Spoilers Destiny: Lost Souls by David Mack Review Thread

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Re: Star Trek: Destiny Book 3: Lost Souls - (SPOILERS)

^ Marc, if I was in any way inclined to tell you, I would've told you in the first post. :)
Re: Star Trek: Destiny Book 3: Lost Souls - (SPOILERS)

^ Marc, if I was in any way inclined to tell you, I would've told you in the first post. :)

True but I've had a busy week and I thought it was announced and I just missed it somewhere on the list.
Re: Star Trek: Destiny Book 3: Lost Souls - (SPOILERS)

Although it's been in the local book shop a few days, I have finally picked up Lost Souls and began reading it this morning and even though I'm up to chapter seven, I'm really rather enjoying it.
Re: Star Trek: Destiny Book 3: Lost Souls - (SPOILERS)

i'm 240-some pages in after starting it Monday and loving it.

although the security teams should've had a squad machine gunner to cover the riflemen's reloading and a grenadier might've been helpful. or at least using their hand grenades when facing massed ranks of drones instead of hosing the group and wasting ammo.
Re: Star Trek: Destiny Book 3: Lost Souls - (SPOILERS)

i'm 240-some pages in after starting it Monday and loving it.

although the security teams should've had a squad machine gunner to cover the riflemen's reloading and a grenadier might've been helpful. or at least using their hand grenades when facing massed ranks of drones instead of hosing the group and wasting ammo.

I'm just the two hundred page mark! And I was thinking, maybe they also should have some night vision goggles on as then the blue on blue wouldn't have occurred, but Mr Mack, I am loving it so far.
Re: Star Trek: Destiny Book 3: Lost Souls - (SPOILERS)

NVG's wouldn't have worked with the energy dampeners. every solution i could think of for stopping blue-on-blue required power. NVGs, some kind of marker light, torches on their rifles, IR beacons...
Re: Star Trek: Destiny Book 3: Lost Souls - (SPOILERS)

I have just this second finished Lost Souls and I will endeavour to write up a coherent review of Destiny over the weekend, but for now, I just wish to thank you David for such a wonderfully constructed and executed tale.
Re: Star Trek: Destiny Book 3: Lost Souls - (SPOILERS)

Apropos of nothing, but I was just watching WALL-E on DVD, and there's this shot where a bunch of huge cubes of compacted trash are blown out the Axiom's airlock into space, and when I saw that, I couldn't help thinking, "Oh, so that's the origin of the Borg." :D
Re: Star Trek: Destiny Book 3: Lost Souls - (SPOILERS)

so, with the 63 billion death toll, is Mack still the biggest muder merchant going, or does Keith beat him with his MyrU tale?

surely KRAD is the winner for Most Series Regulars Dead in his MyrU tale...
Re: Star Trek: Destiny Book 3: Lost Souls - (SPOILERS)

^ Haven't read any MyrU stories yet but have a few books. Which story are you referring to? I'd like to look it up.

EDIT: I misread. "MyrU" is clearly Myriad Universes and not "mirror universe" which I thought at first. Gottit!
Re: Star Trek: Destiny Book 3: Lost Souls - (SPOILERS)

so, with the 63 billion death toll, is Mack still the biggest muder merchant going, or does Keith beat him with his MyrU tale?

I wiped out all sentient life in the Milky Way Galaxy. Sure, it was 250 million years before the events of the novel, but still...
Re: Star Trek: Destiny Book 3: Lost Souls - (SPOILERS)

so, with the 63 billion death toll, is Mack still the biggest muder merchant going, or does Keith beat him with his MyrU tale?

I wiped out all sentient life in the Milky Way Galaxy. Sure, it was 250 million years before the events of the novel, but still...

You all lose out to Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens, who wiped out all of existence in the Millennium trilogy.
Re: Star Trek: Destiny Book 3: Lost Souls - (SPOILERS)

^^Yeah, but then they brought it back, so that doesn't count.

However, there have been books in which entire other universes or parallel timelines were extinguished permanently. Heck, at the beginning of Q&A, Keith describes the wholesale annihilation of several universes. That's pretty hard to beat.
Re: Star Trek: Destiny Book 3: Lost Souls - (SPOILERS)

^^Yeah, but then they brought it back, so that doesn't count.

However, there have been books in which entire other universes or parallel timelines were extinguished permanently. Heck, at the beginning of Q&A, Keith describes the wholesale annihilation of several universes. That's pretty hard to beat.

you are all little too bloodthirsty, aren't you?
Re: Star Trek: Destiny Book 3: Lost Souls - (SPOILERS)

finished it this AM.

somehow, i knew there would be a DEM ending, but it was not as disappointing or crap as i had feared (In Mack I Should Trust), I loved what happened with Seven.

i liked that some of the planets getting mentioned were TOS planets, not just TNG+ ones like Ajilon or what have you.

Re: Star Trek: Destiny Book 3: Lost Souls - (SPOILERS)

Speaking of death tolls, it seemed ironic that in the "A Time to" series, despite the first book being called "A time to kill", most of the killing happens in "A time to heal"
Re: Star Trek: Destiny Book 3: Lost Souls - (SPOILERS)

OK, I wanted to know more about Destiny Book 3, and began to read the posts, but there were 25 pages of them to go through and you guys lost me when you went off on a fruit tangent...

Go ahead and give me more spoilers...I know the Borg were poised to pretty much obliterate every Federation and allied world at the end of Book 2 (including the Klingons, Romulans, and Cardassians?), and though I haven't read Book 1 or 2 yet (still struggling through Before Dishonor then must read Greater Than The Sum), I would still like to know how the Borg were defeated/averted. Talk around the Trek Lit forum indicates the Borg are pretty much taken out of the equation for all time, or so it seems, so something of great importance must have occured. And what is this about Borg hunger? What, did Picard and team give them some yummies to make them go away? Sonja Gomez Captain of the daVinci? Where's Gold? Do the other species of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants blame humanity for the Borg? Why? What went on in this book, or the trilogy, to cause this? Go ahead and tell me what's gone on, because at this rate it will be several months until I get to finish this trilogy...by which time, we'll be talking about all the post-Destiny books!

Or are you guys going to make me go through 25 pages of posts to find out what's what?