Astra's ENT action figures in action

Love Scott in action! Great work, Astra.
Thank you! Back to the captain.

"Don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast. Faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And DON'T BLINK!"

For those who do not know them, the Weeping Angels can only move if nobody is looking at them. Scary things!

David Tennant - the 10th (and 14th!) Doctor, Captain Archer and Porthos - all in one scene. What's not to like. (It would make my day if you have Donna too :luvlove:.)
Oh, gods, the Weeping Angels are terrifying! Good job Porthos is alert.
Yeah, at least someone is paying attention here! I recently rewatched this episode as preparation for the 60th anniversary. Still as good as I remember it.

David Tennant - the 10th (and 14th!) Doctor, Captain Archer and Porthos - all in one scene. What's not to like. (It would make my day if you have Donna too :luvlove:.)

I'm afraid I don't have Donna! She never was made. And now the company has gone bust so we never will get her. I lost out on my pre-order of Captain Jack Harkness who looked really good :(
I can later post another Star Trek / Doctor Who crossover that I made, but today I need to celebrate a birthday!

Porthos, go right ahead and pee on the statue.
Haha, I guess they would be PISSED! LOL

Yesterday I built a bed from picture frames yesterday for 12" Jon, similarly to the one I have made for 7" Jon.

Also today is Scott Bakula's birthday so this kinda happened. Happy Birthday!

I see Scott undid another shirt button while he was waiting. Not that I'm complaining, mind :D (Happy birthday, Scott!)

The picture frame bed is brilliant! I remember when you showed us the smaller version, and I'm just as amazed now as then!
I see Scott undid another shirt button while he was waiting. Not that I'm complaining, mind :D (Happy birthday, Scott!)

The picture frame bed is brilliant! I remember when you showed us the smaller version, and I'm just as amazed now as then!
Hehe, yeah, the buttons on the miniature shirt are fake, and inside are only two snap buttons to hold it together, and I did not want to close the top one for... reasons :angel:

I bet you didn’t wrap that bed for him, did you @Astra? :hugegrin:
LOL no that would have been too big! But nice idea ;)

Very nice eye candy! Gorgeous picture of Scott. Happy Birthday!

And Jon with Porthos, always a favorite. :)
Thank you!

It was not only Scott's birthday, some days later it was my (50th) birthday and it was the best birthday ever! All day long I was getting messages from all over the world, I had no idea I had so many international friends.

I knew all the names, they regularly comment when I post photos on Twitter and Facebook.

Some of them even made figure stories for me. Usually I am the one doing stuff for others, nobody ever has done something for me before. For one it was their first try ever and all were a big hit with me and perfect. To say I was floored would not even try to cover it.

If you're on Twitter I can link to them but I don't want to repost them of course.

There was one more but that was only sent in private.

On top of that I also received parcels to unwrap. I have no idea how I deserve all this. One sewed this bag for me, it is meant for protection, should I want to carry Jon around for outside shooting. But Jon immediately claimed it was a sleeping bag so I took these pictures ;)


Oh @Astra what a fun celebration! That last one from Stef especially made me chuckle. “Song of my people!” :lol: Best belated birthday wishes to you!
Wow! What amazing photo-stories and gifts - the food looks incredible! A belated Happy Birthday to you :bolian:
I like the Weeping Angles Doctor Who scene and all of your news photos of Archer and Porthos are fantastic.
Happy late Birthday, @Astra, and best wishes for many more! I loved Jon and Porthos going camping. With the dog snuggling in the sleeping bag too, aww.
Thank you very much! Yes, I do plan to reach 100. So many ideas, so little time! I want to make the most of it. And inside I am still what, twenty? LOL

Wow! What amazing photo-stories and gifts - the food looks incredible! A belated Happy Birthday to you :bolian:

Thank you! Sadly I did not get to taste the food as she lives at the other side of Germany, but I heard it was good!

Oh @Astra what a fun celebration! That last one from Stef especially made me chuckle. “Song of my people!” :lol: Best belated birthday wishes to you!
It was an absolutely incredible gift! It really did bring a tear to my eye. Simply perfect.

I like the Weeping Angles Doctor Who scene and all of your news photos of Archer and Porthos are fantastic.

Thanks! Oh, I just remembered, I promised someone another Star Trek / Doctor Who crossover. Who was this? I know, it was you @panyasan! Hope you'll like it but as I said, sadly there is no Donna in this size. And the small version wears her winter coat from that Ood planet. Not very useful for stories.

David Tennant - the 10th (and 14th!) Doctor, Captain Archer and Porthos - all in one scene. What's not to like. (It would make my day if you have Donna too :luvlove:.)

I always had a soft spot for the ninth doctor and for Rose en Martha Jones, so I am more than happy to see your art work, Astra.
I like your Star Trek Tos/Doctor who crossover it's cute and clever.:bolian::adore:

Thank you!

I always had a soft spot for the ninth doctor and for Rose en Martha Jones, so I am more than happy to see your art work, Astra.

Thank you too! I am almost finished with my rewatch in preparation for the 60th anniversary. I am in the Donna years already. I'm really sad there is no figure of her.

Happy Halloween everyone! Every year on October 31st at midnight the headless man with his headless dog appears...

That does look pretty creepy, Astra! The set also reminds me of Tarquin's home/prison in "Exile".
That does look pretty creepy, Astra! The set also reminds me of Tarquin's home/prison in "Exile".
If it feels creepy then I did it right! ;)

So I got tickets to see Scott Bakula live on stage in New York next year! My Jon did a little dance:

I made the shiny stick from some beads and wire:

I did not make the top hat. That is a leftover from a chocolate snowman in my childhood. You can still see some wrapping paper inside. Nothing ever gets thrown away around here!

And then someone sent me this picture. Pretty close, eh?
This is Scott in the 1988 musical "Romance, Romance"

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Ingenious prop construction yet again, Astra :bolian:
And doesn't Scott look a fox with a 'tache :luvlove: