2011-12 pilot season

Discussion in 'TV & Media' started by Temis the Vorta, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. Guy Gardener

    Guy Gardener Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 15, 2000
    In the lap of squalor I assure you.
    Was it?

    two of the best comedians Britain still has to offer and one of the hottest women in the world?

    Though I suppose that the scripts could have been shit, but that's some stellar casting.
  2. Temis the Vorta

    Temis the Vorta Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Oct 30, 1999
    Robert Redford's boring-ass pilot.

    Sounds dull, but it's interesting that movie folks are getting so interested in TV production. First Speilberg, now Redford. The distinction between movies and TV in terms of prestige is really gone now.

    That article also has a mention of the Dallas remake. What a stupid idea.
  3. Jack Bauer

    Jack Bauer Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 12, 1999
    Jack Bauer
    Sarah Michelle Gellar is returning to broadcast series TV with a pilot



    Robert Wagner to voice Charlie in ABC's Charlie's Angels reboot
  4. Warp Coil

    Warp Coil Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    Yawn. Nothing remotely interesting here. Someone wake me up when a truly original, interesting idea pops up.
  5. Temis the Vorta

    Temis the Vorta Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Oct 30, 1999
    I know, it's depressing, like a replay of last year. :wtf: I'm not even bothering to link to most of the pilot stories I'm finding, they're so boring it's not worth the effort.

    I can only hope cable at least takes a look at the success of The Walking Dead and realizes that they need to push some new or at least newish ideas out there if they want to have any chance at a hit show or two. Network TV is hopeless.
  6. RoJoHen

    RoJoHen Awesome Admiral

    Apr 14, 2000
    QC, IL, USA
    The Office is still mildly entertaining for me, and 30 Rock is still great.

    NBC right now is about the only station with anything worth tuning into, and even then only on Thursday nights (and Mondays for Chuck).

    I don't even know what type of shows I want to see anymore. I'd really love something unique and exciting that somebody way smarter than me can come up with, but I have a feeling that would be too scary for the network execs.
  7. Jack Bauer

    Jack Bauer Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 12, 1999
    Jack Bauer
    I hope there's some thing unique like Lost coming up but I very much doubt it. It seems like the networks just want more of the same old same old.

    The only thing a Charlie's Angels remake has going for it is eye candy otherwise it's just another detective show.

    No space opera stuff coming up either othan than that BSG prequel movie/backdoor pilot. That genre is probably dead until they ever decide to bring Star Trek back to tv.
  8. Temis the Vorta

    Temis the Vorta Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Oct 30, 1999
    Skiffy teased us a while back with a couple space opera sounding shows in development, one sounded Robin Hood-esque and the other was about a female Indiana Jones archeologist/scavenger in space.

    Haven't heard a peep about them going forward. Anyway I should know better than to hope for anything good from Skiffy that isn't BSG related.
  9. Mr. Adventure

    Mr. Adventure Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jun 9, 2001
    Mr. Adventure
    I guess Syfy's answer to BBC America's embrace of scifi shows lately is going to be to remake British shows. :lol:
  10. Temis the Vorta

    Temis the Vorta Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Oct 30, 1999
    Handy pilot watch roundup.

    Here are the shows in development that sound most worth rooting for.


    Alabama is still in contention. I'd forgotten all about that one! Space opera parody by the Reno:911 gang.


    The Crux, a drama about a charismatic cult leader. Best part, the cult leader will be played by Kevin Spacey!!! :D Definitely the best new show I've heard about yet.


    Alcatraz, drama about a group of missing alcatraz prisoners and guards who reappear in the present day and the efforts of a team of FBI agents to track them down and unravel the mystery behind their disappearance 30 years prior.

    Could be fun. Not the same old shit, anyway.

    Locke & Key, Nick Stahl co-stars with Miranda Otto. Locke & Key tells of Keyhouse, an unlikely New England mansion, with fantastic doors that transform all who dare to walk through them.... and home to a hate-filled and relentless creature that will not rest until it forces open the most terrible door of them all...!


    NBC has a ton of stuff in development due to needing to fill almost all of its timeslots again this year, and therefore a sizeable list of hopeful sounding shows and more than a few that sound like entertaining train wrecks. Desperation seems to be spurring creativity or at least insanity.

    The Dark Tower. Eerie, dreamlike, set in a world that is weirdly related to our own, The Gunslinger introduces Roland Deschain of Gilead, of In-World that was, as he pursues his enigmatic antagonist to the mountains that separate the desert from the Western Sea.

    Cmon, Viggo Mortensen!!! :bolian:

    Mars Direct. Drama about a mission to the red planet.

    I liked the premise when it was called Beyond. That never surfaced but I'm perennially hopeful.

    Odd Jobs. Michael Emerson and Terry O'Quinn. Who cares what it's about?

    Sand Men, drama that revolves around members of an elite squad, sleep and nightmare division, who enter peoples' dreams to confront their nightmares.

    It's Inception-the-TV-series!


    Blood & Chrome, takes place in the 10th year of the first Cylon war. As the battle between humans and their creation, a sentient robotic race, rages across the 12 colonial worlds, a brash rookie viper pilot enters the fray. Ensign William Adama, barely in his 20's and a recent Academy graduate, finds himself assigned to the newest battlestar in the Colonial fleet... the Galactica. The talented but hot-headed risk-taker soon finds himself leading a dangerous top secret mission that, if successful, will turn the tide of the decade long war in favor of the desperate fleet.

    Just don't frak up casting young Adama, and this will be great! So say me all! :bolian:

    Contenders for the Title of "Worst TV idea ever":

    Guardians (NBC)- Comedy about guardian angels posing as Starbucks baristas in an effort to help customers improve their lives.

    Why do product placement when the show itself can be a commercial? :rommie:

    Ball & Chain
    (SyFy) - After months of emotional tumult, Edgar and Mallory call their relationship quits. As they say their final goodbyes, the ex-lovers are nearly hit by a meteorite that, it turns out, imbues them with extraordinary powers. Unfortunately, the powers only work when they are in close proximity to each other.

    Biggest WTF Premise:

    Vines (NBC) - Drama about a troubled family desperate for a fresh start that takes over a napa valley winery whose ancient vines possess dangerous mystical powers.

    This-I-Gotta-See Department:

    Rest (NBC), a pulse-pounding sci-fi thriller that tells the tale of a white-collar new yorker whose life changes when he becomes addicted to a drug that prevents him from falling asleep. Starring Milo Ventimiglia.

    All he needs to do is reprise his performance from Gamer, and it's a guaranteed hit! :rommie:

    Stupid-Sounding Idea That Could Be Surprisingly Cool Department:

    Zombies Vs. Vampires, (NBC) series about two cops - one of which is secretly a vampire - assigned to a squad specifically formed to deal with "zombie crime."

    The other one is a secret zombie!!! You heard it hear first!!!!! :p
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2011
  11. Jack Bauer

    Jack Bauer Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 12, 1999
    Jack Bauer
    Hollywood Reporter

  12. Bob The Skutter

    Bob The Skutter Complete Arse Cleft In Memoriam

    Jul 12, 2001
    Bob The Skutter
    That Guardians sounds similar to Eternal Law that ITV are doing, in so much as it's Angels coming to Earth to help people and taking on normal jobs.
  13. Jack Bauer

    Jack Bauer Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 12, 1999
    Jack Bauer
    Santiago Cabrera joins "Alcatraz"

  14. bigdaddy

    bigdaddy Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 19, 2007
    Space Massachusetts
    Where does Fox think these shows will fit into their schedule? They seem to have a lot of dramas being made for a network that doesn't have room for them.

    They need a couple of comedies for Tuesday and maybe Wednesday, and that's about it.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2011
  15. Jax

    Jax Admiral Admiral

    Jun 21, 2003
    The Universe.
    yeh FOX has little room and some of these shows would of been better waiting another year...

    House will most likely end after the 8th season because well Hugh's contract is up, the ratings are down and I don't see the staff wanting a 9th season.

    Bones is undergoing contract talks at the moment from what I hear and it might not be going smoothly. The show is so stable but struggles in the key ad demo's so I don't see it going for years and years. I could see Bones ending after 7 next year esepcially if FOX wants to do the spinoff, which so far has seemed to be MIA.

    Fringe will either die this year or next and FOX has not sorted out a full time replacement for 24 yet with The Chicago Code next up to try.
  16. bigdaddy

    bigdaddy Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 19, 2007
    Space Massachusetts

    It seems Fox is just trying to make shows, tons of shows and just throw them out there and hoping one sticks to replace the dieing benchmarks of their older, dying shows. Even if the ratings for Bones and House are great or stable they will end sometime within the next few years and Fox has nothing to replace them.

    It's the same problem ABC has, all their hit shows are getting older.

    The House creator jokingly was talking about a "Threes Company" spinoff with House, Cuddy and Wilson. I think he has his mind set on some type of spinoff instead of just coming up with another hit show. Fox might want a House spinoff or House to continue, but I don't see Hugh Laurie going on with the show forever. i don't think he will be running a bar after his wife and friends die.

    At this point all I'm hoping for is Fox to give the Fringe writers warning and at least 13 episodes to close up shop. it's clear the machine is coming up this season and a final set of episodes can really make the show a great 4 season sci-fi show.

    I'm still hoping Terra Nova fails. It will be a two night event in May, and I hope no one shows up for the second night. :lol: I mean really "a typical family travels back through time", what is typical about that?

    So maybe one of these lame sounding ideas they don't have room for will be the next big thing, otherwise I can see a season of House coming up were House is in a coma. :lol:
  17. Temis the Vorta

    Temis the Vorta Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Oct 30, 1999
    Most of those won't get picked up to pilot and the number that make it will depend on how many timeslots need to be filled by cancellations.

    USA picks up two shows that sound just like all their other shows.

    Oh well, their cookie cutter philosophy seems to be working out for them.

    NBC picks up Ron Moore's wizard-world pilot.

    It's a grown-up Harry Potter, except all the wizards whine and cry and ask themselves whether they deserve to live, or maybe they should just let the dragons eat them? I kid, I kid...it sounds promising enough. :D Who do we want as wizards? Ben Browder, Eric Stolz, Polly Walker, Allessandra Torresini and Alan Tudyk are at the top of my list. If only we could lure Zachary Quinto back to TV...
  18. bigdaddy

    bigdaddy Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 19, 2007
    Space Massachusetts
    I know, but still, they have several shows already that will probably get picked up, how many extra houses does Fox need? They have about 8 hours to fill (Because Friday is dead.), and they already have 6.5 hours full of shows that aren't going anywhere next fall. The only way for them to make room is if The X Factor fails, and let's be honest it won't.
  19. Temis the Vorta

    Temis the Vorta Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Oct 30, 1999
    Well, here's something to go with the sci fi cop shows and the supernatural cop shows: CBS has picked up a supernatural medical drama!

    Now all we need is a sci fi medical drama, a sci fi lawyer show and a supernatural lawyer show, and we'll be all set. :bolian:

    EDIT: Got another supernatural cop show: Faerborne (ugh horrible horrible title!)

    And here's another one of those shows that sound like a self-parody of TV:

    Last edited: Jan 21, 2011
  20. Starbreaker

    Starbreaker Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 19, 2001
    Birmingham, AL
    Loads of Pilot News

    NBC has picked up four pilots that sounds terrible:
    Wonder Woman
    Mann's World
    I Hate That I Love You

    Odd Jobs has been pushed back


    Lots of other boring sounding stuff from some other networks