Enterprise Pic

Discussion in 'Star Trek Movies: Kelvin Universe' started by bdb, Jan 17, 2008.

  1. The Habs Fan

    The Habs Fan Commodore Commodore

    Mar 4, 2005
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    I like it a lot :)
  2. Jon1701

    Jon1701 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 24, 2005
    Manchester, UK
    ^ I was thinking that.

    Can't wait for a full shot. Gah, such a tease.
  3. Stardate

    Stardate Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Sep 16, 2006
    hmm you have a point it does look like Gabe Enterprise. Is is fake or real :confused:.
  4. ancient

    ancient Vice Admiral Admiral

    Aug 5, 2005
    United States
    Sweet! Looks pretty faithful.

    So...those spinning things under the domes are finally revealed...

    The font looks slightly different, but almost the same. It does seem a little misplaced, but that might just be for the shot. Anyway, looking good!
  5. SeerSGB

    SeerSGB Admiral Admiral

    Oct 13, 2003
    RIP Leonard Nimoy
    Hmmm, I'm thinking we've got 1 of 2 possibilities (right now): 1 those are the inner workings of the bussards without the outer "cowling" covering them. OR, the bussard's trademark swirl and glow comes from some form of energy reaction
  6. Professor Moriarty

    Professor Moriarty Rice Admiral Premium Member

    Sep 7, 2001
    System L-374
  7. TigerBait

    TigerBait Captain Captain

    May 11, 2001
    Charlotte NC , USA
    ^and i'm thinking finished engine, they just wont put any caps on for another decade or so...after all the trial runs
  8. Brandonv

    Brandonv Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jan 22, 2003
    I like what I see so far! It looks like it is pretty close to the original design.
  9. Cary L. Brown

    Cary L. Brown Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 14, 2005
    Austin, Texas
    Well, so far I'm not seeing a whole lotta "reboot" fodder in there. The nacelle front-ends look very much like you might imagine the insides of the original TOS ones might look like, I think.

    What I DO notice... the font is different (it looks like Microgramma Extended, like in the films, not Machine Extended (a close match to the TOS font).

    And the construction of the A/B/C-deck "superstructure" is recognizable but different. Is it just me, or is the topside "dome" too small to hold the bridge (and thus, the bridge must be a deck lower)?
  10. steveman

    steveman Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Sep 14, 2002
    Middlesex, VA
    After zooming in a bit on the nacelles, it does bear a striking resemblance to Gabe Koemer's design. If you'll notice, the nacelles in the picture have the same "hooded" front, similar sides, and fins on the back, just as Koemer's did.

    Not saying it's identical, but it does appear similar in some respects.
  11. Flake

    Flake Commodore Commodore

    Dec 23, 2001
    Manchester, UK
    I wonder how big the bridge is?

    Looks great btw.

    I knew it would be more like Gabes than the original or the refit and I am happy with that because I thought his looked great.
  12. steveman

    steveman Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Sep 14, 2002
    Middlesex, VA

  13. Flake

    Flake Commodore Commodore

    Dec 23, 2001
    Manchester, UK
    I just realised why the nacelles might rotate, they point down like a rocket for when the ship first takes off !
  14. Sharr Khan

    Sharr Khan Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Oct 20, 2004
    USA Ct
    Is the bridge maybe located where those big windows (black open spots under the dome) are? We were told that the bridge itself was going to be expansive.

  15. Alpha Romeo

    Alpha Romeo Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 11, 2003
    Dammit!! Beat me to it
  16. Kegek

    Kegek Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 23, 2007
    Somewhere You're Not
    I don't know... those nacelles look complete to me.

    On the scientific judgement of my gut. We'll see, though...
  17. SeerSGB

    SeerSGB Admiral Admiral

    Oct 13, 2003
    RIP Leonard Nimoy
    Or the whole "rotating" nacelles thing comes from the bussard's spinning
  18. Flake

    Flake Commodore Commodore

    Dec 23, 2001
    Manchester, UK
    I seriously think the bridge is now huge, look at the opening in the top - it looks like an enormous computer display on the back wall, im not sure what else it could be.
  19. nil_jones

    nil_jones Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Dec 29, 2005
    Portland, OR, USA
    It seems that patchwork of different gray's on the hull plating serves as a link to the Connie Refits. I don't remember seeing that patchwork effect on the pre-Refit Connie, just a solid color through and through.

    Looking at the starboard nacelle, one notices a kind of "ribbed" effect on the nacelle exterior. Possible that it's just missing some final outer hull covering, or is that possibly some field coil action?

    And maybe i'm just confused, but that top bridge module strikes me as refit-ish. Other people seem to think otherwise so I guess I need to take a another good long look at Old Lady E from the TOS days.
  20. Franklin

    Franklin Vice Admiral Admiral

    Aug 22, 2006
    In the bleachers
    MY GOD! Where's Abrams? I wanna hug Abrams!