Iron Man 3 Discussion/Photos/ETC.

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by captcalhoun, Oct 31, 2011.

  1. Captain Craig

    Captain Craig Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 7, 2003
    You beat me to it just slightly.

    I think it highly indicates an appearance by the Mandarin.
  2. Timby

    Timby The stoicism of the true warrior Administrator

    May 28, 2001
    I cannot imagine any major studio, especially Disney, releasing a movie in 2013 with a villain named "Mandarin." In any event, Shane Black is on the record as believing The Mandarin to be a racist caricature.
  3. Dream

    Dream Admiral Admiral

    Dec 2, 2001
    Derry, Maine
    It will only be racist if that is how the writers decide to depict the character. The writers can modernize the character while keeping some elements like the rings and being a leader of a terrorist organization. They don't even need to call him Mandarin. Just call him Gene Khan. Problem solved. Vanko wasn't called Whiplash even once in the second movie.

    I think it will be very disappointing if we never get the Robert Downey Jr version of Iron Man going up against his archenemy the Mandarin even once from the comics. IM3 is looking more like it is going to be RDJ's last IM movie.

    I'm still annoyed we never got to see the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man go up against the Lizard which was being built up from the second movie. Instead we got that crappy Spider-Man 3.
  4. Turtletrekker

    Turtletrekker Admiral Admiral

    Aug 23, 2003
    Tacoma, Washington
    According to this article, the man has a faint tattoo of the Ten Rings symbol on his neck. Unfortunately, I'm on my work computer, so while I can get the text of the article, I can't see any of the pics provided. Therefore, I can't confirm if they provide any photgraphic evidence. Someone else wanna check?
  5. Skywalker

    Skywalker Admiral Admiral

    Feb 24, 2005
    Neither of the first two movies actually gave their villains nicknames outright. Stane said that he and Tony were "iron mongers" in IM1, but neither Whiplash nor Crimson Dynamo (Vanko was an amalgamation of both characters) were even alluded to in IM2. If the villain in IM3 does turn out to be the Mandarin, I imagine they'll do the same thing with him.
  6. nvek86

    nvek86 Commander Red Shirt

    May 25, 2005
    Doesn't whoever is authorizing film releases in China have quite a big problem with Chinese bad guys? I'm pretty sure The Dark Knight wasn't released there because of the sub-plot with Lau and I think the third Pirates of the Caribbean film had to cut out pretty much every scene with the Chinese pirate lord to get a release.
    So, actually a Chinese co-producer might make the Mandarin less likely.
  7. Set Harth

    Set Harth Admiral Admiral

    Mar 10, 2010
  8. trekkiebaggio

    trekkiebaggio Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 20, 2004
    Dancing to the Jailhouse Rock
    Even if it's not Mandarin I just hope the villain isn't someone who uses a variant of the Iron Man suit again.
  9. Saga

    Saga Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 6, 2008
  10. captcalhoun

    captcalhoun Admiral Admiral

    Apr 29, 2005
    there's still Titanium Man, Crimson Dynamo, Ghost, Firepower and a few others left to use yet!
  11. Captaindemotion

    Captaindemotion Admiral Admiral

    May 26, 2001
  12. Captain Craig

    Captain Craig Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 7, 2003
    Clarification of how Stark-centric this film will be.
  13. davejames

    davejames Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 6, 2001
    Sac, Ca
    Even with all those extra characters, the last movie was still curiously lacking in action. Only three main action sequences, and one of them being a ridiculous drunken face-off between Stark and Rhodes.

    I don't need non-stop action in my superhero movies, but I at least need more than THAT.
  14. Captaindemotion

    Captaindemotion Admiral Admiral

    May 26, 2001
    ^ Yeah, for me, very little worked in that movie. As you say, one of the main action scenes was that annoying drunken face off, then you had Tony and War Machine blowing up Mickey Rourke in about 30 seconds. And great actors like Rourke, Cheadle and Sam Rockwell getting sod all to do.

    I do have faith that the writer of Lethal Weapon, Last Boy Scout and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang can give us action and character.
  15. Timby

    Timby The stoicism of the true warrior Administrator

    May 28, 2001
    The Robot Rock fight was the only part of Iron Man 2 that meant anything to me. It's a great sequence. Stark says "fuck it, I'm going nuts," and finally Rhodes steps up in a vain effort to stop him. People complain about how the whole "Demon in a Bottle" story hasn't been part of a movie, but the Robot Rock sequence is a beautiful allegory for what happens between an addict and the people around that addict: They both destroy their surroundings, with the addict initiating the aggression in a misguided attempt at defense while everyone else (represented by Rhodes) are screaming FOR FUCK'S SAKE STOP IT -- note how essentially all the action on that scene is one hit from Stark, followed by one hit from Rhodes -- and all of it is escalating as both sides battle with increasingly less legitimate responses ... and finally those supporters / sponsors / observers can't do anything but fight, until they reach a point when it's time to leave and let the addict -- Stark -- figure things out on his own. Robot Rock is Stark hitting rock bottom, to use the phraseology of addiction treatment. He's literally sitting on his ass, and his confidants have left him because he can't pull his head out of his ass. This isn't exactly a loosely gained reading of the film from some random elements, either.

    I'm not a huge fan of Iron Man 2 outside of that scene and Sam Rockwell being, well, Sam Rockwell, but Robot Rock is one of the deepest scenes in the entire Marvel film canon, which is remarkable, considering that almost every Marvel Studios film is a two-hour commercial for The Avengers.
  16. captcalhoun

    captcalhoun Admiral Admiral

    Apr 29, 2005
    my favourite bit of IM2 is still Widow kicking all kinds of ass and Happy fighting one guy.

    followed by the drone fight.
  17. davejames

    davejames Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 6, 2001
    Sac, Ca
    The idea behind it was good, but unfortunately the sight of Tony stumbling around drunk and pulling dance moves in the Iron Man suit was just so ridiculous that it undercut the entire sequence for me.

    Maybe if the surrounding movie had been a lot stronger, I would have been okay with it. But it's one of the few times we see him in the suit and he's acting like a complete idiot the whole time.

    Plus I just don't think the entire addict/blood poisoning storyline really worked that well at all in the movie. It felt way too forced and awkward.

    Same here. It was nothing but a bunch of elaborate fight choreography in a hallway, but it was still more thrilling than any of the actual Iron Man scenes in the movie.
  18. Captaindemotion

    Captaindemotion Admiral Admiral

    May 26, 2001
  19. Admiral_Young

    Admiral_Young Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 27, 2002
    He and Pepper weren't dating in the first place in the films remember? Just the teasing and the romantic tension between them. I'm very excited about the direction this film is going in so far and the cast has the potential to be the most star studded of any Marvel Studios film so far (including Avengers). I believe that Jessica Chastain will be either Maya Hensen or the MCU version of that character (some adaptation of her). It is pretty clear to me based on the casting so far that Shane Black is adapting Extremis. The casting of Guy Pearce pretty much convinced me this is the direction he is going in which makes me very excited for "Iron Man 3".
  20. Captaindemotion

    Captaindemotion Admiral Admiral

    May 26, 2001
    ^ I got the impression that by the end of IM2 they'd gotten it together,