Star Trek Vanguard series

^That is by far one of the most ignorant posts i've ever read on this BBS. You should be ashamed of yourself. Generalizations like that have no place here.
^That is by far one of the most ignorant posts i've ever read on this BBS. You should be ashamed of yourself. Generalizations like that have no place here.

Guess you don't watch the news. Ever hear of Sharia Law? No I am not ashamed of myself, the Muslim community should be. Funny how you never hear of them taking a stand against such treatment of women, at least none that gets any news coverage.

^That is by far one of the most ignorant posts i've ever read on this BBS. You should be ashamed of yourself. Generalizations like that have no place here.

Guess you don't watch the news. Ever hear of Sharia Law?


I agree with Paris, hanging out down in the TNZ, there is some truly dipshit statements, but this takes the biscuit.

Islam is a massive religion and as multifaceted as Christianity and only a small proportion follow that form of laws.
^That is by far one of the most ignorant posts i've ever read on this BBS. You should be ashamed of yourself. Generalizations like that have no place here.

Guess you don't watch the news. Ever hear of Sharia Law? No I am not ashamed of myself, the Muslim community should be. Funny how you never hear of them taking a stand against such treatment of women, at least none that gets any news coverage.


Wow. That was even worse. By far one of the most intolerant attitudes i've ever observed from a trek fan. Maybe reading some non-politically skewed literature about Islam would help. Education is the best tool to combat ignorance.
^That is by far one of the most ignorant posts i've ever read on this BBS. You should be ashamed of yourself. Generalizations like that have no place here.

Guess you don't watch the news. Ever hear of Sharia Law?


I agree with Paris, hanging out down in the TNZ, there is some truly dipshit statements, but this takes the biscuit.

Islam is a massive religion and as multifaceted as Christianity and only a small proportion follow that form of laws.

Well you wouldn't know it by following news stories I apologize if I was too broad in my comments then. :(

Guess you don't watch the news. Ever hear of Sharia Law?


I agree with Paris, hanging out down in the TNZ, there is some truly dipshit statements, but this takes the biscuit.

Islam is a massive religion and as multifaceted as Christianity and only a small proportion follow that form of laws.

Well you wouldn't know if by following news stories I apologize if I was too broad in my comments then.


Dare I ask, which news media do you follow?
FOX News is not a news outlet. It's a corporate propaganda engine that intentionally falsifies information in order to promote its agenda. And CNN and MSNBC aren't much better these days. There was a survey showing that watching such networks has a negative impact on people's understanding of current events. Viewers of The Daily Show -- a satirical comedy program -- actually scored better on comprehension of current events than viewers of the networks you cited. In fact, viewers of FOX News, and in some cases MSNBC, understood current events less than people who watched no news at all. The most informative broadcast outlet was shown to be NPR.

Although all told, you're probably better off reading newspapers and news magazines, which can go into greater depth than broadcast journalism can. Better yet, if you want to learn the reality about a foreign culture, take a college course or find some books about them.

In fact, Muhammad was surrounded by strong women and had great respect for them. For much of history, women were freer and more equal in the Islamic world than they were in Christendom. The custom of veiling women probably originated in the Christian Byzantine Empire, adopted by choice by upper-class women who wished to differentiate themselves from concubines and prostitutes and gain the ability to move and participate freely in society without being defined by their sexuality. It actually originated, therefore, as a form of empowerment, and the Qur'anic exhortations about women covering their private parts (and the head, but not the face specifically) were accompanied by exhortations to men not to leer at women's bodies.

The ways in which certain extremist subsets of modern Islamic culture corrupt veiling into a tool for controlling and repressing women has more to do with the universal psychology of extremist cults than it does with Islamic law or doctrine. Just look at the way Tea Party politicians in the US talk about wanting to control and limit women's bodies in the name of traditional "Christian" values. It doesn't come from religion, it comes from controlling jerks twisting religion, any religion, into an excuse. And the entire religion should not be condemned for the way a certain faction has misrepresented its teaching, even if that faction does make enough noise to dominate "the news."
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In fact, Muhammad was surrounded by strong women and had great respect for them. For much of history, women were freer and more equal in the Islamic world than they were in Christendom. The custom of veiling women probably originated in the Christian Byzantine Empire, adopted by choice by upper-class women who wished to differentiate themselves from concubines and prostitutes and gain the ability to move and participate freely in society without being defined by their sexuality. It actually originated, therefore, as a form of empowerment, and the Qur'anic exhortations about women covering their private parts (and the head, but not the face specifically) were accompanied by exhortations to men not to leer at women's bodies.

The ways in which certain extremist subsets of modern Islamic culture corrupt it into a tool for controlling and repressing women has more to do with the universal psychology of extremist cults than it does with Islamic law or doctrine. Just look at the way Tea Party politicians in the US talk about wanting to control and limit women's bodies in the name of traditional "Christian" values. It doesn't come from religion, it comes from controlling jerks twisting religion, any religion, into an excuse. And the entire religion should not be condemned for the way a certain faction has misrepresented its teaching, even if that faction does make enough noise to dominate "the news."

We just have to remember God is interested in religious fruits (compassion, mercy, etc), and not religious nuts :p

The Shedai, the alien race in the books is it a computer program that is jumping through the network of artifacts or are they or it supposed to be something like Sargon where it is an alien mind, or something more along the lines of Losira in That Which Survives where the computer is just assuming the spirit of the long dead alien race? Do we get answers as the books progress?

I am about 2/3rds of the way through book 2.

^That is by far one of the most ignorant posts i've ever read on this BBS. You should be ashamed of yourself. Generalizations like that have no place here.

Guess you don't watch the news. Ever hear of Sharia Law?


I agree with Paris, hanging out down in the TNZ, there is some truly dipshit statements, but this takes the biscuit.

Islam is a massive religion and as multifaceted as Christianity and only a small proportion follow that form of laws.

You surprise me sometimes, Dimesdan. In a good way.

For what it's worth, I find the ignorance of many Westerners regarding Islam to be very annoying, on multiple levels. Particularly when it comes to gender and gender roles/gendered assumptions, but I'm not going to bother going into any of that.
Guess you don't watch the news. Ever hear of Sharia Law?


I agree with Paris, hanging out down in the TNZ, there is some truly dipshit statements, but this takes the biscuit.

Islam is a massive religion and as multifaceted as Christianity and only a small proportion follow that form of laws.

You surprise me sometimes, Dimesdan. In a good way.

For what it's worth, I find the ignorance of many Westerners regarding Islam to be very annoying, on multiple levels. Particularly when it comes to gender and gender roles/gendered assumptions, but I'm not going to bother going into any of that.

Well given what happened last time you decided to comment on such matters and the fact you decided to return, although just stay in the safety of Trek Lit, I think that's for the best don't you.

As for surprising you, I actually couldn't care less.

I prefer my news to be a lot more impartial.

No such thing. The mainstream news services are as swamped in selective bias and ideological assumptions as any non-mainstream source.

That is very true. You just have to pick out their bias.


Well lets just say, I'd rather pay attention to BBC News, Channel Four News or Al Jahzera than the rubbish attempt at news broadcasting Fox News is.
I agree with Paris, hanging out down in the TNZ, there is some truly dipshit statements, but this takes the biscuit.

Islam is a massive religion and as multifaceted as Christianity and only a small proportion follow that form of laws.

You surprise me sometimes, Dimesdan. In a good way.

For what it's worth, I find the ignorance of many Westerners regarding Islam to be very annoying, on multiple levels. Particularly when it comes to gender and gender roles/gendered assumptions, but I'm not going to bother going into any of that.

Well given what happened last time you decided to comment on such matters and the fact you decided to return, although just stay in the safety of Trek Lit, I think that's for the best don't you.

As for surprising you, I actually couldn't care less.

No such thing. The mainstream news services are as swamped in selective bias and ideological assumptions as any non-mainstream source.

That is very true. You just have to pick out their bias.


Well lets just say, I'd rather pay attention to BBC News, Channel Four News or Al Jahzera than the rubbish attempt at news broadcasting Fox News is.

Well those networks are just as biased in the other direction. Plus they are filled with a bunch of apologists and Al Jahzera is definitely propaganda its not news. People watch the news services that match up with their own point of view. It's good to watch a couple of them that you don't like because the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

^ Keep digging that hole, you may need to cool off soon given how far you've dug this evening.
I agree with Paris, hanging out down in the TNZ, there is some truly dipshit statements, but this takes the biscuit.

Islam is a massive religion and as multifaceted as Christianity and only a small proportion follow that form of laws.

You surprise me sometimes, Dimesdan. In a good way.

For what it's worth, I find the ignorance of many Westerners regarding Islam to be very annoying, on multiple levels. Particularly when it comes to gender and gender roles/gendered assumptions, but I'm not going to bother going into any of that.

Well given what happened last time you decided to comment on such matters and the fact you decided to return, although just stay in the safety of Trek Lit, I think that's for the best don't you.

Don't worry, Your Belligerence, I have no desire to put up with the ignorance, conservatism, hypocrisy and wilful blindness of the Trek BBS Miscellaneous community. Especially since they're unable to even comprehend something that challenges their ideological worldview and cultural preconceptions, no matter how many people try to reach them. They had their part to play in my life and I am, in various ways, both the richer for having been among them and for leaving them behind. So, yes, I prefer to stay here and discuss Trek novels in a light-hearted fashion - for the moment.