Now THIS woman is a WONDER!

Interesting. It certainly seems to fit in with the 'dark and gritty' take that DC films tend to lean toward recently.
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I know a lot of people dislike that Snyder ramping effect, but I think it suits comic-book style quite well. Just needs a bit more...heft. I'd rather that than Bourne shakey-cam.
THIS WW could bring me back to the franchise. :)
Really, I thought this was lame, the fight scene in the empty city was boring, the "amazons" in the white dresses a joke because all they did was staring and handing Diana weapons. Their job seemed to be to look pretty while the giants were approaching when they should have been seen screaming for armor and long range weapons.

This trailer was abolutely boring and nothing about the character portrayed said Wonder Woman, it was just a random strong chick in a skimpy costume, they could have called the trailer Xena and it wouldn't have made a difference, it was way too generic.
When I saw this vid, it was 17 hours old and over 400000 viewers had beat me to it. Now its about 24 hours old and nearly a million have seen it.

Sounds like I'm not the only person interested in a WW movie. :)

Not sure why C.E. thinks the uniform is too Xena-esque. Too dark/not shiny enough?

I liked the fact that they kept the tiara, the "bracelets", the lasso, and the (?) 1980's reboot "ability to fly" (and really liked her not needing Hermes sandals to do it.) I can do without the bright blue panties with white stars. ;)

Takeru... I think the Amazons weren't busy calling for armor and long range weapons because they had all they needed to defeat the Minotaurs. Defiance and Diana throwing one wicked sharp lance. :bolian:

The empty city on fire, the metal sign with its burning "paint" all signify to me that the shit has truly hit the fan and THAT has called Diana from her island home to find out what has happened to the world and what she might do to help save it.

Hey... its fan made... its not the actual movie. But maybe it will get someone busy, trying to reimagine a 21st century WW.

It worked for BSG. :)

I nominate Lucy Lawless for Hippolyta. :p
It's visually stunning, the actress looks the part and I loved the music, but I also agree with some of the comments in AvBaur's blog…

It looks like a video game...
Looks like a commercial to make fanboys buy perfume for their girlfriends.

EAU DE THEMISCYRA: The Essence of the Amazon.

Now the costume... It's the second best live-action version I've seen to date. I like that they're not trying too hard to cover her in too much armor. Some fans think that her outfit is too revealing and feel the need to call for a lot of fooball gear and stuff. And strangely enough, this version of the bustier looks like something that won't slip off by accident because of that W chest plate design.
Not sure why C.E. thinks the uniform is too Xena-esque. Too dark/not shiny enough?
Too "Gladiator," as if she's stuck in ancient times and unable to really adapt to the present or to the modern world. I'd rather see a live-action Wonder Woman in pants instead of a Xena skirt as nuDC initially planned to do before they chickened out.

Or even something more like this (a compromise):
Yeah, it's well produced and everything, but I don't see how this is "proof" that WW is viable as a movie. I mean, sure, they came up with a costume design that is both faithful to the source material and works from a practical standpoint....but that's about it.

I think my main problem is how Diana and the Amazons are type-cast as a race of shampoo advert supermodels. Yes they should be attractive, but in a more athletic way. You know, like they're physically able to be bronze age warriors!

Maybe it's just me, but I think JMS's attempted comic reboot from a few years back would actually work quite well as the setup for either a movie or a TV series. Indeed, I can't help but wonder if he had one eye on exactly that when he came up with the concept. In an odd way it's almost like a DC comics version of 'Once Upon a Time' way of 'The Walking Dead'...with a little 'Constantine' thrown in.