Donny's Klingon Stuff


As stated in my Refit Enterprise Interiors thread, I'll be starting a new thread that will focus solely on any Klingon interiors, ships, or props that I make. Since my threads have grown to feature not only interiors, but also ship exteriors and highly-detailed props, I figured "Stuff" was more of a proper description for this thread rather than "Interiors"

I've started doing some preliminary work on a real-time 3D build of the K'tinga-class bridge, as seen in TMP. I've always wanted to model this bridge, but waited until the desire to do so was at a peak. This will give me a chance to get more practice with grimy, smoky, dirty and worn atmospheres and aethetic, branching out from the brighter, clean, sterile Starfleet stuff I'm used to.

For those that don't know, the set for the K'tinga class bridge went on to be redressed as the Enterprise photon torpedo bay in the next film (TWOK), and then recycled once again for use as the Klingon Bird-of-Prey bridge in TSFS*. Modeling the K'tinga bridge will give me the base models I need for depicting those other sets in the future. In addition, the K'tinga's helm/nav console (which sits directly behind the captain) was later recycled as the transporter console in both the Regula 1 transporter room (TWOK) and the Old City Station transporter room (TSFS), both of which I want to kitbash together one day out of my existing TWOK transporter room pieces.

*An even more rare bit of trivia is that the set also appeared, almost unrecognizable, in the pilot episode of MacGyver, but I won't be modeling that version ;)

Anyway, here is a small lighting and material test, just to get a feel for how I need to paint the textures for the bridge. Keep in mind this doesn't have any atmospherics like haze/fog yet, and is just to give a general idea for how things look.

(As always, you can click on any of my images to view them enlarged on my Flickr page, and once there then click them again to zoom in further)

This is the aft wall of the bridge set, which you can see behind the three crewman behind the captain in this reference shot:

And you can see this wall here next to the gunner stations:

Many of you know, but these walls later went on to be featured in the Dilithium Reactor Room of the Enterprise's engineering set in TWOK, and were then recycled back into Klingon use for TVH. They later appeared in other Trek productions.

Stay tuned for more! I'm excited about this project!
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I should ask: if anyone has any behind the scenes photos of the K’tinga bridge, please post them here or send them to me directly! I’d be very appreciative. I have a good bit of behind the scenes photos of the torpedo bay, which will help some, but I have NO bts images of the bridge during TMP’s production. I’m relying exclusively on screen caps and the few schematics available.
I should ask: if anyone has any behind the scenes photos of the K’tinga bridge, please post them here or send them to me directly! I’d be very appreciative. I have a good bit of behind the scenes photos of the torpedo bay, which will help some, but I have NO bts images of the bridge during TMP’s production. I’m relying exclusively on screen caps and the few schematics available.

I'm sure you've probably got these already, but just in case:





Ohh, this one will be interesting! :) I only have this one from the TMP appearence, but the bridge isn't very clearly seen.


For Klingon Academy they created a 3D version of this bridge, with some more inspiration from TUC as it was for Chang's flagship in the events leading to the movie. Perhaps this version could be of inspiration to you. :)
Gallery 1 (last 9 images)
Gallery 2 (first 3 images)
I'm sure you've probably got these already, but just in case:
Thank you! I've seen all those before but didn't have a couple of them in my collection.

Ohh, this one will be interesting! :) I only have this one from the TMP appearence, but the bridge isn't very clearly seen.


For Klingon Academy they created a 3D version of this bridge, with some more inspiration from TUC as it was for Chang's flagship in the events leading to the movie. Perhaps this version could be of inspiration to you. :)
Gallery 1 (last 9 images)
Gallery 2 (first 3 images)
Ah nice find! Gives me a better idea of how the captain's chair is upholstered. And yay, Klingon Academy. That's one Trek game I never got my hands on to play. Thanks for sending those my way!
As you probably know, the crew chairs are vintage racing seats that were later seen in the quarters on TNG.
I’ll point Andy Probert at this and see if he has any observations.

As the set plans indicate, much oft the set was built on platforms, allowing for the viewer pit in front of the captain and underlighting. The set was made in several pieces on casters so they could pull sections out as the digitization effect ate the room from back to front. This is possibly why it was simple enough to move the rear section to become the Spock microwave room, since it may have been the one section whose floor was low enough.
A little more progress on the aft compartment. The given K'tinga schematics are low res and incomplete, and the TWOK torpedo bay schematics seem more of a general guide than accurate blueprints (in terms of measurements), so I'm having to do a lot of my old "best guess" tricks. I'll be finishing up the main architecture of the aft compartment and then moving onto the front compartment, before doing any greeble/console/chair details.

I love the old submarine feel this is giving off :luvlove:

There's obviously some floating wall pieces here, as I have yet to rough in the tiered floor ;)
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