Looks like Netflix is interested in making a New Star Trek Show

The thing I like about Netflix is that my device auto plays the next episode. I don't know how they Blu Rays are, but the DVDs were sorely lacking in a Play All button, and going back and forth between the menus was tedious. It's a lot more convenient for me to play on there even though I have the DVDs. If they take it off at some point, I'll just switch back, but I hope they don't.
The thing I like about Netflix is that my device auto plays the next episode. I don't know how they Blu Rays are, but the DVDs were sorely lacking in a Play All button, and going back and forth between the menus was tedious. It's a lot more convenient for me to play on there even though I have the DVDs. If they take it off at some point, I'll just switch back, but I hope they don't.

Except for after every second or third episode where it asks you if you want to continue watching. Just as big of a pain in the ass, as I have to turn my PS3/4 controller back on.

TOS Blu's don't have a 'Play All', TNG Blu's do, can't speak for Enterprise.
Many BluRay's have a "Play All" feature now-a-days - Game of Thrones, Sons of Anarchy, etc. Can't remember how DVD's were. Probably didn't have quite a feature-rich menu capability that BluRay's do now.
I know the LOST DVD's had a play all. It was necessary for binge watching.

Except for after every second or third episode where it asks you if you want to continue watching. Just as big of a pain in the ass, as I have to turn my PS3/4 controller back on.

Yeah, I wish I could turn that off on my AppleTV, but still for me it's just one button, instead of several presses and then having to get up to change the disc. I know, first world problems, right? :D
Just as big of a pain in the ass, as I have to turn my PS3/4 controller back on.
You really wish you'd bought an XBONE /w Kinect 2.0 now. Right? RIGHT?!

Don't answer, I'm trolling you right now. Or am I? I guess if anything, I'm trolling Microsoft's Devices and Studios Group.
Just as big of a pain in the ass, as I have to turn my PS3/4 controller back on.
You really wish you'd bought an XBONE /w Kinect 2.0 now. Right? RIGHT?!

Don't answer, I'm trolling you right now. Or am I? I guess if anything, I'm trolling Microsoft's Devices and Studios Group.

I'm actually pretty happy with the PS4. Though the lack of games is frustrating. Pretty bad that the big game I'm waiting for is Grand Theft Auto V.
Government? Who said anything about the government? Paramount owns Trek. If they call something Trek, it's Trek, whether the fans like it or not.
just a question. but do you guys live your life in absolutes, or is it just on the internet? I find it hard to believe you can function in society with such a rigid point of view.
Believe it.

You don't know me, son. Save your puerile judgment for others who may potentially care.
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Believe it.

You don't know me, son. Save your puerile judgment for others who may potentially care.

Wow, aren't you quite the badass. :rommie:


Actually, since ownership of Trek is divided between Paramount and CBS (and viable Trek for a fan's purposes might well extend to such things as fan productions that haven't brought the lawyers swooping down), and of course fans are in fact perfectly free to form their judgments and consumption habits around what is Trek to them, wulfio is being non-crazy. But don't let that interrupt your bicep-flexing. :p
I haven't heard any news beyond that Netflix has been talking to people at CBS about a Star Trek series. Everything I've heard seems to indicate that CBS is happy right now milking out the content that it already owns and collecting the licensing fees from Paramount for the new movies. It is nice to know however that there are powerful people in the industry interested in returning Star Trek to the television.
I haven't heard any news beyond that Netflix has been talking to people at CBS about a Star Trek series.
I don't think even that's been confirmed.

Well back in June the word was that the Netflix had made some "overtures" to CBS but there was not much response and things didn't progress into formal negotiations.

