TUC -- how it should've ended.


Kirk enters Spock's quarters. Spock lays on his bunk, staring out at an overhead porthole, contemplative, meditative. They start discussing previous events and prejudices. Then the subject switches over to personal and command accountability, where Kirk states that Spock was responsible for no one's actions but his own.

Spock: That is not what you said at your trial.

Kirk: Well, that was as captain of the Enterprise. Human beings--

Spock: But as we both know, I am not human.

Kirk: You wanna know something, Spock? Everyone's human.

Spock: (raises an eyebrow) I find that remark-- insulting.
Kirk: You would've loved your own funeral then, Spock.

(ok...the space battle, the rescue of the Federation President, and the big good bye has all happened)

(cut to Kirk's quarters. Kirk has called up a video playback of Spock's funeral, years ago. We see the backs of Kirk's and Spock's heads in silhouette, ala MST3K as they watch the video.)

Kirk on screen: Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most-- human!

Spock's silhouetted head turns to look at Kirk.

Spock: If I were human, I believe my response would be: "You, sir, are a real bastard!"

Kirk enters Spock's quarters. Spock lays on his bunk, staring out at an overhead porthole, contemplative, meditative. They start discussing previous events and prejudices. Then the subject switches over to personal and command accountability, where Kirk states that Spock was responsible for no one's actions but his own.

Spock: That is not what you said at your trial.

Kirk: Well, that was as captain of the Enterprise. Human beings--

Spock: But as we both know, I am not human.

Kirk: You wanna know something, Spock? Everyone's human.

Spock: (raises an eyebrow) I find that remark-- insulting.
Kirk: You would've loved your own funeral then, Spock.

(ok...the space battle, the rescue of the Federation President, and the big good bye has all happened)

(cut to Kirk's quarters. Kirk has called up a video playback of Spock's funeral, years ago. We see the backs of Kirk's and Spock's heads in silhouette, ala MST3K as they watch the video.)

Kirk on screen: Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most-- human!

Spock's silhouetted head turns to look at Kirk.

Spock: If I were human, I believe my response would be: "You, sir, are a real bastard!"




An overhead porthole in his quarters?

Besides, I'd think Spock found out what was said at his funeral long before the time of TUC. And, I'd imagine he was touched by the words.
^ Agreed. Then you see a small tear roll down his cheek as the camera pans through the bulkheads to Kirks quarters to show him watching himself bang Orion chicks.
How TUC it should've ended.

Federation President
(dusting himself off): "Thank you Captain for saving my life."

Kirk: "Of course Mr. President, but there's one other thing."

Kirk busts the President across the mouth, sending him to the floor for a second time.

"That's for not lifting a finger when I was imprisoned by the Klingons."

Kirk, the entire bridge crew and all the assembled diplomats share a resounding laugh as we fade to credits.


TUC should have ended with the Enterprise heading 'out there' and mysteriously disappearing never to be seen again...
da da da...

At least then GENERATIONS would never had happened.
How TUC it should've ended.

Federation President
(dusting himself off): "Thank you Captain for saving my life."

Kirk: "Of course Mr. President, but there's one other thing."

Kirk busts the President across the mouth, sending him to the floor for a second time.

"That's for not lifting a finger when I was imprisoned by the Klingons."

Kirk, the entire bridge crew and all the assembled diplomats share a resounding laugh as we fade to credits.


I disagree, the president couldn't risk provoking a war with the Klingons by intervening. I am sure Kirk understood that. He almost said as much in the movie.