star Trek: Intrepid

Welcome to the Charybdis Sector, where a group of Federation citizens have chosen to strike out on their own and create their own colony. The colonists and the Merchant Service personnel assisting with the colonisation consider the USS Intrepid and Starfleet's presence as "overly paternal" and unwelcome.
May I suggest that descriptions include number of completed episodes, or at least a general "status" category? This would be fairly straightforward to keep updated, I'd think.

Less feasible in most cases, but equally welcome, would be "Estimated time of next release."
Lindley said:
May I suggest that descriptions include number of completed episodes, or at least a general "status" category? This would be fairly straightforward to keep updated, I'd think.
To be honest, I think that's a question best answered by visiting the production's web site. In my mind, the purpose of the thread is to provide a list of productions, what they're about and how to find out more.
It's true, there is a need to limit these entries to a minimal amount of information. I wouldn't advocate adding a list of episodes or any sort of guide to the entry. Updating a count when an episode is released would just be a way of keeping the list from getting stale once all extant projects are added.

It would also---no offense to works-in-progress out there---make it easy to distinguish between projects that have actually completed something, and those which have yet to do so. Anticipation is great, but people who'd use a list like this probably would prefer some indication in that regard.
Lindley said:
Updating a count when an episode is released would just be a way of keeping the list from getting stale once all extant projects are added.
That's one of the things that new threads in here are good for, announcing new releases. And even productions that are finished may hold an interest for someone who's never seen or heard them before.
Oh, I certainly agree about new threads. I was thinking in-addition-to, not in-place-of.

Oh, and I don't think this notion would hurt "finished" projects. Hidden Frontier is the only one I'm aware of which is definitively "finished", and it would have the highest episode count for quite a while anyway. ;)

Your choice, though.
My tuppence worth.

I think estimated dates etc should be kept out as they would get out of date. There's nothing worse than a "definitive" thread getting out of date.

Perhaps entries should only be included if they have something available ? (That would still include Excelsior though as their 1 hour pilot is available).
I think a fan-film should have both a website, and a teaser available before it's included. (audio too). That at least proves a modicum of dedication on the projects part.

Ideally it should also have a preview which requires at least a start to filming. IMHO there are just a ton of projects that start out with the best intentions but go nowhere, or are so many years from even filming that they just won't be of sufficient interest to people who are browsing these forums for a Trek fix *now*.

There's my 2 cents which is currently worth about half of Hudson's 2 pence. ;-)

Lindley said:
Oh, and I don't think this notion would hurt "finished" projects. Hidden Frontier is the only one I'm aware of which is definitively "finished", and it would have the highest episode count for quite a while anyway.
I agree with you in principle, I just don't want to make maintaining the list some sort of burden on either myself or LG. And I have nightmares about having to try to keep the number of episodes current on my own. Perhaps when it becomes stable and if the maintenance is low we can revisit the issue. It certainly wouldn't require a lot of effort to edit the number of episodes back into the original entry.
Hudson_uk said:
I think estimated dates etc should be kept out as they would get out of date.
True enough and yet something else that would require regular maintenance on the mod's part.
Perhaps entries should only be included if they have something available ?
I'm trying to check out each production as I'm listing it, but it's entirely possible that I may miss one or otherwise screw up. I figure you guys will let me know when that happens and either myself or LG will correct the entry.
areakt said:
I think a fan-film should have both a website, and a teaser available before it's included. (audio too).
Having a web site is a requirement. After all, the description in the list is only supposed to be a teaser in itself to get people to visit the web site. If there isn't one available then listing the production seems a bit worthless.

Good ideas everyone and, as usual, much appreciated.
I don't think I would not include fan films which do not have a dedicated web sight, but have a product hosted on say Googlevideo or Youtube, though.
Continue your petty bickering.... I find it fascinating.


K'riq Sa
Minister of the Church of the Locally Grown
Star Track

A long running parody of Star Trek made by serious fans.

Join Captain Louis Philippe Tremblay aboard the Idomo as he and his valiant crew travel the cosmos in search of spectacular adventures.

Star Track: The Metric System

A Spin-Off of the amazing "Star Track: Idomo" series

A different ship than the Idomo, The Genesis cruises the universe with Captain Josef Savage and his crew of misfits getting into all sorts of trouble. Heavy on SEGA and TNG, the show is influenced by comedy shows such as Stella, Kids In The Hall, and Mr.Show.


Check out all things Star Track!
Star Trek: Aurora

Star Trek: Aurora follows the exploits of captain Kara Carpenter and her new (and only) Vulcan first mate T'Ling on their tiny merchanter cargo ship Aurora. This fully CG-animated movie is set just after TOS in a lawless sector of space, where Kara and T'Ling engage in their marginal venture while trying to stay out of trouble. Through a series of escalating events, secrets are revealed and loyalties tested as our heroines learn dark truths about one another, and themselves, in an ultimate pursuit of justice--or is it revenge?

See Trek outside the uniform in Star Trek: Aurora.

Parts 1 & 2 (plus some "sneak peek" production stills) are now available, with Part 3 slated for Spring 2008.
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