Alternate TNG Trek Uniforms and Ranks

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by JJohnson, Jul 9, 2013.

  1. JJohnson

    JJohnson Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Sep 2, 2006
    Jacksonville, FL
    Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to flesh out a full on series of uniforms for an alternate reality TNG, with more naval characteristics in the uniforms. I was wondering if everyone might have a few ideas or suggestions so I can make sure to make it as detailed as possible. (The images here were graciously done by Starscape).

    Here's what I have so far:

    1. Service Uniform (Class A) - standard uniform used for all officers, warrant officers, and enlisted. Rank shown on shoulder rank stripe, combadge on left breast. Women have skirt alternative. Ribbons and medals are not worn on this uniform. (Academy OCS - should it use the uniform with gray department color, or department color jacket with gray undershirt/rank stripe?). Undershirt is a zip-up department color shirt for male or female officers.
    1a. Captain's Service Uniform - Alternate jacket uniform authorized for use by captains of Starfleet vessels, male or female. (Should it have cuff rank stripes instead?)
    1b. Class B Service Uniform - Officer's Wraparound, worn in place of the Class A Uniform on-ship off-bridge during work hours. (Officers who do bridge duty wear Class A; in practice this is typically worn by department heads only, and in their departments).
    1c. Class C Officer's Waistcoat (male and female)- Optional uniform piece worn under the jacket, can be worn while on ship but off duty.
    1d. Flag Officer's Uniform - Similar to the Class A uniform, except with gold piping down the jacket flap, a UFP Belt Buckle, no body black styling, and with pointed black cuffs, with thick gold braids for rank (1 for Commodore, 2 for Rear Admiral, etc.). Also skirt option.

    2. Starfleet Working Uniform - uniform used for all crew, for situations where other uniforms may become unduly soiled or are otherwise inappropriate for the task at hand. (How should I tell rank? Pips on right lapel or cuffs? This should also have a black belt with two loops in front, with sideways-right arrowhead like the Captain's Jacket)
    2b. Coveralls - used at captain's discretion, typically in dirty, laborious environments ashore. Coveralls are not authorized for wear outside a Starfleet installation, and typical local regulations dictate that coveralls are not authorized off of the starbase, or outside the confines of an assigned workcenter ashore
    2c. Chief Engineer's Working Uniform - Chief engineers have a work jacket or waistcoat alternative which allows them to carry necessary tools while performing their duties in engineering.
    2d. Chief Medical Officer's Working Uniform - Chief medical officers have a work jacket alternative while performing their duties in sickbay.

    3. Service Dress - variant of the Class A uniform with gold piping on the jacket flap, 3" black cuffs with rank stripes on them (gold for officers, silver for warrant officers), and no body black styling, only shoulder black. Ribbons are worn on the left under the combadge, and medals without a corresponding ribbon are worn on the right. Service dress uniforms are worn for official functions not rising to the level of full or dinner dress. They are also commonly worn when traveling in official capacity, or when reporting to a command, or appearing before the Federation Council in any official capacity (testifying, standing trial, etc).

    4. Dinner/Evening Dress - Similar to Service Dress, but with UFP Belt buckle, and an additional black cuff above the ranking cuffs, indicating (on left arm) years of service in-between, and (on right arm) MOS in-between. Female officers wear long skirts with Dinner/Evening Dress. Skirt and pants have a department color stripe along outer seams, with a thin gold piping inside.

    5. Dress Whites (?) - all-white uniform with a gold piping replacing the outline of the black shoulder bar, UFP buckle on belt, gold or silver rank stripes on the cuffs, years of service on left, MOS on right as on the Dinner Dress uniform, delineated by gold piping, without the black. Department color is indicated only in the portion of the cuff where the pips/squeaks and MOS appear, on the split foot area of the pants, and along the seams of the pants, with a gold piping down the middle of the dep't color. Medals are worn under the commbadge, while ribbons without corresponding medals are worn to the right. This uniform is for ceremonies such as changes of command, retirements, commissionings and decommissionings, funerals, weddings, or when otherwise appropriate.

    6. Physical Training Uniform - t-shirt and shorts with tennis shoes. Starfleet arrowhead on right breast, on back, Starfleet emblem. Officer Candidates wear the Starfleet Academy logo over the right breast instead of the arrowhead. The shorts are navy blue, and shirt is department color; Academy is medium gray.
    6a. PT Uniform (sweats) - sweater and sweatpants, navy blue color, with Starfleet logo on back, arrowhead on front. Collar and cuffs are department color.
    6b. PT Uniform (tracksuit) - navy blue slightly reflective at night.
    1. Pea Coat - all enlisted and officers may wear this coat; officers and CPOs may wear a thigh-length 'bridge coat' off-ship in inclement weather.
    2. All Weather Coat - long coat worn by Starfleet personnel in inclement weather conditions while on duty. It is dark navy blue with department color cuffs and jacket piping. The buttons are gold for officers and silver for enlisted, with a mini Starfleet arrowhead in them.
    3. Great Coat - long coat worn by Officers off-ship for warmth and protection. (shoulder rank epaulettes or cuff stripes?)
    4. Boatcloak - optional accessory with the Dinner/Evening Dress, usually for colder weather. Outer black, inner red lining. No patches, but a department color collar piping, and gold tie rope.
    Special Situation Uniforms
    1. Combat Camo Uniform - digital camo uniform most often used by Starfleet Marines on-planet.
    2. Arctic Cold Weather Uniform - white/sky blue/gray digital camo uniform designed to withstand extreme cold temperatures
    3. Desert Uniform - loose fitting uniform designed to block UV radiation and radiate heat to keep the wearer cool. Uses Desert Camo pants, tan T-shirt with department color shoulder-bar stripe, and a hooded long-sleeve jacket
    3a. Desert Camo Uniform - digital camo uniform most often used by Starfleet Marines on-planet in combat situations.
    4. Pregnancy Uniform - for female officers who are pregnant while still active duty. (I think it might look better with the TNG side/bottom black)
    Department colors:
    5. Counselor's Uniforms - for counselors on ship, who may seek to create a more casual atmosphere. Same used by the diplomatic officer on some ships.
    Command - maroon
    Engineering/Tactical/Security - gold
    Science/Medical - teal
    Marines - royal blue, red trim piping
    Academy - gray
    Medals/Ribbons: just off the top of my head: first contact ribbon (making first contact with a new warp-capable race), new species ribbon (for discovering a new species on an alien world), new world ribbon, etc. for discovering a new planet or setting foot on your first new planet as part of Starfleet; Pike medal of Valor, Kirk medal for ingenuity, etc.
    Divisions have emblems, but are only used on dress uniform right cuffs.

    Hopefully I covered everything, but if you've got anything you see needing clarification or you think could do better, feel free to say so.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2013
  2. sojourner

    sojourner Admiral In Memoriam

    Sep 4, 2008
    Just around the bend.
    The delta belt buckle on the service uniform just looks weird. In fact. I was never a fan of using the delta as a belt buckle regardless of orientation.
  3. JJohnson

    JJohnson Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Sep 2, 2006
    Jacksonville, FL
    Would it look better sideways instead? And what'd you think of the Admiral's UFP buckle in DS9?
  4. Kaiser

    Kaiser Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 19, 2007
    Boyertown, PA as of July 2011
    Awesome uniforms :D
  5. JJohnson

    JJohnson Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Sep 2, 2006
    Jacksonville, FL
    Thanks Kaiser! Designs were by me, but I give all the actual work credit to Starscape. He's great!

    Another question I have: the jacket flap, when it opens, what should you see? department color inside, white, black, or just a reflection of the outer flap (continuing the black shoulder bar inside the outer flap)? I do know there will be snaps...should those be black like Wrath of Khan, or department color (the snaps and piping on the flap and inner jacket)?
  6. Tiberius Jim

    Tiberius Jim Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    May 12, 2001
    I am so very tempted to photoshop that Class A onto a TNG screenshot...
  7. Mario de Monti

    Mario de Monti Captain Captain

    Jun 10, 2013
    Heidelberg, Germany
    These uniforms look really great. I also like, how much thought you obviously put into the project.

    I´m a bit torn however, if I like them for Trek - they just seem much more "militaristic" than the simple ones used on TNG (I have the same issue with the TWOK uniforms, BTW). Starfleet is, after all, not foremost a military organisation, but one of peaceful exploration. But that may just be my feeling.

    Still, very nice job, thanks for sharing :techman:

  8. JJohnson

    JJohnson Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Sep 2, 2006
    Jacksonville, FL
    Thanks! I agree the Wrath of Khan uniform is a departure from the Original Series, TNG, and DS9/Voyager uniforms, but I did like them for the fact that they didn't look so casual. They looked like what interstellar explorers would wear. I've never worn one of those jackets so I don't know how comfortable manning the helm for 8 hours a day would be, so my mileage may vary.
  9. Kruezerman

    Kruezerman Commodore Commodore

    Jun 3, 2012
    Meatloaf with Macaroni and Cheese
    Belt buckle would look better sideways and the rank pips shoulder area looks a little too busy but other than that, it looks fantastic! Although, I think it would look cool if you use the TOS colors for division, I've always thought the color change was silly.

    I like it looking like the military, as had been discussed before, Starfleet is indeed the Federation military. Personally, I wouldn't mind a "modern" looking Starfleet uniform, complete with ID on the chest and possibly dogtags.
  10. sojourner

    sojourner Admiral In Memoriam

    Sep 4, 2008
    Just around the bend.
    Dog tags would be very anachronistic considering their purpose.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2013
  11. Kruezerman

    Kruezerman Commodore Commodore

    Jun 3, 2012
    Meatloaf with Macaroni and Cheese
    Maybe, but it'd be cool.
  12. The Librarian

    The Librarian Commodore Commodore

    Feb 1, 2002
    I really like them overall, they've got a fairly clean, Trek-like look while being a bit more nautical like you desire, without going into the uncomfortable/impractical bulk of the TWOK uniforms. The blue color is nice as well. I do think that all of the belt buckles should be horizontal. Also, I honestly think the 'captain' version is better looking than the standard 'Class A'.

    My main dislike would be the excessive number of 'fancy' variants. I don't see any reason why you need a dress uniform, then also mess dress and dress whites. It's kind of silly now and seems even more so in Trek, even with replicators taken into account. It seems like either a uniform is formal or it's not, there's no need to have formal, extra formal, and super-extra formal, especially in the main differences are just a little extra glitter (in a society that doesn't place extra value on silver or gold) or a couple extra stripes.

    In fact, personally I'm not sure I would even have a dress uniform beyond the Class A, but since the series do have them I'm not going to complain about that. You could easily have medals added to the standard Class A for occasions that they're called for, given how little difference there is between it and the dress.
  13. JJohnson

    JJohnson Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Sep 2, 2006
    Jacksonville, FL
    Yeah, I can see your point. In Trek, we've practically never seen anything more than just one dress uniform. How about one dress uniform, with medals/ribbons only in certain situations, and leave it at that? Like receiving guests on the ship, no medals, but maybe if an Admiral comes calling, perhaps have them. As for the belt buckles, I can see the horizontal might be the better way to go. Without the circle/emblem combination it could look a bit out of place, not to mention pointy!
  14. Kaiser

    Kaiser Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 19, 2007
    Boyertown, PA as of July 2011
    Speaking of medals and Ribbons i wish i could buy the ones seen on Star Trek VI or in the on Star Trek Phase II movie Going Boldly
  15. The Librarian

    The Librarian Commodore Commodore

    Feb 1, 2002
    Yeah, exactly. Medals would come out for the more ceremonial occasions, but without changing the underlying uniform design. I think its important to not create too much stratification, because the simple and fairly uniform design and colors implies a society that doesn't put the same emphasis on flash and strict formality and hierarchy. Also, it avoids any awkward questions from other cultures about who or what events rate what uniform (and why they don't always get the most important one), and no one has to wear white (the color of death) to Asian weddings.

    As for the belt, not only is it pointy if it's vertical, but the horizontal to my eye flows with the belt better. It's sort of like the stripes coming off the emblem on the side of the ships.
  16. Mario de Monti

    Mario de Monti Captain Captain

    Jun 10, 2013
    Heidelberg, Germany
    It is still my opinion, that Starfleet is not primarily a military organization. But you could nevertheless use your variety of uniform styles for the crew, but to choose from as they see fit, according to personal taste. If they don´t have to adhere to a strict protocol regarding their uniforms, but could instead freely choose between the different versions available, it would make them feel less like military and more like explorers, IMHO. At the same time the uniforms would remain uniforms, so the main purpose of distinction between divisons on board would still be fulfilled.
    That is also the reason, I really like wat they did with the uniforms in TMP, where there seems to be quite a bit of freedom when it comes to "dresscode" for the crew. But I´m aware I may be rather alone with liking that :)

  17. Robert Comsol

    Robert Comsol Commodore Commodore

    Sep 10, 2012
    USS Berlin
    But there is historic precedence if you look at the screencaps from "Charlie X" like this and this. ;)

  18. Mario de Monti

    Mario de Monti Captain Captain

    Jun 10, 2013
    Heidelberg, Germany
    Which makes me wonder, how the "belt buckle" would look on all the other starships besides the Enterprise. They don´t use the sleek delta insignia but something ... less elegant. Like on the Constellation or the Exeter. Just a thought.

  19. Robert Comsol

    Robert Comsol Commodore Commodore

    Sep 10, 2012
    USS Berlin
    Maybe that's the reason why those became obsolete by the late 23rd Century. "Food ration" or "small change wallets" were no considerations for belt buckles... :D

  20. Mario de Monti

    Mario de Monti Captain Captain

    Jun 10, 2013
    Heidelberg, Germany
    And it dosn´t stop there: Roddenberry insisted that there be no pockets in the uniforms. In the 23rd century starship personnel apparently don´t have to carry anything with them :guffaw: