Vikings season 2 episodes discussions (spoilers inside, of course)_

Re: Vikings season 2 episodes discussions (spoilers inside, of course)

Chicks dig literacy.
Re: Vikings season 2 episodes discussions (spoilers inside, of course)

Man, every shot in tonight's episode was cinematic gold. GREAT cinematography in this show!
Re: Vikings season 2 episodes discussions (spoilers inside, of course)

It's on the History Channel. It's all just archival footage.
Re: Vikings season 2 episodes discussions (spoilers inside, of course)

Awesome. I didn't think they had color film yet in the 9th century.
Re: Vikings season 2 episodes discussions (spoilers inside, of course)

That's what Athelstan was illuminating earlier, the dailies from season one.
Re: Vikings season 2 episodes discussions (spoilers inside, of course)


I'm digging the music too. That's a big selling point in any series, and I've really enjoyed both seasons so far.
Re: Vikings season 2 episodes discussions (spoilers inside, of course)


I'm digging the music too. That's a big selling point in any series, and I've really enjoyed both seasons so far.

The music for last episode was great when they were leaving for England. A lot of season two has been using music by a Norwegian group, Wardruna.

Leaving the harbor was, Helvegen, I believe.

Re: Vikings season 2 episodes discussions (spoilers inside, of course)

Yep, I was just reading about them. :) Never heard of them before, unsurprisingly, but I've long had a love affair with Celtic style music, so I like what I've heard so far. I might buy their albums now. :lol:
Re: Vikings season 2 episodes discussions (spoilers inside, of course)

That's not at all representative of the music of the Northmen. Let me correct you misperception.

Re: Vikings season 2 episodes discussions (spoilers inside, of course)

Now that Horik has screwed things up by attacking Ethelwulf's men, the shit is sure to hit the fan. Ecbert will never talk now. I don't see how a peace can be reached. Maybe the marriage of Bjorn to a daughter of Ecbert's is the only way?

You know, everybody really does want to have Athelstan as their companion and/or play toy. Ragnar, Ecbert, princess slutbunny. He reminds me of Dylan Bates on "Bates Motel." :guffaw: The sheriff, the marijuana queen, Rob Ford...they all want him.
Re: Vikings season 2 episodes discussions (spoilers inside, of course)

I just came in here with the intent of posting the episode description from the cable guide as a lame excuse for bumping the thread, but I guess I don't have to do that now.... ;)

EDIT: OK, I'm having a hard time believing that Floki wants to kill Bjorn...I had suspicions before, now I'm calling it...Floki is Ragnar's inside man.

NEXT EDIT: Did you guys see the light in Slutbunny's eyes when the Vikings walked in? I think she's eager to learn about Thor's hammer, or whatever the appropriate metaphor is....

YET ANOTHER EDIT: Yeah, they're definitely setting up Horik for a fall...he's the new Jarl Borg.
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Re: Vikings season 2 episodes discussions (spoilers inside, of course)

So who wants to bang Athlestan more? Ragnar or Ecbert? Throw in the Mertha Princess and you can call it The War for Athlestan's ****.

Great episode with another fantastic battle scene. Hoping that Horik will get his very soon.

King Aelle is so King Not Robert Baratheon.
Re: Vikings season 2 episodes discussions (spoilers inside, of course)

I'm calling Athlestan kills Floki in the great hall with an axe....
Re: Vikings season 2 episodes discussions (spoilers inside, of course)

I think Floki might try to kill Bjorn, but accidentally take out Thora thus pissing off Bjorn but his love of Floki might keep him from killing Floki. This could set up a great rebound on Horrik for next season. Athelstan is back and the R&A bromance continues. With Rollo baptized, and Athelstan back after his suspicions and Ragnar hoping for their gods to be friends, could we have a conversion of convenience in the air next season? Like Rollo's baptism, many conversions in Denmark, where Ragnar's folks are based, came about as a way to deal with Christian culture moving north especially with the success of Charlemagne's empire. Very cool episode and a viper of a villain still in the midst for our heroes in the presence of Horrik. Lastly, Aella's face when Ecbert proposed exchanging him as hostage, priceless. Well played, bathtub man, well played.
Re: Vikings season 2 episodes discussions (spoilers inside, of course)

So who wants to bang Athlestan more? Ragnar or Ecbert? Throw in the Mertha Princess and you can call it The War for Athlestan's ****.

LOL. When I saw the scene where King Ecbert goes to the room with the old Roman writings and finds Athlestan's cross and sees that he left...

The whole dynamic between him and Ragnar for Athlestan reminds me of some kind of Japanese comic aimed at girls where the main female char always seems to have the richest and handsome guys in the school fighting over her.
Re: Vikings season 2 episodes discussions (spoilers inside, of course)

I was a bit surprised that Athelstan went back when they were just setting up his gig with Ecbert, but I'm sure they have their plans....

I think that those who are speculating that Bjorn will be wed to Slutbunny may be onto something. He'll be torn between his true love for the ex-slave girl and duty to his people, and all that good stuff.
Re: Vikings season 2 episodes discussions (spoilers inside, of course)

Sorry, Floki's still pissing me off. He's not Ragnar's inside man. He's just an annoying religious zealot anymore. His quirky little mannerisms don't buy him any leeway anymore. I loved Ragnar calling him out when he was questioning Athelstan's trustworthiness.

Athelstan really needs to get laid. Little Miss freed slave might be a good match once Bjorn has to go marry princess Slutbunny. :lol:
Re: Vikings season 2 episodes discussions (spoilers inside, of course)

Sorry, Floki's still pissing me off. He's not Ragnar's inside man. He's just an annoying religious zealot anymore. His quirky little mannerisms don't buy him any leeway anymore. I loved Ragnar calling him out when he was questioning Athelstan's trustworthiness.

Athelstan really needs to get laid. Little Miss freed slave might be a good match once Bjorn has to go marry princess Slutbunny. :lol:
Floki's turn around is hard to follow, I think a case could be made that it started when they came back from Wessex to save Ragnar's family. He was all flaked out, thinking Thor had raised the storms to destroy the boats. He might have taken that as an omen for abandoning Horrik like they did. Ragnar's later concern bing greater for Athelstan than Horrik and company further distanced him and Siggy noticed it and put the bug in Horrik's ear to work on Floki and add distrust of Ragnar on top of it. Sure, he's a psycho, but the series has put material there to have a reason for Floki's change of heart, but it is subtle and also the time jumps from week to week further not seeing why he's changing so overnight from the perspective of the audience.
Re: Vikings season 2 episodes discussions (spoilers inside, of course)

Floki is associated with Loki...a trickster, a lord of lies...and who is he currently in the best position to trick/lie to? Horik. The jealous of Ragnar angle just came out of nowhere too suddenly.
Re: Vikings season 2 episodes discussions (spoilers inside, of course)

That's true. I'd forgotten about Floki believing that Thor raised the storms. Still, though, my own personal dislike for religious zealots is not endearing Floki to me. Ragnar, Athelstan, King Ecbert...they all seek knowledge and ask questions about the gods and wonder why they can't co-exist or "be friends" as Ragnar wistfully opined. None are so rigid that they cannot learn. Floki seems rigid, just like Horrik, who is obviously using Floki's religious fervor to turn him against Ragnar.

Reminds me of the tea party using the evangelical faithful here in the States to advance their own political agenda even though we all know damn good and well that Wall Street and the Koch brothers aren't "good Christians." :lol: Floki is the god and guns voter of the Viking age. :guffaw: