Avengers 2 News, Rumors, Etc. Pictures until release...

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by Flying Spaghetti Monster, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. Turtletrekker

    Turtletrekker Admiral Admiral

    Aug 23, 2003
    Tacoma, Washington
    ^Me neither, but who would she play? She's a little short for Jessica Drew. Who else from Whedon's casts might be a good fit? Gina Torres would make a good Misty Knight.
  2. DWMarch

    DWMarch Captain Captain

    Nov 7, 2000
    British Columbia
    <death glare and golf clap>
  3. RoJoHen

    RoJoHen Awesome Admiral

    Apr 14, 2000
    QC, IL, USA
    Ms. Marvel!
  4. Duncan MacLeod

    Duncan MacLeod Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Feb 24, 2002
    New England
    Still too short. Mockingbird maybe.
  5. Procutus

    Procutus Admiral Admiral

    Feb 6, 2002
    Oak Island - under the Hatch
    Looking forward to what Joss will come up with. Although it's unlikely, I'd love it if Marvel decided to return to Cleveland to shoot some scenes.

  6. Captain Craig

    Captain Craig Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 7, 2003
    Sold. Nice thought there.

    I could see Summer Gleau as WASP but that's going to be up to Edgar Wright to cast.

    Eliza could be Jessica Drew I suppose, I mean everyone is over the fact that Hugh Jackman isn't 5'6" playing Wolverine. Other than that maybe Hellcat? But she's a super D-list Avenger character. Is Tigra any better an option? Lets just forego Eliza this time perhaps.
  7. Samurai8472

    Samurai8472 Admiral Admiral

    Mar 27, 2007

    "Cancelled Avengers series soars in DVD sales"

    "Wheadon Fans send shawarma's to tv studio"

    "Summer Glau to guest star on "Avengers" series"
  8. Kira's Mom

    Kira's Mom Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 26, 2001
    Kira's Mom is in Virginia
    :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream: No no no no. Not a fan of Mockingbird (AKA Mrs. Hawkeye) to begin with.
  9. DEWLine

    DEWLine Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Apr 27, 2003
    Ottawa, Canada
    Betting on SHIELD...
  10. Turtletrekker

    Turtletrekker Admiral Admiral

    Aug 23, 2003
    Tacoma, Washington
    They are actually divorced now. Hawkeye is currently dating Jessica Drew/Spider-Woman.
  11. Kira's Mom

    Kira's Mom Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 26, 2001
    Kira's Mom is in Virginia
    ^Wow. He gets around, doesn't he? :p
  12. Flying Spaghetti Monster

    Flying Spaghetti Monster Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 18, 2006
    Flying Spaghetti Western
  13. Skywalker

    Skywalker Admiral Admiral

    Feb 24, 2005
    No surprise at all.
  14. Flying Spaghetti Monster

    Flying Spaghetti Monster Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 18, 2006
    Flying Spaghetti Western
  15. Skywalker

    Skywalker Admiral Admiral

    Feb 24, 2005
    That means filming will probably start in early 2014. Plenty of time for Joss to get the script polished.
  16. Dream

    Dream Admiral Admiral

    Dec 2, 2001
    Derry, Maine
    I'm glad they aren't rushing into a sequel. They are going to do a few other movies first. Marvel actually cares about doing their comic movies right.

  17. Set Harth

    Set Harth Admiral Admiral

    Mar 10, 2010
    And just think, if we all work really hard for the next few years we'll probably be able to afford whatever format has been shoved down everyone's throats by 2015.
  18. Aldo

    Aldo Admiral Admiral

    Jan 4, 2003
    Hyrule Castle
    I would hope Blu-Ray would stick around for a while. Considering I'm just now starting to adopt it.
  19. DevilEyes

    DevilEyes Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 9, 2009
    basking in the warmth of the Fire Caves
    Meanwhile, Avengers 2 shows Hawkeye dealing with PTSD after having been kidnapped and mind-controlled by Loki, while Captain America is still having serious problems adjusting to the life in the 21st century environment and starts going off the rails a bit. Some fans greet this as a great example of gritty, psychologically realistic storytelling, but others, who have previously lauded The Avengers as better than Nolan's Batman trilogy because "superheroes movies are supposed to be fun", now declare that the franchise has become too glum and depressing and "jumped the shark". To make things worse, it turns out that Bruce still has problems controlling his Hulk transformations and has to deal with his rage issues, while Tony does something really self-centered and he and Pepper temporarily break up. A bunch of fans get really pissed off and complain that this makes no sense since they had already dealt with those problems in the previous movie, and that this means Bruce will never have problems controlling Hulk, while Tony has overcome his character flaws, and that Joss just does this to create unnecessary drama and because he can't let characters be happy. If any of the characters die in the movie, this seals the deal and it's proclaimed that Joss is up to his old tricks. On the other hand, of the new fans unfamiliar with Joss' previous work declare that there's no way that the guy who made the first movie is someone who's into dark, depressing storylines, screwed-up characters and heartbreak, so they conclude that Joss was probably too busy developing the Avengers TV show and that it's one of other people working on the movie who's to blame.

    In the meantime, in the new Thor movie, Thor manages to get Loki to start reforming. He appears at some point in the Avengers movie as a somewhat of an ambiguously good-ish guy, to the delight of many Loki fans who wants to see him redeemed, but a bunch of other fans declare that they liked him much better when he was evil, and that he's completely ruined now, since he now does nothing but whine about his parentage and about his brother and whether his father loved him enough. Which is completely different from the time when he was evil, when he was always whining about his parentage and his brother and whether his father loved him enough, but he somehow did it in a much cooler way. His redemption story is a bumpy road though, and he gets to do something bad on screen, which he feels bad about. Some Loki fans, enraged by this, declare that this is completely OOC since Loki has been good for a very long time, actually he was never actually that bad, and Joss and the people at Marvel just hate and don't understand his character. On the other hand, a bunch of fans declare that Loki's character is now forever ruined for them - he was so lovable when he was a genocidal maniac and when he was killing over 80 people over the space of two days, but now he's just disgusting.
  20. Aldo

    Aldo Admiral Admiral

    Jan 4, 2003
    Hyrule Castle
    Is it sad that every piece of that made complete sense to me?

    I remember a lot of those complaints during Season 6 of Buffy.